The Rev. Pat Robertson is offering his own absurd explanation for why a quake hit Haiti: Many years ago, the island’s people “swore a pact to the devil.”

“Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it,” the controversial televangelist said during an interview Wednesday on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“They were under the heel of the French…and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, ‘We will serve you if you’ll get us free from the French.’”

Robertson continued: “True story. And so the devil said, ‘OK, it’s a deal.’ They kicked the French out. The Haitians revolted and got themselves free. Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other…”

“[Haitians] need to have a great turning to God, and out of this tragedy, I’m optimistic something good may come,” Robertson said.

One more turn of the screw – on Mr. Christianity himself.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    Funny, because it struck me while watching the news, that this country is most likely suffering from having too much religion. Whether it be Catholicism or Robertson’s version of Christianity. Haiti has a huge population problem, for being such a small island nation. And whether it be hurricanes or earthquakes, every time disaster hits there, many lives are lost, just because they’re teaming with people. I blame their religious fanaticism with having large families. And no birth control. They live in poverty, because they procreate to their economic limit. And perhaps beyond it. But nobody wants to take a sober look at this and say, things are out of control there, birth rate wise. Because that’s like promoting abortions, backhandedly. And I’m sure Robertson would have a field day with that.

    So “They’re damned for not doing it (safe sex), and they’ll be damned if they do”, as far as these religious blowhards go. They never have any practical plan for getting people out of trouble. They’re only good at blaming things on the devil. And by “things”, I mean everything but making tons of babies.

    Religion has got to get out of the human reproduction business. They have no business advising how many, how often, and “God will provide” as a solution for the results. Especially when God’s “provides” a war, starvation, or disaster and death. Don’t go blaming it on the devil. Unless he’s a bunch of religious hacks, who presume to speak for God by saying “KEEP MAKING THE BABIES!”

    If any sanity is going to come out of this new century. Let’s hope it’s the realization that humans have to take responsibility for over populating their lands. Some places can take it. While others, clearly can’t! If it were some crazy lady, living in a house teaming with cats. There would be no question about what had to be done. But make it an island teaming with far too many people, still reproducing even more, and suddenly it’s an unsolvable problem. Mainly because some religious hacks will make political book, from any meaningful solutions, like birth control.

  2. GF says:

    Simply bizarre.

  3. sargasso says:

    I am always astonished, by the hard core American Baptist. They think of heaven as being like an empty first class railway carriage, where they can scowl through the windows at the Haitians as they pass through the heavenly scenery.

  4. Lou says:

    I feel sorry for the sheep that tune into this clowns show.

  5. Idiot Network says:

    see all the above!

  6. Lone Wolf says:

    Does any one find this surprising? Pat Robertson has a long history of saying crap like that, he has made a career out of it.

  7. sam says:

    Have you ever heard of Houston Stewart Chamberlin and his book French revolution in San Domingo?

    San Domingo is haiti. The mullatto general Toussaint L’ouverture reminds me of Obama! P.S. I also recommend Foundations of the nineteenth century!

  8. Jason says:

    Pat has been in desperate need of meds for a LONG time.

    Except for the wishes of death on him, prety much everything above that was said is spot on. That man should NOT be given a mic or a camera.

  9. pwuk says:

    I saw a report on BBC news this morning about people leaving via the undamaged runway, just happened to be Xtian missionaries.

  10. qb says:

    On a more positive note:

    Doctors Without Borders can use donations. As usual, they are on the ground first, there for the long haul, and highly principled.

  11. srgothard says:

    A friend of mine just tweeted: “pat robertson: if you’re a christian, i’m ashamed to call myself one. #haiti”

    As a Christian, I can say that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28), and the goal is for us to become more like Christ (Romans 8:29).

    For unsaved people, there is the above verse link, and in Romans 1, the Bible speaks of God allowing people to make their own lives worse so that they will see their need of Him. Divine judgment on Haiti? That is not something that Pat Robertson can determine.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    GregAllen…O’Reilly went off on it last night too. He wondered if the Haitian people deserved help after all we’ve given them so far. Then he went on to criticize Obama for reacting so quickly….when he ‘dawdled’ for three days after the crotchbomber incident.

    Gee Bill, how much of an emergency was the bomber? Did minutes count? Bill O’Reilly is an asshole.

  13. Angus says:

    That guy is an embarassment to all decent Christians.

  14. Mojo Yugen says:

    So how can I make a pact with the devil?

    I will sell my soul in a heartbeat if the devil will off Pat Robertson in a painful and publicly humiliating way.

  15. Dallas says:

    Devil said “OK, it’s a deal” ? Hope they got that in writing.

    Here is a video of the Devil taken to court for similar deals.

  16. Rabble Rouser says:

    Pat Robertson is known to be dyslexic. When he says that “god” told him something, it was actually his dog.

    And what do I say about Rush, and his cybernetic ear. That thing has been causing him more than the usual amount of brain damage.

    Both Robertson and Limbaugh are a couple of the unforeseen circumstances of the US 1st Amendment.

