President Barack Obama promised Haitians Thursday they would not be forgotten, offering 100 million dollars in immediate earthquake aid and every element of US power to help them.

And here’s a Wikipedia graph of an estimate of what the U.S. has given in military aid to Israel during the last 10 years:

  1. Michael_gr says:

    RTaylor@25, you are talking out of your ass. Israel did not upgrade their Bradleys with additional armor for the simple reason that the IDF doesn’t have Bradleys. The IDF has M-113 APCs and some locally-made APC’s and several other armored vehicles built on either a Centurion or Merkava chassis. The armor used on all of them was locally (i.e. Israeli) developed and made.
    But as a general note, yes, Most israeli armored vehicles are more heavily armored than is usual in other military forces, sometime trading maneuverability or payload for protection.

  2. JScott says:

    Actually, this is not a troll post. Technically, it is troll bait.

    The point it makes however is important. Don’t we have an interest to invest in countries in our own hemisphere, especially those that have strong family ties to many Americans?

  3. MikeN says:

    Give the money as military aid to Dominican Republic, and have them invade Haiti. Long term that is best for the Haitian people.

  4. green says:

    Christians don’t like voodoo.

  5. Jopa says:

    Pathetic post with a pathetic comparison.

    Anyway, US financial military aid to Israel is generally used for 2 purposes:

    1. To purchase US made weapons, ammo and technologies (Israel cannot use this money to buy anything that is not made in the US).
    2. Finance agreed-upon military technologies research & development in Israel. These technologies are then transfered to the US (shared tech). A good example is the Arrow anti ballistic system: 80% was funded by the US and 20% by Israel. When the system was ready, it was sent to the US so they could adapt the technologies for their own need.

    Same goes with almost any other military tech Israel develops. Raytheon are producing Air to Air missiles that were developed in Israel. USMC pilots use Israeli made “View to Kill” systems. Etc etc..

    Furthermore, the US has strategic weapons and ammo stockpiles in Israel. Same goes for training facilities for Navy and Marines (I saw the marines training here in the desert with my own eyes). And there is much more than meets the eye.

    In short, this is a two way road and not a one way ticket as anti Israel or anti semite individuals like to shout about.

    Last but most importantly, my heart goes out to the Haitian people who are suffering pure hell 🙁
    Israel has sent a field hospital and medical personnel over there – should be arriving in a day I think.

    Shabat Shalom (peaceful saturday in Hebrew).

  6. RTaylor says:

    Michael_gr I stand corrected. I confused fiction with reality. I was thinking of the movie, “The Pentagon Wars”, which was about the redesign of the Bradley. Aside from a few errors, it’s a decent film to watch about Pentagon procurement.

  7. zorkor says:


    Israelis helping US in defense research? and then MOSAD agents are caught spying against the US itself.

    Double standard Jews….

  8. Tomas says:

    Sure, our only ally in the Mid-East… long as we keep funding them. They will turn on us a like a mad dog once it stops.

    You Israel supporters are seriously stupid. And you can’t fix that.

  9. SparkyOne says:

    And zipcode 91910-6412 received a bit over 16 million good for the creation of 3.08 full time tax paying mother fucking jobs. How about that for assistance of the needy!

    American citizens are Obama’s “Priority Zero”.

  10. Jopa says:


    Zig Hail mine commandant!

  11. khl says:

    You get the non-sequitur of the day award!

  12. Guy says:

    #36 – You are well informed!

  13. bdgbill says:

    @#40 Tomas the Retard

    Sure, our only ally in the Mid-East… long as we keep funding them. They will turn on us a like a mad dog once it stops.

    How exactly would Isreal “turn on us like a mad dog”? Will they align themselves with all the Muslim extremists in the region? Will they provide safe harbor to Osama Bin Laden? Doubtful.

    Sending Isreal weaponry is money well spent. They use them on all the right people.

  14. Hans Moleman says:

    Plus one credit for daring to mention this.
    Prepare for the default ‘anti-Semitic’ label.

  15. rffarms says:

    We need to cut Aid to ALL countries.

  16. Jopa says:

    #45 😉

    #44 Just give zorkor his zig hail – he earned it.

  17. JScott says:

    MikeN said: “Give the money as military aid to Dominican Republic, and have them invade Haiti. Long term that is best for the Haitian people.”

    Yea, never mind that the killing of Haitians that will occur will be best for them…uh, right

    green said: “Christians don’t like voodoo.”

    Right, because Christians have so much love for Buddhists and Muslims that there isn’t much left for voodoo. Sheesh.

  18. Killer Duck says:

    Duh…there’s no oil in Haiti.

  19. Rick Cain says:

    Israel needs the money to buy F-16s. The country is surrounded by kooky muslims who should be thanking israel….the existence of israel means that islamic nations now have a perennial country to blame for their own economic, social, and military shortcomings.

  20. JScott says:

    Rick Cain: “the existence of israel means that islamic nations now have a perennial country to blame for their own economic, social, and military shortcomings.”

    Yea, I’m sure it has nothing to do with the killing of Palestinians, occupation of Arab land, or the lack of self-determination or freedom of movement. The most simple answer is the easiest for simpletons to understand. So yea, they’re just looking for someone to blame.

  21. King says:

    What kind of a comparison is that?

    The US aid to Egypt is the same as the military aid to Israel.

    What about the US aid to other countries as well?

    Actually, every dollar sent to Israel goes back to the US because it can only be spent on US made products.

    Israel is at least a democracy.
    The other countries in that area are controlled by Arab vicious dictators.


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