Boston Globe Calls Election in Advance of Election. — I’ve heard Boston is corrupt. But this is ridiculous. briefly put up this map of the final results of today’s election — some 8 hours before polls closed!

As you can see, over 2 million people voted, with Coakley eking out a 50-49 victory. The map was fully interactive, so you could roll over and get town-by-town results — above we show Coakley taking Cohasset 56-43. They took the map down shortly after I pointed it out on Twitter. But not before we Phoenix troublemakers got the screen shots!

  1. Awake says:

    Oooops.. it was just a test of the website that was going live with real numbers this evening:

    Update: From Bob Powers of the Globe:

    AP was testing an election data feed to its Massachusetts clients. During corresponding tests at our end, the feed of AP’s hypothetical test data was inadvertently posted for a few minutes on a single subsection page within ur site. As soon as the error was discovered, it was removed. We regret the mishap.

  2. MikeR says:

    Do they use e-voting machines in Mass. or do they stuff ballot boxes the old-fashioned way?

  3. Benjamin says:

    #2 “Do they use e-voting machines in Mass. or do they stuff ballot boxes the old-fashioned way?”

    They use Diebold machines if that means anything to you.

    This is proof that the fix is in. When they release the results tonight, if they are the same numbers, we know something is wrong.

  4. Bill says:

    An obvious error at stated. Move along, there’s nothing to see here. 🙂


    yeah,right. We’ll see.

  6. Zybch says:

    Sometimes a mistake is just a mistake.
    But i agree with some others, lets just see what the final results are compared to this ‘test’.

  7. sargasso says:

    In Soviet Russia, election results fastest in world.

  8. bob says:

    Well, even if these WERE going to be the ‘results’, they won’t be now. The numbers tonight won’t prove anything either way.

    This situation brings to mind Hanlon’s Razor:
    Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

  9. Micromike says:

    All American elections are rigged. It has always been our tradition to rig the elections and then pretend we didn’t. Vote early and vote often was not just a joke. We have always just pretended our elections were honest but they never have been, and our government is nothing but a parasite that forgot the host should survive for its own good.

    How else could a dolt like George W. Bush or a bait and switch liar like Barack Obama get elected?

  10. Bob says:

    “How else could a dolt like George W. Bush or a bait and switch liar like Barack Obama get elected?”

    That’s easy, people by and large are idiots, who are looking for the next handout, and will believe anyone who tells them they will give them more freebies.

    Republicans are as guilty of this as the democrats.

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    I do think Bob is unfortunately correct.

  12. Tom says:

    #9 reminds me of a political science class I took many years ago. The professor went around the room and asked people who they voted for and why. One person indicated that they voted for Nixon and when asked why, stated, “Well, I knew he was lying, but he said more of what I wanted to hear.”

    Enough said…

  13. RBG says:

    One last desperate attempt to influence the election.


  14. Godfish says:

    Did anyone really think the Dims would lose? 😉

  15. Dr Dodd says:

    Brown slaughters Coakley.

    Drinks on Obama.

  16. Serious says:

    Guys don’t take this too seriously… 😉

    Add the votes

    Kennedy + Brown = 20,649 + 1,011,802 = 1,032,451

    Coakley = 1,032,450

    Do those results look similar to you? they are 1 vote apart.. would have made a fantastic headline though on how kennedy might have stolen brown’s votes… but other than that, I believe they were testing the system. I can’t say for sure though whether the final data would have been faked or not.. but that is a conspiracy theory i’ll let you guys argue about. Those numbers are indeed being tested and the IT staff in charge should know that you don’t run a public test on your live servers – an idiot, who needs to be fired!

  17. deowll says:

    This is about the Bluest state going and the cemeteries normally vote Democrat. There are only a tiny number of elected Republicans. There aren’t very many actual Republicans in the state. If they say the Republican won you can count on it that he won.

    He even got a lot of angry Democratic votes to go along with most of the independents and the few Republicans.

  18. deowll says:

    Just curious, Do any of you recall seeing a picture of a smiling Truman holding up a paper with the head line “Dewey Wins”?


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