The Daily Mail reports:

The traditional English breakfast is not normally associated with good health. But scientists have found that eating a plate of bacon and eggs could help pregnant women boost the intelligence of their unborn child.

Scientists at the University of North Carolina have discovered that the micronutrient, called choline, is vital in helping babies in the womb develop parts of their brains linked to memory and recall.

  1. green says:

    As opposed to sugar laced, over processed, diabetes inducing, and over packaged crap most consume on daily basis.


  2. Animby says:

    Nonsense. If you eat even a moderately healthy diet, it’s almost impossible to not get enough choline. Pregnant or not.

  3. RTaylor says:

    I’ve made my own bacon after watching Alton Brown. It is superior to the slimy stuff in plastic, but it’s damn hard to find pork bellies. I’m sure sans the preservatives it would be healthier in moderation.

  4. Mojo Yugen says:


    Bacon and eggs ARE part of a healthy diet!

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Choline, another in the B vitamin complex.

    Make sure you and especially your pregnant friends get plenty of B vitamins every day. Very few people in the U.S. actually eat a healthy diet, so vitamin supplements can help. The world will be a better place.

  6. Alf says:

    North Carolina is the second largest hog producer in the nation. “Scientists at the University of North Carolina” would like to be hired by the private sector.

    No surprise here.

  7. Skeptic says:

    They don’t mention the negative effects of eating bacon and eggs every day… kind of like the AGW pundits not mentioning the positive effects of GW.

    Why not suggest beef liver and eggs? Hmmm? Alf (post #6) has the answer.

    Per 100g of serving…
    beef liver (418mg), bacon (125 mg), eggs (251 mg).

  8. Teacher says:

    To all the morons who don’t adjust their lives by experience but adjust it according to what the media tells them: wake up you idiots!!
    #7 the biggest moron of all is quoting numbers off a package, what for?? what does that mean?? you think just cause one number is higher than another that means it’s bad?? why do you think that idiot?? – because you were told that it is by someone who wanted you to think that it is. Remember when they were telling you that margarine was better for you than butter idiots?? ya – look how that turned out. It’s simply amazing who bloody stupid people are, amazing.

    Somehow you idiots have been taught that eating some bacon and eggs is a “treat”, something that should only be eaten once in a while, while the rest of the time you should be eating the processed, engineered, specially designed breakfast foods the government and processed food companies have cooked up for you. – morons. I’ll eat bacon and eggs everyday for my whole life and guarantee I’ll live longer than 99% of the population.

  9. Skeptic says:

    Teacher, I hope you are not really a teacher because you misinterpreted my post completely, made at least 5 errors and wrong assumptions, and are a dangerous role model to any student with your complete ignorance in healthy eating.

  10. Animby says:

    #9 Skeptic – Hmmm. He sounds like most teachers I know.

  11. plumbum says:

    Man that bacon looks good!

  12. Tenaya says:

    Let’s not forget that “Bacon and Eggs” for breakfast was created in the 1920’s by PR wizard Edward Bernays as a marketing campaign to sell more bacon. BTW, Ed was the nephew of Sigmund Freud.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    Paid for by the bacon and eggs coalition.


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