As I entered the cabin on the upper deck the flight steward took my ticket and bags and walked me to my suite. It is not fair to call it a seat because it is so much more than that.

I lowered myself into the leather chair that is about as wide and as comfortable as my lounge at home. There is more room here than even my larger-than-average sized backside needs. To help ease any pre-flight tension I’m handed a glass of vintage Dom Perignon. The year 2000 I think.

First class return flights between Sydney and Dubai on the A380 are $13,450 plus taxes of $120.

Don’t miss the amazing photo gallery.

  1. Todd Peterson says:

    Nice to lay down after the TSA have used their butt-probe …

  2. Father says:

    Only $120 in taxes? What would it be in the US, $2000 in taxes? I have no idea.

  3. chiarde says:

    So THAT’S where all the oil profit goes.

  4. Phydeau says:

    Some folks won’t settle for less than too much. 🙂

  5. Well to do says:

    I have flown Emirates on the same size plane in 1st class and enjoyed it thoroughly. I make no apologies for the fact that I can afford it, I’m one of the best in the world at what I do and get paid handsomely for doing it. There are people in this world who know how to live and can generate the means to do it and then there are the rest….

  6. StackedLikeCattle says:

    They used to setup 747’s when they first came out for ultra luxury like this. Soon enough they will switch to stacking everyone in like its a cattle car and charging for drinks.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, pedro

    There’s money in being an asshole? I understand you’re being the best at it, I just didn’t think you got paid for it.

  8. Improbus says:

    [sarcasm on]

    This is fine, these will be the first people up against the wall when the revolution comes.

    [sarcasm off]

  9. Mr Diesel says:

    I want a nice bacon explosion sandwich right before I bend the Muslim stewardess over the bar.

    That’s class (just maybe not first).

  10. deowll says:

    They have it and they’re spending it. Thus we have a chance to get a hunk of it sooner or later.

  11. TheCommodore says:

    You don’t get paid what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. And we’ve been putting up with Walmart quality flying accommodations for over 10 years now. Why? We’re idiots; we shop by price instead of by quality.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Sorry, no liquor for you infidel, this is a moral plane. Turkey ham and soy bacon await, and if you try to have sex on the plane you will be taken to a UAE jail and beaten for purpitude.

  13. yanikinwaoz says:

    The dirty little secret of first class: It arrives no sooner than last class.

  14. fly_joy says:

    Cool, ejection pods!


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