The following is the conclusion section from the research paper.
[In] the three GM maize varieties that formed the basis of this investigation, new side effects linked to the consumption of these cereals were revealed, which were sex- and often dose-dependent. Effects were mostly concentrated in kidney and liver function, the two major diet detoxification organs, but in detail differed with each GM type. In addition, some effects on heart, adrenal, spleen and blood cells were also frequently noted. As there normally exists sex differences in liver and kidney metabolism, the highly statistically significant disturbances in the function of these organs, seen between male and female rats, cannot be dismissed as biologically insignificant as has been proposed by others [4]. We therefore conclude that our data strongly suggests that these GM maize varieties induce a state of hepatorenal toxicity. This can be due to the new pesticides (herbicide or insecticide) present specifically in each type of GM maize.
[…] These substances have never before been an integral part of the human or animal diet and therefore their health consequences for those who consume them, especially over long time periods are currently unknown. […] In conclusion, our data presented here strongly recommend that additional long-term (up to 2 years) animal feeding studies be performed in at least three species, preferably also multi-generational, to provide true scientifically valid data on the acute and chronic toxic effects of GM crops, feed and foods. Our analysis highlights that the kidneys and liver as particularly important on which to focus such research as there was a clear negative impact on the function of these organs in rats consuming GM maize varieties for just 90 days.
You always need to find out who paid for study to find out what the research results are supposed to be.
Yes, follow the money!
Just remember to do that in every situation, also when results show that using modified crop do not show organ damage.
I like the part where they attribute it to pesticides in the corn while at the same time the whole theme is that GM’s are damaging to eat. They have an agenda. The Anti-GM crowd has a religion.
There is a real danger in short circuiting natural selection. We don’t have a firm enough knowledge of molecular biology and genetics. Unintended consequences are bound to happen.
@Bill, Just keep drinking the (GM modified) Kool-Aid.
Why do people have to fuck with EVERYTHING!?!?? Oh yeah.. money.
Oh good, you like GM, you eat it. Those that would rather not should have the right to abstain. However in order to do this all GM foods should be so be properly labeled as such. You want to trust your health to Monsanto, I could care less. But I should have the right to not consume products made with GM. If you think Monsanto cares about public health after the whole PCB scandal, you deserve a metastasizing cancer in your liver.
So how about I ask the real question. How do any of us trust any studies? Do none of you find that the scientific method has been so corrupted by cash, grants and publicity that every bit of science news must be take incredibly sceptically?
Isn’t a scientific study now about worth the same as a politicians word?
As a Scandinavian visiting US frequently the general obesity strikes me, especially the enormous asses sides very often seen on men an women alike. You don’t see that in Europe, at least very rarely. Not saying there are no fat people in Europe. There are many and I am (close to) one. It is however the way the fat is deposited; the enormous lower torso.
Now, how can that be? I suspect the difference in food legislation where among others the usage of growth hormones as well as GMO feed stuffs play a vital part. In the US both are in rampant use, and has been for many years, while in Europe, they are basically banned.
If you consider the general meat consumption for poultry, pork and beef Europe is more or less on the same line as the US.
The huge asses and the incredible pear shaped bodies must be caused by something? The genetics are comparable on the caucasian:caucasian and black:black.
My amateur conclusion is that this has to do with the food in the US and what it is made of. I find no other explanation.
Has this ever been addressed? Or is ADM and Monsanto et al. the evil empires that control the relevant scientific communities?
I think so….
It’s the new Pesticides. So strong they even kill humans! Get yours today for 10% off!
“So how about I ask the real question. How do any of us trust any studies?”
Well run double blind studies that are published in the New England Journal of Medicine or the British Lancet are considered by most to be trusted.
Really be skeptical of results of studies that are summarized in newspapers, TV or the internet.
Hmeyers, being objective is a ‘hard sell’ on DU. Good posts. 😉
#8 “But genetically modified food is gonna be the one thing that gonna make us unhealthy?”
Uh…yeah, one of many things. Prove us wrong, go out and start daily drinking pesticides. They’re putting pesticides in the crops themselves. If you don’t think that could be a problem, go out and drink a (tiny) bit of pesticide every day. In 90 days come back and tell us how your liver function is…should be interesting.
Come on libertarians… give us the usual spiel about burdensome government intervention. Here, I’ll give you a start:
Government is never the solution, it’s always the problem! People should be able to decide whether they want to eat pesticide-ridden food themselves, not have some eeeeevul government organization tell them they can’t! THAT’S SLAVERY! WAH WAH WAH!
I started my low-carb diet just in time!
Ok, I’ve got a good idea.
Let’s stop using all GM foods and pesticides.
Of course, 4/5th of the human population will die from starvation, but that’s ok as long as I’m not one of them.
