Four years ago, Lucille Rembert brought flowers to her husband’s grave at Royal Palm Cemetery.

But as she looked down, she started to cry. Another woman had been buried next to him — in her spot.

“I said, ‘Oh no, not again,’ ” she recalled recently.

In 1995, the cemetery buried a man in the plot she bought next to her husband. She agreed to move her husband’s body to a place with room for her.

Now they wanted to move him again.

  1. overtemp says:

    Given the quality of management at the facility, one wonders if the headstones even correspond to graves.

  2. Luc says:

    What an uninteresting story. I could almost bet it had been posted by Cherman.


    Happened to my aunt right now. They buried a guy in the middle of a family plot. Stone and all.


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