You WISH the human-faced goat looked this cute!
To protect our dear readers with more gentle constitutions, you must click here to enter our freak show tent to view the beast. If you DARE!!!
(Note: DU relinquishes all responsibility for any physical ailment or insanity that may result from clicking the link above to view the unholy abomination. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!)
A sheep in Turkey has reportedly given birth to a lamb with a human-like face.
Vet Erhan Elibol performed a caesarean section to deliver the calf near the city of Izmir and was horrified to find it looked like a human, Russian and Turkish news sites said.
Photos purportedly of the lamb, which was stillborn, show human-like eyes, nose and mouth.Vets said the calf’s mutation was most likely the result of an excess of vitamin A in the mother’s fodder.
Pravda reported that a goat in Zimbabwe gave birth to a similar human-like calf last September. But villagers killed it, believing it was the result of intercourse between the mother goat and a man.
If you could stomach that, perhaps you are now ready for THIS!!!
*NOT* a human goat, a “Gifted Mythological Child”
We’ve been rickrolled, that link goes nowhere. Ha ha very funny. 🙂
The link went right to the right place. Pretty weird looking goat. Sort of like Dallas’ offspring.
Obviously it didn’t get enough subsidies at birth and died.
#4 Never mind the horns, a child with ears that big would first be beaten to death with a stick by the religious mob.
Ive seen this in a movie before!
Though I guess that since this animal was stillborn it did not have an opportunnity to predict war.
It was a pretty messed up scene considering the movie was supposedly a childrens movie…I guess the kids in Japan just have thicker skin than north american kids.
The movie was called The Great Yokai War.
That kind’s ears would beat him to death in a windstorm.
The Goat looks an awful lot like the farmer?
I recall a class where I was sitting way in the back of the lecture hall and was straining to hear. The professor asked how many people believed in ghosts and nearly every hand went up. He then asked how many believe they saw a ghost and fewer hands went up. We were then asked how many had heard ghosts and several hands went up. He paused a moment and asked, “has anyone here had sex with ghosts?” I was the only one that raised my hand. I was asked to come down in front of the class and tell them of my experience. I walked down and he said, “tell about you experience of having sex with ghosts.” I replied, “Oh, I thought you said goats!”
I really don’t think this was due to a guy fucking a goat. I don’t see how our DNA’s are compatible to do anything, other wise we would have been seeing goat boys since the beginning of time.
Wow! That’s not only a human face, I think, I’m really, oh gosh – I think it’s Jesus!
Them Ewe Doers
How ’bout them ewe doers aint they news
down in the pasture doing them ewes
doin’ them big sheep, doin’ them little
doin’ them lambs, hi diddle diddle.
lookit them ewe doers aint they creeps
high boots on doin’ them sheeps
them woopie do ewe doers stalklin’ through the weeds
doin’ them do-ee ewes, fillin’ they needs
how to be a ewe doer, aint nuttin’ to it
just find a pretty sheep and then you doit!
#11-FRAGaLOT-other wise we would have been seeing goat boys since the beginning of time.
I guess you haven’t seen Mr Fusion (sheep + people)… get it?
It was there all the time.
There is an old joke that says the turks love it up the as*, but I didn’t know they liked doing it with goats 😛
Anyway, this is damn weird.
that face looks awfully familiar,
JCD weren’t you in Turkey a few months ago?
Looks like burnt toast.
Heavy overdosing on retinol, vitamin A, causes fetal abnormalities in mammals.
After all the little lambs the human race has consumed I’d be surprised something like this hasn’t happened sooner. Evolution has some pretty cool tricks. Had this one survived and prospered it might have started a new genetic line with built in resistance to it’s major predator. Don’t tell me you’d eat meat from an animal with a human face! … cannibals…
Is it just me or does that face look like the dream man thats appearing in everyones dreams?
This reminds me of the genetically engineered animal in Douglas Adams’ “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe”. It was engineered to want to be eaten:
“A large dairy animal approached Zaphod Beeblebrox’s table, a large fat meaty quadruped of the bovine type with large watery eyes, small horns and what might almost have been an ingratiating smile on its lips.
‘Good evening’, it lowed and sat back heavily on its haunches, ‘I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in the parts of my body?’
This coming from a nation that also reports eggs with the arabic script of Allah on them supposedly fresh from the hen.
Forgo the grain, take a 32oz box of salt on this one.