- It seems as if China has hacked into Google’s Gmail to steal information. This should be a fun story to watch.
- No sync yet for Google docs.
- Asteroid headed for earth!
- More on Android 2.1. Get it!
- New group tracking down cell phone drivers.
- Tech downturn is over says Forrester.
- More Windows Mobile 7 delays. Why?
- Zinio goes onto iPhone.
- Microsoft says the joystick is dead.
- New iPhone in April. New features including — guess what?
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Says I need Flash 9 or higher and Java. I DO have those. Still see no player. Verified same problem on other computer and browser.
How come nobody mentions the censorship that Google employs in the US?
Just try typing “Bilderberg Group” into Google and see how many letters it takes before the auto suggest feature stops working.
Zinio on iPhone would be very cool. Maybe I can read PC Mag again.
I just could not read magazines on my computer screen but the iPhone, yes that is a better environment for me.
Even better on the Apple tablet but I’m not paying $1000 for that thing.
What is Bilderberg? [Google censorship]
Both McCain and Obama campaigns plus the White House mail servers were attacked last year from China. Is that a slam against non-cloud servers?
Do we ever attack Chinese servers?
If so which ones and would there be anything of value on them?
Seems like a uneven playing field for the next cyber battle to me.
The Google story is worth watching.
The other story that John hasn’t found is where the bleep is the money coming from that is propping up the stock market? Smart big money players have been talking to Fox and they say it isn’t clear though they think it’s the Fed. I suppose it could be other governments with a cash surplus and more dollars than they want to hold. If I recall correctly it amounts to about a third of the market!
Buzz Kill, Crack Pot! This is the kind of thing you are supposed to tell me about, Not the other way around!
M$ had better keep their hands off my joystick. So what the heck do they know. I ain’t using no wiimote to control my M$ flight Simulator.
The Zinio reader sucks on a monitor. You have to constantly scroll to read a page now. I can imagine how bad it will be on an iphone.
Guantanamo Bay turns into Lemonade.