The Rev. Pat Robertson is offering his own absurd explanation for why a quake hit Haiti: Many years ago, the island’s people “swore a pact to the devil.”

“Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it,” the controversial televangelist said during an interview Wednesday on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“They were under the heel of the French…and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, ‘We will serve you if you’ll get us free from the French.’”

Robertson continued: “True story. And so the devil said, ‘OK, it’s a deal.’ They kicked the French out. The Haitians revolted and got themselves free. Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other…”

“[Haitians] need to have a great turning to God, and out of this tragedy, I’m optimistic something good may come,” Robertson said.

One more turn of the screw – on Mr. Christianity himself.


    Yeah, Pat’s not all there. He’d fit right in in Congress.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    This guy gives – well just about every human being – a bad name.

    One of the best, smartest human beings I have ever known was a Haitian I roomed with when I lived in Puerto Rico. He could speak, read and write 5 languages and was working on his sixth. And was one of the most pleasant, unpretentious guys you’ll ever want to meet.

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    I agree #1, there are many districts he could run and I’m pretty sure he’d win comfortably.

  4. woody says:

    Pat is a zionist piece of shit. He would fit in nicely with the American Knesset in DC.

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    World to pat STFU and die already. Yes I do indeed wish him f’ing dead. Screaming and burning under a gas truck dead. People say I can be a hard ass, go figure.

  6. Dennis says:

    I always wonder what ‘God’ it is this people talk about. Especially one that holds the ‘sins of the fathers’ for generations. Sounds more like a spiteful little child than some omnipresent being. But, man forms his ‘god’ on what he is…so this just illustrates how stupid religion is, and how even stupider the people are that follow this type of thinking.
    I tend to believe Gaia is pissed at everyone, and we as a species hardly matter in the ‘big picture’ of things. Again, man makes himself out to be more important than he really is. Same with the ‘Greenies’, same with the Bankers, same same….

  7. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I thought that fucker died? Must have been one of the other evangel-holes.

  8. Zybch says:

    Why hasn’t this sorry excuse for a human being been run down by a truckload of homosexual dwarves yet?

  9. eaglescout1998 says:

    Pat Robertson is an absolute embarrassment to Christianity. If he were even one-third of the Christian he claims himself to be, instead of heaping scorn and condemnation on the people of Haiti, he would be pooling the resources of his Christian Broadcasting Network to get aid out to those people are quickly as possible.

  10. Animby says:

    #7 Sis Mary: He’s just too plain stupid to die.

  11. John E. Quantum says:

    Even Pat Robertson is entitled to publicly express his opinion. I just wish I was as well paid for expressing mine.

  12. pcsmith says:

    Pat never seems to age. He must have made a deal (or two) with the Devil.

  13. Evil Mr. Foo says:

    and ppl actually listen to this crap, no wonder it wont go away.
    makes me wonder who is the bigger idiot..
    Pat or his zealots

  14. headshaker says:

    #9 – Well said.

  15. right says:

    This guy is a piece of work all right. Thing is, he probably believes all the crap he’s spewing. I hope someone big calls him out face to face and have a videotaped debate.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    His audience is dying off, and eventually he will too. Does anybody under 50 pay attention to him? ….I have no idea….

  17. Luc says:

    That notion of divine punishment is pretty common. In 2008, Sharon Stone blamed the quake that hit China then on ‘bad karma’ brought by the Chinese upon themselves with the Tibetan issue. She’s now banned in China, which isn’t saying much anyway.

  18. Crazy Smart says:

    Pat is a horrible human being and a sad pathetic man with major emotional damage. Basically as asshole. Every time something bad happens, instead of helping, his first reaction to explain how “his” God has murdered, tortured or killed thousands because of some thing that pissed him off. I would never worship a being/god that murders tens of thousands of innocent beings just to ‘get back’ at some other political/social group. A being like that, no matter how powerful is not deserving of our praise or care, just scorn. That being would be evil.

  19. Dallas says:

    So a leader of the Christian Taliban leaders weighs in on the Haiti disaster.

    Even i’m mildly shocked. Time to warm up that Harry Reid thing or some gay marriage thing before the sheep start to ask questions.

  20. steveo says:

    didnt he also say hurricanes in florida were to kill homosexuals a few years back??? what a nutjob….

  21. dcphill says:

    Why does anybody interview this dingle berry. He needs to be ignored. Religiosity does not need him to give it a bad name.

  22. Awake says:

    I’m surprised that Pat Robertson didn’t come out and say what he really believes, and that is that the earthquake is Obama’s fault. He blames every other real and imaginary and made-up problem on Obama.

    Christ would not recognize or accept what “Christians” have become in America. When senators actually join in prayer to ask that basic health care for all is defeated, you know that Christianity has died in America.

  23. cfk says:

    So freeing themselves from slavery under the French required the Haitians to sign a pact with the devil? And evangelicals wonder why their “teaching” of history, science, etc. is so roundly laughed at? You go, Pat.

  24. JimD says:

    Anyone still listening to Pat “The Profiteer” Robertson ??? Got rich “Preaching” !!!

  25. Improbus says:

    It was Oral Roberts that died. I can see were you would get the two scum-balls confused. Pat needs to go home to Jesus too. Sigh.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, dad,

    Pat Robertson is an absolute embarrassment to Christianity.

    And Christianity is an absolute embarrassment to morality and a speed bump in civilization’s advancement.

  27. that old black magic says:

    Quoting the binary god ,wikipedia…

    The most historically important Vodou ceremony in Haitian history was the Bwa Kayiman or Bois Caïman ceremony of August 1791 that began the Haitian Revolution.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    Robertson isn’t the only conservative being a jerk about the tragedy in Haiti — Rush Limbaugh also went off about it.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    >> Mr. Fusion said, on January 13th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
    >> And Christianity is an absolute embarrassment to morality and a speed bump in civilization’s advancement.

    Yet, watch who goes down to Haiti to help out — Christian organisations.

    The atheist organisations seem mostly interested in putting up signs in buses and suing people.

  30. deowll says:

    Earthquakes are. We now know enough to have a decent idea of where they will happen and about how big a worst case might be but nobody is ever likely to prevent one.

    They aren’t the judgment of God. Like the rain they fall on the just and the unjust.


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