1. Animby says:

    Glover needs to realize: He’s too damn old for this shit.

  2. Postman says:

    Well it was caused by deep well oil drilling, which also causes global warming, so this gets a pass.

  3. brm says:

    Pat Robertson says God did it, Glover says global warming did it. What’s the diff?

  4. Thomas says:

    If global warming proponents are to be believed, then we should definitely do something about the gas spewing from idiot actors such as Glover. Apparently Bandini isn’t the only word for fertilizer.

  5. Tim says:

    I kept listening for the rimshot. Maybe I should add one.

  6. Breetai says:

    #4 brm
    You win the internet.

  7. Zbrink says:

    Dear God, help us all…. idiocy is contagious

  8. bdgbill says:

    Someone needs to do a Lethal Weapon parody with a drunken, anti-semite, Chrisitian Crusading Detective Riggs and a loony, conspiracy theory believing Detective Murtaugh.

  9. Benjamin says:

    Which one is more silly: Glover or Robinson? It is a very cold winter. If it was global warming, it would have happened in the summer..

    I would say it is caused by convection currents in the earth’s mantle pushing two tectonic plates together, but what does making a guess based on science have to do with these stories.

  10. Widgethead says:

    #11, OMG! You so win. I have not laughed so hard in a week. Thank you so much. Awesome knows and new name and it is Benjamin said.

  11. Curtis E. Flush says:

    The Robertson/Glover symmetry on this issue is a perfect example of why I hold right-wingers and left-wingers in equal contempt.

  12. SN says:

    4. “Pat Robertson says God did it, Glover says global warming did it. What’s the diff?

    It just goes to show you. Sometimes the nutjobs on the Right and the Left go to such extremes that they sometimes meet in about the same idiotic place.

  13. pilgrim says:

    Still waiting for Sean Penn to chime in.

    “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

    Obama’s, Chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel

  14. Arapahoe Rappaport says:

    He didn’t say that global warming caused the earthquake, he said that it’s a threat to island nations.

    Still dumb, but not crazy dumb.

  15. Curtis E. Flush says:

    I believe Machiavelli deserves the nod for originating the Emanuel “crisis” snippet that keeps cropping up like blog-kudzu.

    He said it first, and he said it better…

    “Never waste the opportunities offered by a good crisis.”

    -Niccolo Machiavelli, 15th century

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #4, Pat Robertson says God did it, Glover says global warming did it. What’s the diff?

    God obviously doesn’t believe in Global Warming but does believe in devil worshipers.

    Otherwise, he’d do something about Global Warming now.

  17. Skeptic says:

    It’s no secret that Haiti wants a share of the money from the global warming scheme, so Glover is exploiting this catastrophe to do some extra begging while the western world is pouring in compassionate aid. It’s really despicable.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    Any guesses to how much personal money Danny Glover is sending to Haiti via the red cross?

    Odds are excellent that he’s all talk and no open up his own wallet.

  19. BigBoyBC says:

    #14 SN said: “It just goes to show you. Sometimes the nutjobs on the Right and the Left go to such extremes that they sometimes meet in about the same idiotic place.”

    Best comment I’ve seen on this blog in a long time, pardon me if I repeat it.

  20. Floyd says:

    #11 and #14 win in a dead heat!!
    I ROTFLed on both of them.

    Does this mean the Silly Season is visiting us particularly early this year?

  21. Dallas says:

    Pat Robertson is expressing a sigh of relief.

  22. Derek says:

    Never underestimate the idiocy of a moron with a soapbox. Idiocy has no political ties.

  23. Guy says:

    On the extreme left it’s global warming, on the extreme right it’s a pact with Satan….
    WTF is going on with people?!

  24. gquaglia says:

    Actors should STFU about things they know nothing about which is just about everything. Stick to acting and leave geology to the experts.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, this shows how many people actually listened to the tape. Glover didn’t say the earthquake was caused by Global Warming. He was discussing disasters that needed to be responded to by the international community.

    Honesty never was synonymous with right wing nut.

  26. podman says:

    Who is Danny Glover? Who cares what he says.

  27. John E. Quantum says:

    Maybe Pat Robertson is God’s retribution for AGW.

  28. Dr Dodd says:

    One interesting piece of news is now Obama is planning to bring 45,000+ Haitians to the US. No doubt they will never leave.

    That’s quite a financial and logistical burden combined with the bottomless checkbook of guilt needed to rebuild Haiti. OR more accurate build Haiti since it has always been nothing more than a slum.

    Yep, that should just about kill the golden goose.

  29. TheCommodore says:

    Guy, nothing is going on. It’s just that the Internet gives voice to everything and everyone. And DU amplifies the idiocy. Relax, say a daily prayer for those poor folks, and get rid of one car.

  30. deowll says:

    #3 You think Haiti has oil deposits off shore? You’re sure of this? I haven’t heard anything about them getting any oil money.


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