1. MikeN says:

    In response the guy chopped off his head.

  2. RBG says:

    This could start a new trend where the terrorists apologize on a reality show to the children their bombs killed.


  3. Animby says:

    Watch for a book, soon.

  4. Holdfast says:

    If this is the story I heard it is noticeable that the former “detainees” are not described as terrorists. They were kidnapped and held by armed people who frequently harmed them. They received a variety of maltreatment and few of those responsible for these crimes have come forward.
    All credit to the brave individual who did something in his youth and innocence that he now feels bad about. I hope his former “colleagues” think about their past actions too. How different are they from the kidnappers in Baghdad?

  5. The DON says:


    I couldn’t agree more, it could be milked in many different countries, US, UK, Iraq, etc ….

    Whats the odds on Adam Curry claiming this is all part of the shadow puppet theatre. Gotta love Adam.

  6. zorkor says:

    this sure made the wing nuts very upset. Losers..


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