It’s working just like he planned, says Eric Margolis in his latest article:

Azzam was murdered in 1989, likely by a western intelligence service. His pupil, Osama, launched a seemingly quixotic mission to overthrow the western-backed dictatorships and monarchies that misruled the Muslim world, and drive western power from the region.

Today, Osama’s words haunt us as we witness hysteria and chaos engulf America’s air travel system, the war party in Washington demands the US invade Yemen, and the drums beat for war against Iran.

US airport security officials will be even more panicked when they learn a jihadist recently tried to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s interior minister, Prince Nayef, by detonating a bomb secreted in his rectum. Will we soon bend and spread for security – just like in prisons?

The American colossus continues to stumble ever deeper into the Muslim world’s violent, tangled affairs at a time when Washington is bankrupt and only runs on Chinese loans. In 2009, the US deficit was US $1.4 trillion. But Washington managed to spend $200 billion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by loading the costs onto the national credit card.

  1. RBG says:

    21 Mr. F; 22 qb

    Ah yaa… Vut effer you do, do not talk about ze var…

    Cripes, wait-a-minit, we are talking about war. So then, anybody recall any good wars? Ohh, pick me. Pick me: Consider that the estimated cost of WW2 was $288,000,000,000 – for just the USA. Oh my goodness, this can only mean, by DU logic, that Hitler was winning the war at some point. Choose another war if the classics bother you.

    Dare I suggest US citizens suffered more hardships during WW2? Isn’t that the DU gauge of who is winning? Except in the USA, right now, we’re barely bitching about the inconvenience. The general population might even want to be aware of, less contribute to, the effort. Instead, Leno is the headline.


  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, RBG,

    I think you’re having a touch of Dudditis. bin Laden and Hitler have nothing in common.

    I asked you to explain, you haven’t.

  3. RBG says:

    31 Mr. F. Expensive war. And I’m not going to waste my time even as a joke to explain it further in baby language for you.


  4. deowll says:

    The event in question is old news. There are really two problems. A. The government is incompetent. B. The public is panciked.

    Nobody is putting much effort into knocking airliners out of the sky. Why should they when their failures have us running around like hamsters on a wheel?

    My data suggests we have a 50% fail rate when tested which is way behind the 8/9 success rate of the Slovakians.

    If you have better data feel free to share.

  5. bill says:

    Is this really a war? I mean if it were a real war wouldn’t a lot more people and things be destroyed indiscriminately?

    A bombing raid of cluster ammunition into a large demonstration in some city center, or some kind of spaced based rail gun attack on someones royal palace would get some attention…

    We’re just fooling around with these guys for I don’t know what?

    WTF are our real war fighters? And more importantly why arn’t they fighting a real war?

    Politics? HUH???

  6. RBG says:

    War has become far more civilized.

    In this country, now you can even go to the opera without even knowing there is one.


  7. Jopa says:

    The article is bullocks.
    The US didn’t invade Iraq because of Al Qaeda and Iran are sworn enemies of Al Qaeda as these are Sunnis.

    Yemen flares up every decade or so, and the current flare up is no different.

    Anyway, I do think that invading Afghanistan was a mistake – the US should have nuked them and thats it. It would have sent the right message to the rest of the world: screw with us and you’re history.


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