This story is clearly being ignored by the press (just check out Google News), yet the British media seems to be reporting it: Guardian, Telegraph, Independent. You can read the entire article here or the summary below from a buried AP feed:

Three Guantanamo Bay detainees whose deaths were ruled a suicide in 2006 apparently had been transported from their cells hours before their deaths to a secret site on the island, an article in Harper’s magazine asserts.

The account released Monday raises serious questions about whether the three detainees actually died by hanging themselves in their cells and suggests the U.S. government is covering up details of what precisely happened in the hours before the deaths on the night of June 9, 2006.

Harper’s reported that the deaths of the three detainees, or the events that led directly to their deaths, most likely occurred at a previously undisclosed facility a mile or so from the main Guantanamo Bay prison complex.

Harper’s based much of its account on interviews with several prison guards who said they knew of the existence of the ”black” site and that they saw three detainees removed from Camp Delta several hours before the deaths were reported and said the prisoners were transported in a white van toward the secret site.

Those who knew of the black facility referred to it as ”Camp No,” reported the magazine, quoting Army Sgt. Joe Hickman, one of the guards. Anyone who asked if the black site existed would be told, ”No, it doesn’t,” the magazine reported, quoting Hickman. The article will be published in the magazine’s March issue.

  1. tcc3 says:

    {sarcasm} So whats the problem? If its ok to torture them to suit our NatSec needs, then it should be ok to suicide them as a warning to others for getting in Uncle Sams way.

    Its not like they were people or something. Only citizens are people.

    {end sarcasm}

  2. jman says:

    meh….they should have died in combat and there would have been a lot less stupid liberals falling over themselves to give them the rights of US citizens

  3. McCullough says:

    #2. So….you’re good with murder? Just checking. Always good to know where a MAN stands.

  4. Skeptic says:

    Every death in the war on terror should have a full governmental investigation.

  5. RTaylor says:

    If you took a poll I believe, by a large majority, Americans would vote to just shoot all the detainees. Justice is an artificial concept, just a nicer word for revenge. It’s defined by those in power. You want to try some Roman Emperor justice? Pax Romanus anyone?

  6. Phydeau says:

    #5 Here’s a prime example of a terrorized American. Scared into doing stupid things by a few scruffy radicals with box cutters.

    Congratulations RTaylor — Osama would be proud of you.

    Terrorists cannot destroy America. They can only scare America into destroying itself.

  7. jman says:


    you’ve heard of war right? if the other guy is trying to kill you or blow you up he is fair game…..get them before they get you….. any of this ring a bell?

    i said on the battlefield, they should have sent them to allah there rather than capturing them.

  8. freddybobs68k says:

    #7 jman

    You’re trying to race them to the bottom.

    Here’s a clue – the bottom isn’t a great place to be.

  9. freddybobs68k says:

    And they are going to beat you there every time.

  10. MikeN says:

    This is horrible. Rope costs money.

  11. algoreisacrook says:


  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Yes, they commited suicide by pressing their throats on the officer’s hands.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    “evidence that suggests the current administration failed to investigate seriously—and may even have continued—a cover-up of the possible homicides of three prisoners at Guantánamo in 2006.”

    This will go nowhere.

  14. McCullough says:

    #7. Yes I have heard of war. Question is have you heard of war crime? Geneva Convention, ring any bells? By your skewed logic, it would be OK for them to kill our POW’s.


  15. Dallas says:

    They were given a spoon. They can do anything they want with it.

  16. honeyman says:

    Clearly radical militant Muslims don’t have a monopoly on being sadistic vicious murderers. Seems that some of our dear readers want to see Americans act similarly. Perhaps its the inherent danger of taking Jack Bauer as a role model.

  17. jman says:


    ummm hate to break it to you but they do kill our POW’s and they behead them on video. Sorry you have to hear about it this way

  18. Bob says:

    14, I am not saying I agree with everything jman has said, but to be fair, the biggest reason we treat enemy prisoners via the geneeva convention is so that they will treat our prisoners the same.

    The problem here, is that you have one side that routinely puts their prisoners on cameras and cuts off their heads with a dull knifes, and other frankly horrible ways to die.

    I have to say, at that point all bets are off. I don’t really care much for their prisoners. Sure I won’t go and start cutting off their heads, but I won’t lose any sleep at water-boarding them to get information from them that will save lives.

    I would say keep their prisoners alive, but put them on military trial to determine their long term fate. I would not give them the same rights as citizens, thats for sure.

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    What’s the problem? Somewhere these three departed Islamic gentlemen are making a lot of virgins very happy.

    Everybody wins.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    I demand a truth commission about Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and torture.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    Most of the Guantanamo prisoners are not prisoners of war. Very few of them were actually captured on the battlefield. Most were kidnapped by Afghan War Lords or rivals. Some were arrested by civil authority, others were snatched by Allied forces.

    That makes them civilian prisoners and are due all the protections and rights of any civilian prisoner.

    Of course the wing nuts hate the American Constitution and the Due Process Clause. I guess, they just hate America.

  22. deowll says:

    Since this story amounts to gossip and speculation I think I’ll leave it.


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