1. denacron says:

    I think Fred Reed has a good idea of what is next in store… http://tinyurl.com/y9s7k8t

  2. The DON says:

    He knew!!!

    Quick, grab him and waterboard him.

    Find out everything else he knows (and anything he thinks you want to hear, I’m sure he’ll tell you he was trained in yemen)

  3. Animby says:

    denacron: Very good. Thanks for that.

    I would like to make a small proposal:
    Napolitano and the TSA can institute any security measures they feel are necessary to make our flying safer. However – Napolitano, and every other member of the government will be required to fly coach for all government paid travel. The President, of course, would have to be exempted but, I see no reason why Michelle and the kids should skip the security lines. Let’s see how the Speaker likes taking off her Manolos and get groped – er – patted down by a high school drop out with a badge.

  4. Serious says:

    Problem is he never got to the third part of that joke.. the anal bomber. Guess what will happen after that… (bend over!)

  5. bac says:

    It will be interesting to see how far is too far when it comes to screening at the airport. Has any airline posted number of fliers compared to years past?

    But this could be a big scam. The government makes flying to annoying so the airlines declare bankruptcy. Then the government gives the airline huge bail-out funds. No planes flying but the airline industry goes on.

  6. Phydeau says:

    Terrorists cannot destroy America. They can only scare America into destroying itself.

    When millions of Americans clamor to give up their fundamental rights, in a futile quest to be protected from further terrorist attacks, the terrorists have won.

  7. Dallas says:

    Perhaps we need to promote a free balling society.

    The “Underwears don’t kill. Only people wearing underwear” mentality may not work anymore.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:




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