1. Jägermeister says:

    A very fortunate woman.

  2. Breetai says:

    Good to see one man hanging on to hope got his prayers answered.

  3. Hatman says:

    It seems to me that the rescue workers deserved her thanks more than God.

  4. qb says:

    Listened to Haitian charge d’affaires for Doctor Without Borders talking about doing performing surgery (amputations, c-sections, head trauma, burns, etc) on the street or under trees. They’ve been going through the streets outside of their clinics and setting up shop on a plastic tarp or piece of plywood.

    He’s been in places like Somalia and Bosnia but he says he’s never seen anything like this.

  5. deowll says:

    #3 You should always thank everyone who helped.

    This does meet my definition of a miracle. A lot of things other people call miracles don’t.

    By rights she should be dead of kidney failure/dehydration/ heart failure due to blood to thick to pump. 7 days is about the norm in an air-conditioned room in a hospital bed.

    She may still die of kidney failure.

  6. Evan says:

    Awesome story.

  7. comupcat says:

    I’m a grown man but I still tear up when she gave the message to her husband that even if she dies, she loves him very much.

  8. roastedpeanuts says:

    “It seems to me that the rescue workers deserved her thanks more than God.”

    Indeed, considering it is the same god who created the earthquake in the first place (a bit backhanded if you ask me).

  9. bobbo, civilization is a thin veneer says:

    Just before this item came up on MSNBC, Dr. Nancy whoever reported on the helpful factors in Haiti==no rain. This meant that the dead bodies and waste materials were not infiltrating into the local ground water and otherwise spreading disease. After 72 hours, in this heat, bodies begin to bloat and gasify. Luckily, lots of RATS in Haiti are getting their fill which is a good thing==removing the source of contagion.

    So now, if I’m ever trapped in wreckage, I will be comforted by thoughts of being crushed by the waste removal crews and the thought that I am helpless before the ravenous rats until my kidneys shut down.

    Praise the Lords infinite mercy and love for us all.

  10. amodedoma says:

    More and more disasters, hopefully the volunteers keep volunteering. Maybe when catastrophe is common place, it will cease to be a responsibility to help. Let’s hope not, no telling who could be next, maybe you. The values of the human race have always been put to the test, and it looks like the tests are becoming more severe. If we never lose the love I believe it will all be worth it, otherwise, why bother.

  11. hwo says:

    There’s the story about a man who survived under the rubble in Mexico City’s quake for 6 or 7 days, moisturizing his lips with his own urine. The endurance the Haitian people have to adversity is greater than some other, more pampered society. This makes a difference on who lives or who dies. It has little to do with God, it’s about the will to live.

  12. holy boast says:

    I predict that all survivors found from now on
    will be declared ZOMBIES by Pat Robertson.

  13. deowll says:

    #12 I’m afraid I don’t watch Pat.

    Does anyone have any more recent news on how this person is doing? Like I said, I’m worried about her kidneys.


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