  17. Benjamin says:

    Pat Robinson does not speak for all Christians. He certainly does not speak for me. He should be praying for those people in Haiti, not making up silly unsustainable stories.

  18. Special Ed says:

    #47 – Does this mean you don’t agree with other people that have imaginary friends?

  19. Alex says:

    I think he’s right. I don’t alway agree with him, however…

    It’s a fact that Haiti is a shit-hole, and for the most part they are into satanic, voodoo, or whatever. But if you cross the border, you are into a whole different world.

    Fact: The Haitian made their country into what it is today (I’m not talking the earthquake – I mean the government, laws, etc). It’s a toilet.

    Yes the people need help. And as an American, I think that we should help them out. BUT…. I’m not willing to support their lifestyle of satanic worship. This is the same reason I don’t give to Christian Children’s Fund. They try to make people feel sorry that these lil-kiddies in some other countries (not Haiti) have to drink out of the same water that they bathe their animals in. WFT?!?!? Let’s see, these ppl worship these cows and such, but they can’t take care of their own health; and as such don’t expend any energy into sustaining clean water, or access to food because Uncle Harry is now a cow. So they center their life around a cow. No dice people.

    Send some food, help the injured in Haiti, and get the fuck out. I don’t want a dime spent to rebuild that shit-hole. The Haitians are too stupid to do anything “really” constructive with my tax payer monies.

    And of course the Frenchies up in Canada will come out of the woodwork pushing for all sorts of things from PM Harper. Just because the Haitian’s speak French…. you just watch. I really feel sorry for my non-French speaking friends up there they get screwed over by them damn Frenchies.

    (As a disclaimer I’m half English/French ancestry so STFU if you have a problem with me bitch’n about the Frenchies)

  20. soundwash says:

    Divine my arse… this was the same old tectonic warfare/business plot / distraction. plus it’s a great test (and profit) for what i call the new “twitter donation scam” (only donate directly to your charity, do not use these new online “for profit” twitter middle men. -the new “banker” business “plan” is all about the “fees”) IMO… only give to your LOCAL charity directly to the people. all these charities are friggen scams..)

    Our military sets up camp their to oversee the distribution of aid..then the 1000’s contractors move in and build new infrastructure & buildings

    someone find me Data CASY Station (Casey, Antarctica) there was a huge sinusoidal wave that showed up around 05:00 UTC on the 12th. -then you have the main quake all the after shocks at the common 10km depth..if you watch the depths of after shocks of “normal” major quakes, they are all different.

    whenever china starts getting too “loud” about the USD.. they get a series of 10km earth quakes…

    if you look at strategic “location” or political dissidents/enemy countries, almost all have had 10km earthquakes prior/just after announcement of “policy disputes” or settlements.. -heck the failed north korea nuke test last year was at 10km and then revised within and hour to to “0km”. lots more, -nonetheless, but this quake was intentional.

    once you know the game..this stuff, -these patterns, pop out of the “background noise” like a blood curdling scream..

  21. pcsmith says:


    Haven’t you heard of Nation Building?

    It will be the most remembered accomplishment of the Bush administration.

  22. Alphanumeric says:

    Hey Alex #49,

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and say your a white guy.

  23. qb says:

    #52 Alphanumeric. It’s kind of weird when you see a self-hating racist.

  24. 7 Lines says:

    7 Lines

    I think most organized religions have a list like this.

    Honor your father and your mother

    You shall not murder.

    You shall not commit adultery.

    You shall not steal.

    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

    Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

    The rest of anything else espoused by any of them is worth less than 1/16 of a cup of santorum.

    Peace out


  25. Greg Allen says:

    The GOP made a deal with the Religious Right to get Reagan elected.

    It’s been a curse that’s plagued them ever since.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, Greg,

    And the Religious right haven’t been right since.

  27. Alex says:

    Hey Alphanumeric # 52,

    Yea I’m white, so what? This has nothing to do with colour, until you brought it up!

    Fact: Haiti is a shit-hole, the majority of the populous participates in satanic rituals.

    They made their county what it is. It wasn’t the white Thurston Howell the 3rd’s going over there setting it all up.

    I travel all over the world, and have close personal friends in from many countries. I stay out of places that I deem inappropriate. Haiti fits the bill.

    I’m going to stay close to the tree trunk and say that you are a black male, living in Mobile Alabama; and if you have such a bigoted view of the world, I would suggest relocating to get a fresh perspective. I just don’t want to get hit with any falling apples.

    The 1970’s is over with your a relic. Wake up.

  28. Baz says:

    My word! Im not a christian, but what ever happened to peace, love, forgiving, understanding… all the good stuff. I dont see much of it in most of thoes remarks.
    Alex seems a particulary angry person.
    In Belfast N.I. we seem to have a tallent for spotting angry bitter people, there’s enough of them here, I may even be one!

  29. Special Ed says:

  30. Alphanumeric says:

    Hey Alex #57,

    Actually, I’m native and from Canada, and from your comments, your the one living in the 1950’s


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