This afternoon, the Coakley campaign convened a press conference to say they had received reports of voters receiving ballots, pre-marked for her opponent, Scott Brown. It would be a serious charge.

But we’re skeptical. [Above] is a screenshot of Coakley’s website taken this afternoon. The press release making the ballot fraud charge is dated yesterday, before any ballots were issued to voters.

With such seers working on the campaign (able to foresee possible ballot fraud before it happened), you’d think the Coakley campaign would have been able to anticipate Brown’s campaign surge. The Coakley release on the allegations now has the correct date on it. It can be found here.

Most likely a last-minute try to have a recount postpone Brown’s probable win.

  1. clancys_daddy says:

    And so the fun begins?

  2. echeola says:

    Could they have been early voters, or absentee voters.

  3. bobbo, had about enough of politics says:

    Hah, hah. Corrupt we already knew. Lazy and out of touch we already knew. Adding over the top incompetency only completes the trifecta.

    Sad that Brown and the Repugs are even worse.

    The downward spiral continues with a steepening decline.

    The only acceptable vote here would be a write-in for Ted Kennedy.

  4. Bob says:

    Coakley conceeded, Brown is the winner, and by allot more than I thought he would.

  5. wygit says:

    Then again, seeing as how it was a shot of “Coakley’s website taken this afternoon.” that it was simply a typo?

    I’m sure corruption and conspiracies are much more fun, though…

  6. dusanmal says:

    She just gave up and admitted to losing, properly. Hopefully this dignity streak will continue with confirmation of Brown without delay.

  7. Loupe Garou says:

    The people have spoken.

    Now to relax by watching Maddow and Olbermann stroke out.

  8. bobbo, had about enough of politics says:

    #6–dismal==the only “respect” a douchebag like Brown and the entire Repuglican knuckle dragging party DESERVE is constant political hackery to deny Brown what he won. Just like the Repugs did to Al Franken.

    Dignity in discussion of complete Repuglican opportunism is out of place.

  9. Bob says:

    #7, I honest do not think they will stoke out. Remember these are people who believe they know better than the people they serve, or rule, depending if you talk them after a few glasses of wine.

    Obama and the democrat congress will probably resort to rule changing in order to force the health care bill through. Since they believe once they get it in place they can then make amendments to it for the next 5 years to get what they really wanted. And after all, the American people have the attention span of a gold fish, and they believe they will forget about all this by November.

  10. LDA says:

    Just a test.

  11. Loupe Garou says:

    #9 Bob Bullseye!

    They refuse to listen because they think nothing of the people that put them in office and it cost them a seat they held for 46 years.

  12. clancys_daddy says:

    #9 Election? what election? where? when? what for? who won?

  13. chuck says:

    Ok, so now the Democrats have 59 seats in the Senate. If they can’t pass a bill with 59 votes, they don’t deserve to run the country.

  14. cmon says:


  15. Greg Allen says:

    I’m sceptical, too, but not by the date. That can be explained fairly easily.

    But pre-marked ballots? That’s hard to imagine — even by conservatives who have no moral qualms about cheating and lying to get in power.

  16. Cephus says:

    And I thought California politicians were stupid and crooked. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised, maybe Coakley thought she was in Chicago?

  17. Somebody says:

    “The only acceptable vote here would be a write-in for Ted Kennedy.”

    If it’s any consolation, I’m sure Ted voted for Coakley.


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