Apparently Greyhound Bus Lines already does offer free WiFi.

  1. Dallas says:

    Too bad we don’t have a robust high speed rail system in this country. It would be great to enjoy the beautiful countryside and surfing on wifi.

    With the way air travel is going, the opportunity is ripe. Hopefully Obama has some plans to get this going again.

    We’ve lost a decade tearing down and building other countries. Time to start building ours.

  2. EricPhillips says:

    Too bad its only for the Acela. I take Amtrak between L.A. and Phoenix on a regular basis. Often I get stuck in old coach cars that have not been updated to having electrical outlets at all seats. I’d say about 1/3 have been upgraded. Ridiculous.

    I really hope that this new CEO fixes Amtrak. I do like the train.

  3. Floyd says:

    It would be great if the long distance passenger trains and their tracks were all upgraded to Acela level, including WiFi. A trip on modern trains between the West (where I live) and Midwest (where I have family) would beat a two day drive, especially if they also could carry passenger cars.

  4. sargasso says:

    #3. Makes sense to carry big rig trucks across large urban areas on trains, too.

  5. RBG says:

    I wonder if hobos camped along-side the track might have a quick opportunity to send emails?


  6. Floyd says:

    #4: That’s done already. Many Western trains carry containerized trailer boxes on special flatcars, reducing the number of trucks on the highways. Those trains are often miles long.

    When the trailers are unloaded at their destinations, there are truck cabs there to carry them to their local destinations. and high ticket items. See Discovery Channel, which has had shows about containerized shipping in the past.

  7. hairstream says:

    As long as it does what the reporter says and “makes the time go by more faster.”

    People will read again!

  8. deowll says:

    I wonder about seeing America this way after I retire. Air travel no longer seems like a fun thing to do.

  9. bhtooefr says:

    And Greyhound only offers wifi between NYC and DC.

    (I recently did a cross-country Greyhound trip. Only time I got on wifi successfully was at a truck stop that the bus was stuck at.)

  10. Greg Allen says:

    My conservative relatives and friends admire and enjoy the train systems in Europe and the mass transit in big cities everywhere.

    But here in America? They oppose new projects every time.

    Go figure.

  11. sargasso says:

    #10. Yes, I love the French rail system, I hear that you can now travel to the Mediterranean coast by train from London, and take your Bentley with you. Wouldn’t it be nice to take the kids and the camper from Santa Barbara to Vancouver, overnight on a bullet train? Or Chicago to Miami?

  12. zed says:

    the Capitol Corridor trains between Sacramento and San Jose offer WiFi, but I’m not sure it’s free, and BART throughout the Bay Area has a new system to offer WiFi on all trains, defiantly not free.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    Rail travel is the way to go! Arrive rested and relatively well fed and see America’s back yards on the way. It has been my favorite mode of travel since I was about six years old (a fairly long time).


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