1. smartalix says:

    The sad fact is that the Democrats have neither spines nor brains, and the GOP has neither hearts nor souls. We are screwed either way. Morons on one side and vampires on the other.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Remember, Massachusetts voted a Republican for governor, and that worked out pretty good.

    So, possibly voting for a centrist Republican who is in touch with the people is better than a Democrat who is an out-of touch elitist.

  3. Phydeau says:

    #3 There is nothing “centrist” about today’s Republican party. It’s the party of torture, of spying without warrants, of starting wars based on bogus information, of tax cuts for the rich, of huge deficits. That’s all pretty radical.

    #1 You nailed it smartalix. The only thing the Republican party has going for it is the gutless Democratic party.

    This election in MA is a prime example. The Republicans threaten filibuster on the healthcare bill, so the Democrats lard it up with sweetheart deals for big corporations to try to win the R’s approval. Then the R’s criticize the D’s for having a bill full of sweetheart deals for big corporations!

    The R’s have no hearts or souls, but they have lots of balls, that’s for sure.

  4. The Aberrant says:

    Yup. Stewart speaks the Gospel truth, what can I say.

  5. Robart says:

    My political analysis: The Republicans want this election to be an indictment of health care reform and Obama (assuming Coakley looses) and the Dems want this to be an indictment of Coakley’s campaigning ineptitude. Stewart is part of the latter.

    Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right…..

  6. MikeN says:

    Republicans are playing chess, really?

  7. MikeN says:

    >so the Democrats lard it up with sweetheart deals for big corporations to try to win the R’s approval.

    So that’s why they did it. Then when they didn’t get the R’s approval, why didn’t they take it out? Harry Reid was the last person doing the amendments, putting in precisely what he wanted to get the votes he needed.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    #8, They didn’t do it for the R’s. They did it to get those corporate donations.

    Anyone who says different is trying to justify the offense.

  9. MikeN says:

    SNL mocked Sarah Palin as I can see Russia from my house. Have they done anything with a candidate who defends her foreign policy experience as I have a sister who lives overseas, and she’s been in England and now lives in the Middle East.

    What about misspelling Massachusetts?
    Saying Curt is a Yankees fan?

    What’s that, she’s a Democrat so assumed smart?

  10. Phydeau says:

    #8, #9 True, they did it for the corporate donations. And so the Republicans wouldn’t filibuster.

    I predict that the corporations will pull in the reins on their Republican pets and let this pass. It’s a goldmine for them now anyway. It’ll pass without any Republican votes, so the Republicans will be able to blame the Democrats when it becomes obvious how the American people are getting screwed. And in the next election, they’ll be able to paint the Democrats as being in debt to the special interests (while conveniently forgetting to mention that the R’s are even more). Big win for the big corporate interests and the Republicans. Big loss for the Democrats and the average American.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #11, If it is so obvious, why are the D’s going ahead with it?

    Surely they see the donations will only get them so far.

  12. Phydeau says:

    #12 Personally, I think it’s about “winning” and “losing” now. The D’s said they were going to push thru a bill, so by god they’re going to do it now, even though it’s nothing like what they originally said they were going to do.

    I am personally hoping that it fails. Having nothing is better than having something that gives away our tax dollars directly to corporate profits.

  13. bac says:

    The democrats seem to be trying their best to rank lower than the current republicans. Republicans are acting like bimbo blondes getting strategic advise from the horoscopes and the democrats are acting like zoned out hippies sniffing glue and quoting Dick & Jane Novels to seem intelligent.

    The founding fathers would probably leave the country or commit suicide if they were a live today.

    One thing for sure, there is no chess playing involved.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    #13, I think I have to agree with you.

    They have making the same mistake the R’s did when Newt took charge — do what the other party does to get the voters.

    It’s going to backfire for them, too.

  15. bob says:

    Phydeaux, I love your posts, really I do. You are something special. Reason-impermeable, with godlike insight into the motivations of others, and (in your mind) opposed by SOULLESS ZOMBIES!

    Wow. That’s really something.

    You are SO brave! Keep those soulless fools at bay! Remember not to go to sleep, I am sure they are waiting outside your window right now, with the blood of innocents dripping down their chins, ready to pounce as soon as your awesome and insightful vigilance flags in the slightest. Or maybe they’re under your bed, or in the closet.

    Better check!

    Good luck!

