…or Tasered or any number of other unpleasant things in this overly paranoid country the terrorists have succeeded in making us. If a kid can get out the bomb squad for building a science project, imagine what would happen to someone shooting pennies with this WMD much less simply possessing it?

  1. Dallas says:

    Yet another reason to get rid of all pennies. They are useless and now lethal.

  2. bac says:

    Cheap ammunition. Just think how many eyes you can poke out with a dollar’s worth of ammunition.

  3. Schpeedy Gonadalaz says:

    Penny saved Penney earned.. Ten penny nails needed.Penny annie?..donoo what to do with all these penny’s..Me thinks I will make a shooter..huh huh.:)

  4. Special Ed says:

    Geez, I thought you said Gizmo…

  5. GetReal says:

    “overly paranoid country the terrorists have succeeded in making us”

    Right and also wrong.
    Overly paranoid – right.

    the terrorist made us that way – wrong. That is our doing. They can do what they will; but how we react is entirely up to us. We have been brainwashed to be afraid, and thats what terrorism is designed to do.

    Bin laden wanted to raise hell on 9/11 but he was surprised that the buildings actually fell. The real gift we gave to him was to invade “sacred Arab soil” for no reason – namely Iraq.

    What happened to “the home of the brave”?

  6. rubber_band_fan says:

    Anyone over 40 remember the old rubber-band
    pistols? They were way cooler then this.

    You would slip about 8 rubber-bands over
    the top edge and a claw in the “hammer”
    area would shoot the top most band, as
    it lifted the next into position.

    Been looking for one about 32 years now.
    Great for non-lethal battles in the living

  7. RSweeney says:


    This is THE tschotske for gun shows!

  8. sargasso says:

    He also sells a credit card sized catapult. http://www.cardnetics.com/

  9. Skeptic says:

    DoD already has a nuclear powered version.
    They use metal disks that look exactly like pennies, but aren’t real currency… and they cost $2.98 each.

  10. sargasso says:

    #10. was this cleared for publication?

  11. deowll says:

    #1 lethal to what? A cockroach? You can throw a penny harder than this. An airsoft is more dangerous.

  12. Uncle Don says:


    Has Congress made a cost-benefit analysis of nuclear pennies?

    I want my tax dollars spent wisely in these trying times!

  13. said says:

    “Penney wise..Pound foolish”

  14. Animby says:

    I understand Pelosi has called for legislation banning the use of US currency as ammunition. Republicans responded that a well-armed militia is protected by the Constitution and demanded the US Mint increase production of the coins. Meanwhile, a group of Dem senators has agreed with the GOP members on the rights of Americans to bear coins and introduced a bill to make all future unemployment benefits payable in pennies.

    In other news: TSA have announced the confiscation of all coins from passengers boarding aircraft in the United States while Homeland Security have begun to refuse landing permission for any international aircraft believed to be carrying coins.

    In other other news: The arms race continues as Russian scientists are believed to be working on business card designs that can shoot nickels and even quarters! Will the madness never end?

  15. Skeptic says:

    “…Russian scientists are believed to be working on business card designs that can shoot nickels… ”

    Ok, I really laughed at that one… 🙂


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