I’m shocked, SHOCKED, I say, to find that a computerized system can store and transmit data. Who could imagine such a thing? At least there is no possibility there could be a — what do the techie folks call it… — a backdoor way to do this while not in ‘testing’ mode. Right?
Contrary to public statements made by the Transportation Security Administration, full-body airport scanners do have the ability to store and transmit images, according to documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
The TSA has stated publicly on its website, in videos and in statements to the press that images cannot be stored on the machines and that images are deleted from the scanners once an airport operator has examined them. The administration has also insisted that the machines are incapable of sending images.But a TSA official acknowledged to CNN that the machines do have these capabilities when set to “test mode.”
The official said these functions are disabled before the machines are delivered to airports and that there is no way for screeners in airports to put the machines into test mode to enable the functions. The official, however, would not elaborate on what specific protections, if any, are in place to prevent airport personnel from putting the machines in test mode.
In this fairly hilarious article:
Fred says we need an “integrated explosive-sniffer, puff-analyzer, millimeter-wave panty-viewer, shoe-x-rayer, stomach pump, CAT-scanner and nitrate-sniffing automated dildo” ASAP!
In this bleak atmosphere of security empires gone mad, I’d like to introduce something beautiful, based upon moving images that look much like these full-body scans. It’s Norman McLaren’s 1968 film masterpiece Pas de deux. Thirteen minutes and twenty-two seconds of your life that, I hope, you won’t begrudge. It’s nominally ballet (and I’m not a ballet fan), but the beauty is added in the post-processing.
#40 Here’s a few extra, little pedro, in case you ever run out.
sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple
There ya go… don’t say I never gave you anything. 🙂
You know, I almost feel sorry for you wingnuts… you worshiped Dubya for so long. Nothing as sad as a worshiper who has found out that their god has feet of clay. Now y’all are like spurned lovers — you hate him as much now as you loved him before. And you hate Obama too, you see him as the new god and you reject him too. And anyone who finds a single thing to say positive about Obama, you assume they’re Obama worshipers. Because you’re worship kind of people and you see the world in those terms.
Not much happiness in a wingnut’s life nowadays…