Featuring a fashion show and a host in drag, Mr. Gay China, set for Friday night in the capital city of Beijing, is the country’s first gay pageant, marking another step toward greater awareness of homosexuals in a country where gays are frequently discriminated against and ostracized.

Eight men compete for the title and a spot in the Worldwide Mr. Gay pageant, to be held next month in Oslo, Norway. Organizer Ben Zhang said the main purpose of the pageant was to help people realize that there is a thriving gay community in China.

  1. amodedoma says:

    Extensive dossiers will be made up on all who are foolish enough to appear.

  2. eye on china says:

    word on the street is Pedro has this one locked up.

  3. Hyper feminine says:

    If so many of them didn’t act more ridiculous than the real women they are immitating, then maybe they wouldn’t be looked down upon quite like they often are.

  4. Personality says:

    The Bush administration should attend.

  5. insert_funny says:

    Everyone in attendance gets pumped full of lead courtesy of the government! Don’t delay; die today!

  6. The CIA says:

    #3 “hyper feminine” said
    “If so many of them didn’t act more ridiculous than the real women they are immitating, then maybe they wouldn’t be looked down upon quite like they often are.”

    What is clear by your use of “them” and “they” is that you have a bad case of homophobia and a very very little mind. Is that the same way you talk about the Blacks, the Jews, the Chinese, the Mexicans etc. etc.? They are all the same eh? you loser.

  7. Corsair says:

    Even if 10% of the population is gay, why is 30% of shit on TV so gay? There must be one or two straight cooks or home decorators out there no?

  8. Improbus says:

    I guess this means they are due for an earthquake.

  9. chuck says:

    Winner gets jailed? Executed?
    If even 1% of China population is gay, that’s 13 million twinks.

  10. Hyper feminine says:

    #6, Yes, using they and them to refer to a group in the third person is a fairly basic grammatical concept in English.

  11. angry says:

    I nominate Dvorak and Curry to be the celebrity judges! HAR!

  12. Dallas says:

    Lot of great comments here I might ad 🙂
    I especially like #8. A treat.

    Wonder if the pageant will have tight clothes, bend over each other and smack each others asses to the delight and cheers of straight men???

    Oh wait, that’s football.

  13. Glass Half Full says:

    #7 We’re generalizing, but it’s because straight men are ruled by fear, and won’t do as many of the creative jobs because they’re afraid of how it makes them look. Straight men don’t avoid crying at sad movies because they don’t have the chunk of brain that makes them feel emotions, but they’ve learned not to express it out of fear. Fear rules everything. Fear of how their buddies will laugh at them. Fear of being “called” gay or feminine (because feminine traits, women, are considered “bad” or “lesser” or “weak” by these men). It’s not because they can’t do those jobs, but fear prevents them from expressing themselves enough to do it. Not ALL straight men are like that…MANY (most) are confident and can cry at a sad movie or doing something creative without cringing in fear of how it makes them “look”. But a large % of straight men are ruled by fear. It’s not being strong, it’s being week (cowardly).

  14. spsffan says:

    One of the contestants is named Wang!

    Oh, #7, Short answer: no. Long answer: Yes, but they’re boring, and since Hollywood is run by gays and Jews, they wouldn’t have a chance anyway. :).

  15. Zybch says:

    #13 thats pretty much the same conclusion I’ve come to as well. Most straight guys are petrified of appearing to have feelings.
    Also, anyone who believes that ‘most’ gays are effeminate queens really needs to open their eyes. Most are as indistinguishable from straight guys as the straights are from one another. Its a small number who live under the mistaken belief that they need to ‘attack’ to prevent being attacked.
    Screw it all, live and let live, and if you can’t deal with a queen on the TV just change the freaking channel you ignorant jerk (#7).

  16. Corsair says:

    I was attempting to abate my ignorance by asking a simple question.

  17. amodedoma says:

    #13 & #15

    Generalizing people by their sexual orientation is stupid. Heterophobes are no better than homophobes.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    >> Hyper feminine said, on January 14th, 2010 at 11:39 am
    >> If so many of them didn’t act more ridiculous than the real women they are immitating, then maybe they wouldn’t be looked down upon quite like they often are.

    Straight men are just as ridiculous, IMHO.

    The gay men I know act just like anyone else… _perhaps_ a little more effeminate but even that isn’t a very reliable indicator of sexual orientation.

    That being said, I do think the San Francisco gay pride parade gets pretty ridiculous and reinforces the negative stereotype guys like “Hyper” have.

    I mentioned this once in a chat group and I really got flamed for it. But, I still think I’m right.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    >> Corsair said, on January 14th, 2010 at 11:59 am
    >> Even if 10% of the population is gay, why is 30% of shit on TV so gay? There must be one or two straight cooks or home decorators out there no?

    I think your numbers are too high but it is a fair point, even if crudely put.

    I agree that gays are represented in the media at far higher rates than in the general population.

    But this is a compliment to the gay community! I really appreciate their contribution to our culture and value them as members of society.

    Lets respect their contribution by giving them the same full rights as other Americans.

  20. qb says:

    Corsair said “Even if 10% of the population is gay, why is 30% of shit on TV so gay? There must be one or two straight cooks or home decorators out there no?”

    *forehead slap* Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Try watching Monday Night Football.

  21. chris says:

    This just in, Long Wang was declared the winner.

  22. Chris Mac says:

    had to change my nick.. but i think i finally 1 1

  23. qb says:

    Chinese police have shut it down.

  24. Winston says:

    “This just in, Long Wang was declared the winner.”

    Long Dong took second and Won Hung Lo third. Pert Asian Buttocks received a most honorable mention. Some suspect his westerner name cost him third or perhaps even second place.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    I thought my cream of Sum-Yung-Guy tasted funny


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