That makes me a Liberal, doesn’t it?
#13 But just because I don’t trust large companies doesn’t make this particular hysteria valid either.
Hysteria? It’s some scientists who have published a study about GM food. You trying to picture it as “hysteria” is just a transparent way of discounting their findings.
You don’t trust scientific studies, fine. There are lots of ignorant wingnuts who don’t. But the rest of us, who possess critical thinking abilities, notice that Monsanto has a lot to lose if this is true. And on the other side is just some researchers at a couple universities in France. So who’s more likely to be BSing?
Don’t worry if you don’t understand this Hmeyers… it’s just more of that confusing “science” stuff. 😉
But seriously, I hope Monsanto knows where to send your check. Good job sucking up to the big corporations.
#19 Congratulations Ah_Yea, you win today’s Bogus Logic Prize. In your case, the false dichotomy:
Either we completely trust our health to big corporations without question,
Or, Millions and billions of people will die.
You can pick up your prize at the exit. 🙂
(And no, that just makes you an idiotic wingnut.)
GlassHalfFull… now you are being ridiculous. I am 56 and have always eaten food where pesticides have been used. Like most people I wash my food before I eat it.
That does not equate with drinking “daily drinking pesticides” as you dramatically claim.
If you want to know the effects of consuming tiny amounts of pesticides… the ACTUAL amounts found on washed food… I’ll offer myself as an example. Because of an unrelated heart problem, and the various drugs I have to take, I get my blood tested 5-6 times a year. My liver and other organs are in perfect health after 56 years of eating rather indiscriminately.
Not everything Monsanto does is evil. Calm down and be reasonable.
My libertarian perspective is that the whole mess is fueled by the government issuing patents on biological organisms, not to mention the special treatment that corporations in general receive.
My practical side understands that neither of these atrocities will be going away anytime soon, so we’d better figure out how to deal with the cards we have been dealt.
First off, follow the money on any study. Second, look at sample size, controls, double blindness, etc. Also look for other studies that present confirmation or disagreement with the study in question. Is there a consensus? This will tell you whether to pay any attention to the study or not.
If you have real scientific evidence, then you can move on to corrective measures.
As for GM foods, well, I’d rather eat a Chevrolet :). But seriously, there is a role for government in that if they are going to issue patents for this stuff and therefore regulate the industry, they should go ahead and require labeling to identify the patented products. It’s not really much different from inspecting meat or enforcing accurate weights and measures. And, if government won’t do it, there are other options. Ever heard of Underwriter’s Laboratories? Society of Automotive Engineers? Heck, even Consumer Reports serves (or at least used to) the function.
Me? I don’t know which is worse. GM food or Twinkies and Capt’N Crunch!
Ah, Phydeau.
So without modern agriculture, how do we feed the world?
(BTW, what’s my prize?)
Hopefully, it’s a gun and NRA membership… 🙂
GM food is a bad idea period. Those people drove an entire car company into the ground (no pun intended) How could we ever trust them with our food? Not to mention they’re owned by the gov’t because of the bailout, and the government can’t handle s**t on its own. I say no way to this, and damn the Monsanto bastards too.
I would be a little worried if I were a rat. Otherwise, until they do more significant testing, I’ll continue to wash my food and eat whatever’s the most reasonable price at the food mart.
#23, Well said.
#13 I’m not against science per se. Just health conscious. Monsanto (prime player in the GM game) in particular has a history of producing toxic products and fighting to protect their profits while at the same time fully aware of the toxic properties and the deaths caused. Look up the history of PCB. I wouldn’t want these folks anywhere near my food, much less producing genetically modified anything.
#24 Still with the false dichotomy. No one is saying abandon modern agriculture. We’re saying, use modern agriculture, but not in ways that poison the people who eat the food.
In a sense you really can’t blame Monsanto. We the people keep demanding cheaper and cheaper food. The market speaks, and the providers listen. They’re giving us cheaper food all right… but at what price to our health?
An interesting study. I fully expect this to be followed up by other researchers and either expanded upon or discounted.
A study like this is simple enough for most High School Science Projects. Suggesting it requires a “double blind” standard only demonstrates the ignorance of the commenter.
And although I prefer not to eat GM foods, I’ll wait until there are a few more studies before I form any conclusions.
#32 An interesting study. I fully expect this to be followed up by other researchers and either expanded upon or discounted.
I fully expect scientists to be hired by Monsanto and to miraculously find that there are no problems with eating GM food whatsoever. Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Now, that may or may not be true, but you can count on the Monsanto scientists saying it.
IMHO the burden of proof is on GM food producers. They need to prove it’s safe to tinker with stuff that’s been the same for millions of years.