I’m only posting this because it was so poorly handled. Why does it take so long to remove a heckler? And why does Obama keep trying to speak during the dust-up?
Found by Jim Edwards.
Found by Jim Edwards.
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The reason it takes so long is simple. It looks better for Obama, as it marginalizes the opposition. Its a great way of making Coakley detractors (implied Brown supporters) look like lunatics.
I think Obama wasn’t briefed in on it though, as he could have just shut up and made the nutcase look like a nutcase.
Either way, both Coakley and Brown are opposite sides of the same coin.
Ok the heckler is an a-hole who was disrespectful and disruptive but what about the 1st Amendment? Rights are inconvenient, aren’t they?
don’t taze me bro!
#2 What about the first amendment? Does it protect unlimited free speech or is it constrained to allow actual respectable public discourse? You tell me.
It’s not about your or my comfort level. It isn’t unrestrained but that more to do with not yelling fire in a theater than it is about political speech.
Still blaming Bush after a year in office and four years of a Democratic congress. I’m sure that will be the theme of the upcoming 2010 elections as well.
It takes more than one year to clean up a mess eight years in the making.
“Does it protect unlimited free speech or is it constrained to allow actual respectable public discourse?”
It protects hecklers, dude.
“It takes more than one year to clean up a mess eight years in the making.”
Maybe true, but we are NEVER going to quit hearing this from the Democrats. Especially if the Republicans get control of the gov’t in the next couple elections.
Predicting what we’ll hear then:
I’m not sure anyone’s right to free speech gives them the right to disrupt a speaker the way this was done.
Having an orderly demonstration outside would be different. Holding up a sign inside might be different but trying to shout the speaker down when the audience is there to listen? I don’t think so.
On the other hand it also suggests that the Teflon is wearing off.
I think Obama handled it well enough.
My problem is Obama’s words have failed to match reality to many times and he doesn’t have any cred left with me when it comes to the economy, health care, or honest well run government.
If there was ever a White House and Congress owned by special interest groups the one we now have is it. They’ve sold the voters out to every special interest group that could come up with the highest bid and everybody with a brain knows it.
Yes, let’s clean up Bush’s mess with Robert Gates and Ben Bernanke.
Free speech is not the opening of one’s mouth and emitting sound. It is the transmission of ideas without censure.
“And why does Obama keep trying to speak during the dust-up?”
Because he has personality traits you can’t even dream of.
“I’m not sure anyone’s right to free speech gives them the right to disrupt a speaker the way this was done.”
Yes, it does.
And the property owner has the right to eject the person.
“Why does it take so long to remove a heckler?” /// Because Obama is not a right wing fascist who cannot deal with disagreement and therefore has not organized a brown shirted goon squad to squelch dissent on a moments notice?
“And why does Obama keep trying to speak during the dust-up?” /// Gee, its called “leadership.” Directing the crowd in a positive direction.
Seriously===just what kind of fascist locked down, pre-screened, intolerant, knee jerk government do you advocate?
#9–BRM==you telegraph the statement is true but you want to go ahead and argue the obvious partisan position “ANYWAY???” I’d say your analysis of anything “political” has ZERO credibility. Why go so far out of your way to look stupid? Be patient willya??? save those “winning zingers” until they are relevant.
#14 bobbo:
“I’d say your analysis of anything “political” has ZERO credibility.”
Oh brother, I’m not analyzing anything. I’m just saying that’s what we’re going to hear.
And I’m right.
#15–BRM==well we agree. Your statement is not one of analysis, just one of mindlessly parroting. You will say this crap everytime the issue comes up, or almost comes up, or doesn’t come up at all and it will be up to us to determine when the statement actually applies?
I’d rather have a parrot. The dumb bird can be easily distracted unlike political zealots.
Heh, heh. Yes. Mindless and evidently clueless and proud of it as well. Prejudices confirmed all around.
I’m voting Brown, because he looks HOT naked.
I’ll admit to being slightly amused by the video, though considering it only took security 30 seconds to get to the heckler, I think it was handled reasonably well.
What I’m less ok with is the fact that the end of the video links to a twitter user with a rather blatantly racist username. Heckle policies all you want, but please don’t be racist.
This has nothing to do with free speech as this is not in a public space per se, being arranged by someone and thus is a closed forum!
A heckler is a nuisance, is embarrassing, is disruptive, is uncivilized and an expression of total disrespect of the nuts and bolts of democracy.
Like Obama or not, but respect the man, the Presidency and the forum. Add racism and the ugly face of totalitarianism stares at you.
Never ever forget Voltaire’s words: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This is the very basics of the US Constitution.
This idiot certainly did not do Brown a favor!
And ask a few questions..
1. Do you think its RIGHT for someone to tell you WHAT you should do if you dont agree or Against/for your religion?
2. If some other religion were Dominant, and NOT yours. Would it be right to TELL you what you could and could not do?
3. There are countries that if you spoke up as you did, you would have been taken out ans SHOT, in public.
4. do you BELIEVE in CHOICE? That we elect who rules us and those with the most votes should rule?
5. If I told you you had to eat SPIT, and every one else did, and YOU DIDNT..Are you wrong?
# 20 ECA said, on January 18th, 2010 at 12:31 am
And ask a few questions..
1. Do you think its RIGHT for someone to tell you WHAT you should do if you dont agree or Against/for your religion? /// No.
2. If some other religion were Dominant, and NOT yours. Would it be right to TELL you what you could and could not do? /// No.
3. There are countries that if you spoke up as you did, you would have been taken out ans SHOT, in public. /// Irrelevant.
4. do you BELIEVE in CHOICE? /// Yes.
That we elect who rules us and those with the most votes should rule? /// Yes.
5. If I told you you had to eat SPIT, and every one else did, and YOU DIDNT..Are you wrong? /// No.
So==this line of questioning proves what? YOU OBVIOUSLY don’t understand that NONE OF THESE RIGHTS even apply if you don’t have a right not to be aborted. And if that is what you think==everyone in the room should have been shouting down ANYONE in support of Baby Killer Croakly. If you don’t think little fetti are human beings, then just the opposite.
Opinions are like that.
If Obama had been there in his capacity as president, I would agree that heckling was inappropriate. However, this was a campaign rally, not a presidential address. He, like the rest, is fair game.
I think the Democrat’s should get a clue and realize that these close elections like this says volumes that the American people are not happy with them. When you see the mud and you still walk into it. Then expect to get mud on you.
Some baby something or other loonie taking a cue from Joe Wilson and thugs. A choke hold for 5 minutes should care of that mother fucker.
What if the fetus wasn’t christian? Then Jesus doesn’t love him. That guy’s message is invalid.
Whatever, Dems love this shit when it’s college students shouting down those guys patrolling the Mexican border or infiltrating some religious speech and then embarass themselves by shouting down a guy saying “Jesus loves all babies!” LOL, whatever.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I don’t agree with all these types of outbursts and I would hope that everyone be civil, but I don’t want to live in a country where fear of being thrown in jail for life for rather harmless civil disobedience prevents this sort of thing.
It’s always a treat to watch Obama fumble about when his words aren’t displayed majestically on the royal teleprompter.
I just love stand-up comedy.
#13, FTW
#22, Bingo.
Wow… The Dems are really getting desperate now. This is sad…
An experiment: Split the US into 2 countries, one run by wingnits and rhe other run by moonbats. Set them loose and come back in 20 years.
Would be interesting to see the difference.
I think we would find they really need each other, the govt works best when there is gridlock.
I am from Massachusetts and it’s nice to have my vote count for once.