I’m only posting this because it was so poorly handled. Why does it take so long to remove a heckler? And why does Obama keep trying to speak during the dust-up?
Found by Jim Edwards.
Found by Jim Edwards.
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we’re still cleaning up Carter’s mess and you lefties are talking about Bush?
Someone is lucky he held only a poster
This heckler was a Democrat plant. Duh.
He keeps talking because the teleprompter keeps rolling, once it stops he stops.
It’s a red light green light type thing
14 bobbo
I guess then you’d have no problem if everyone exercised their anti-fascist right to speak at once and Obama couldn’t be heard at all – all in the name of free speech of course. So maybe the hecklers might organize themselves to allow all of them to take turns so each could be heard when they interrupt Obama.
#4 the owner of this blog has supported throwing pies in the face of speakers, so I doubt he would mind heckling.
Not sure where he stands on throwing shoes.
He said he was looking forward to making the 2010 elections about health care, and then he comes to Massachusetts and talks about bank taxes?
What happened to campaigning against Republican obstruction?
#35 Yep. Conservative free speech is when nobody actually gets heard.
The Joe Wilson Heckling Manual says the idea of heckling is not to make a point, but rather to keep a point from getting heard.
Send the hecklers to Martha Coakley’s phone bank.
#38, that’s a Left tactic, shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses.
#34 You’re just pissed off because you will never be as good a speaker as he is, much less command of the english language.
The fact that he’s black must really piss you off.
Many of you don’t seem to understand the amount of damage that was done in 8 years with a puppet moron president. It is going to take a long long time to clean up all the mess they left. As for the heckler, he would have been shot or sent to Guantanamo if this was under the Neo-cons.
#41 “The fact that he’s black must really piss you off.”
That’s really original Dallas. Someone that does not like what a man who happens to be black says or his politics and it’s automatically racist.
42. I hear you “wow the stupidity.” What the hell was Bush thinking when he hired Robert Gates, Ben Bernanke and expanded the Afghanistan war? Clearly an idiot.
#41, Race Card? Hell, there are only 44 posts and you pull out the race card?
BTW . . . he isn’t black. He’s half white.
Obama and Bush have one thing in common- they’re both Rohrshach tests.
You nasty, snarking mf’ers on both sides- you are mainly telling the group about yourself when you chime in with how any given episode is interacting with your pre-existing opinions.
With some of you, that’s interesting. Mostly it’s not, though.
Would have loved a full-on Samuel L. Jackson response from The President.
#11 That would have been nice and I would have been happy to support that but so far as I can see they took Bush’s mess and tripled it. I don’t call that an improvement. YMMV.
I’m not in love with any political organization. Deeds not party titles matter to me. I resent being lied to and sold out. The elite may be able to get away with using me for a door mat but I don’t have to pretend it isn’t happening nor that I like it.
You on the other hand seem to have tunnel vision and be blindly partisan. If it is the best you can do go with it but you’ve been sold out more ways and more times than I can count by the people you defend and it makes you look… There is no nice way to say a voluntary victim.
Hmmm, lets see…
Class war/Race war/Religious war/Tax war/Car war/Climate war/Late Night war/Disaster war/Gender war/Generation war/Environmental war/Paper vs. Plastic war/Internet war/Form of government war/Job war/immigration war/And did I miss anything else war?
WOW!!! and all on the 7:00 AM news show!!!
I can’t wait till tonight’s news!
When I click on the TV in the morning I wonder what kind of disaster /crisis will happen today…
#45 “Race card”? That’s so 2008. The elections are over.
THEn we ask him how many kids he has adopted, INCLUDING those over 10.
How many kids he has taken out of the Foster care program.
#35–RGB==I support “heckling” of the short outburst type-feedback to the speaker. When heckling rises to the point of stopping the proceedings then the speaker should be ejected.
This thread is however about “how long it took Obama to have the protester ejected” and I think less than one minute is pretty rapid.
MY contribution was more generalized. The hypocrisy of the “right to life” movement is shown in various ways. One of them: if you think fetuses are really human beings, then killing their mothers, doctors, and political allies is THE ONLY MORAL COURSE. Of course, very few would do that, hence the fallacy of their position is revealed.
You were the one bringing up race. But I guess because you are gay, you can’t be a bigot, and can sling race around willy nilly, is that it?
Or are you covering for the fact you are really pissed because Obama is straight?
#50. Actually, since you’re a bigot it is you that has the carefree ability to throw race around willy nilly. You can just hide behind your keyboard like the rest.
Nope, I like pres Obama even if he’s straight.
Any other questions? Here to oblige
why is it more and more that obama doesn’t wear a tie. It irks me…
He’s not just a good speaker, he’s clean.
If it was a public gathering, then anyone has the right to say whatever the hell they want to anyone. If it were private, then the owner of the joint could have security prepped to remove anyone who they deem to be unfit to be there. This rally was a public one and though i think it is a bit overkill to express an opinion as this guy did, he is still entitled to express that however he wants so long as he is not endangering any other person.
I remember a time when Obama could hand pick his own crowd. I guess he is running out of supporters.
#54, Hide behind _my_ keyboard?
What a hypocrite.
Well, Dallas, put your money where your mouth is.
What is your real name and address?
“it takes more than a year to clean up a mess of 8 years” gosh it seems like 12 years..oh well