  16. he_who_must_not_be_flamed says:

    I remember something my Grandfather an old Voodoo priest from Haiti used to tell me.
    “When there is no more room left in Hell, The dead will walk the earth….and vote Democrat.”

  17. Rabble Rouser says:

    I can’t think of one Republican who plays chess. Surely Sarah Palin doesn’t.

    This guy running for Teddy’s old seat is a real dirtbag. First he said that Obama is a bastard (in the true sense of the word), then he says it’s okay to rape his rival. I surely hope he loses.

  18. Phydeau says:

    #16 Uh… thanks for sharing Bob. Have you been playing a lot of Left 4 Dead lately? Just wondering. 🙂

    #15 I don’t know — maybe they’re just more in debt to the big money boys than they want to admit, so they really can’t do anything much different from the Republicans. They have the same bosses.

  19. jman says:


    way to make pull lies out of your ass


    please explain why nobody on the internet knows the difference between
    “loose” and “lose”

    seriously nobody uses it right

    Coakley will loose tonight

  20. jccalhoun says:

    SNL mocked Sarah Palin as I can see Russia from my house. Have they done anything with a candidate who defends her foreign policy experience as I have a sister who lives overseas, and she’s been in England and now lives in the Middle East.
    One is running for national election and the other is running for state election.
    Personally I don’t care who Massachusetts elects.

  21. bobbo, had about enough of politics says:

    The story here is more complicated than most. Fun to get into.

    Course, the base foundation for it all is the gross stupidity of the American Electorate.

    Where did I just read the reference to Pogo? The Rupture can’t come too soon.

  22. bobbo, had about enough of politics says:

    #20–Jman==Keith Olberman showed tape of whats his name saying all those things. Not as directly as the bald statement, but certainly meaning exactly that in context.

    My favorite tatoo: Born To Loose.

  23. MikeN says:

    I don’t think the Democrats will touch the ‘shove a curling iron up her butt’ comment, made by a Brown supporter, with Brown laughing.
    This is because the comment refers to a prosecution that Coakley was in charge of in which a cop raped his niece and gave lenient treatment.

  24. The0ne says:

    One of the funniest piece by Daily Show 🙂 What’s also so funny is how Stewart is acting so pissed because of it instead of his usual Republican antics 😀 Still, it’s awesome to see Demo bashed from time to time to keep things in perspective.

    I seriously need to dumb down so I can run for office. That’s where the money is apparently.

  25. JScott says:

    All you can say to this piece is wow. For Democrats, success is like a wet bar of soap. Clearly, no majority is big enough. If they had dealt with Lieberman when he campaigned against them a year ago instead of impotently whining, maybe he would have felt some pressure to support them on health-care instead of killing any real reforms and filibustering long enough for them to lose the 60 votes before they could call a vote. Dems simply can’t get it done. Sad.

  26. jescott418 says:

    The sad part is that the American people have lost hope with Congress and that is both parties. I almost think a party system is bad.
    It draws too many lines and becomes stagnant and ineffective. We need people elected that can work together and come to the middle ground. It is why we are so unhappy with government. All we get is left or right politics.

  27. Robart says:

    “please explain why nobody on the internet knows the difference between
    “loose” and “lose””

    Lol….in this case I’m pleading Freudian slip.

  28. highaman says:

    PLEASE DAVE! Give context with your Comedy Central tubes! What do we do in Canada without it. At least describe the show AND the date it’s from…

    I can guess from the comments it’s the Daily Show and I guess it is from yesterday’s broadcast, but I should not have to reverse engineer your blog post if you want me to read it!

    Thank you

  29. eigthnote says:

    This should show Obama (and all Democrats) that you can’t go around lying with impunity, and creating other political disasters (like the Wall St. bailouts and healthcare “reform” that completely favors the insurance providers) without repercussions. I’m wondering if this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  30. deowll says:

    #11 You can pay the average congress critter to do anything but resign.

    This bill now has the stench of political suicide on it.

    The reason why is the Democrat Party leaders sold out just about everybody to get the votes needed to pass it. The numbers on paying for it are insane. They didn’t do a single thing that might have slowed the increase in health care costs and they did a lot of things that mean a lot of people are going to be much worse off while playing favorites all over the place and shafting large blocks of people in the process.

    Millions of voters have looked at this bill and decided that who ever gets the gold mine they are going to get the shaft along with the rest of the nation. After due reflection they are getting ready to return the favor however the Health care bill is only one of many issues that have bleeped voters off. Jobs and wildly increasing taxes are adding to the fire.


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