A floor collapsed beneath a group of about 20 members of Weight Watchers as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas.

Members of the weight-loss club were lining up to compare readings on the scales when they heard a bang as the floor came away from the walls of their meeting room in Växjö in southern Sweden.

“We suddenly heard a huge thud – we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air. The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls,” one of the those present told the Smålandsposten newspaper.

They abandoned the room as the floor started to give way in other areas.

So, they waited until the rest of the floor started to collapse?

Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. deowll says:

    I resemble that remark.

  2. RTaylor says:

    Dammit at least they showed up for the meeting and are trying to shed pounds.

  3. green says:

    These stories always make me giggle. I’m an asshole, I know.

  4. Gamer Phfreak says:

    What no pictures of the floor? BOOOO.

  5. Postman says:

    No, ive seen this before, but not at this scale. A great big fat person will sit on a chair, and start to crush it, and they will remain sitting on the chair until it collapses then blame the shoddy construction of the chair.

  6. Dale says:

    So, they waited until the rest of the floor started to collapse?

    Yeah, Uncle Dave..they’re not only disgustingly fat, they were stupid too. We’re not long from the island earthquake jokes now..

  7. chris says:

    “So, they waited until the rest of the floor started to collapse?”

    Well, the buffet was still there…

  8. raster says:

    #2, #3, et al…

    Comon DU, I know this writes itself, but step away from the chips.

    BTW, how come no comments on the China vs Google dust up? That seems ripe DU material!

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    “as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas.”

    I’m guessing not enough pounds shed over Christmas…

  10. steve says:

    Thats nothing, you shoulda heard about the meeting on the island.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #5, I worked with a guy like that. 6’1″ 320 lbs. The seat in his SUV broke and he bent the legs on his office chair . . . all within 3 months of getting them.

    “I can’t believe they can’t make anything last anymore. Cheap, foreign made crap.”

    “Um, your car seat was made in America.”

    “Yeah, by foreigners!”



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