As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised “transparency” in government. The impression was left that we’d all be able to pull up a chair and watch administration officials and lawmakers hash out their philosophical and policy differences as they make laws that affect our lives.
Specifically, Obama said, “we’ll have [healthcare reform] negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so the people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents and who is making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies.”
But now, the White House seems to be pulling back from that pledge, and that’s rankled some Democrats as well as Republicans, not to mention news analysts and opinion makers always eager for a squabble – especially if it hints at a broken promise.
In a recent letter to congressional leaders, C-SPAN chief executive Brian Lamb asked lawmakers to televise their healthcare discussions.“The American people pay for all this that goes on in this town,” Mr. Lamb said on the Bill Press Show. “It’s always been my contention – and it’s not a sophisticated, intelligent position, it’s just a gut reaction – that if we pay for something, and it’s the public’s business, we ought to be able to see how it’s done. It’s just that simple.”
Honestly though, what person with common would actually think the government would disclose ALL that is going on? If you’re one that actually believes in this crap then you should be shot as a terrorist (shrug, just kinda came out :P)
I mean, in order to make you feel good that nothing is being hidden from you, in which case you as a citizen can’t do jack sht about anything anyhow except “feel” good, we should provide all details and info where actual terrorists and anyone that hates us can use it against us. Yea, that’s a good world to live in alright. You wouldn’t last a second though.
So please stop with this crap already. You are many other people don’t know jack sht what is going on. Demand and complain like the lazy Americans we are is all you can do.
This is going to be Obama’s “Read my lips, no new taxes.”
It will be what makes him a one term President.
#29 #28, We don’t have the luxury of throwing out the Republican and Democratic parties and starting over. We have to work with what we’ve got.
It’s that attitude that keeps them re-elected.
#30 28. “We don’t have the luxury of throwing out the Republican and Democratic parties and starting over. We have to work with what we’ve got.”
Complete moronic Bullshit.
Yes, I understand, you’re using DU to vent. You’re frustrated, you’re angry. I can relate. But you’re also denying reality. The R’s and the D’s have a lock on politics. You have to work within the system.
Throwing them all out and starting over is the lazy man’s way and won’t solve anything. Wherever there’s power, there’s corruption. The new political parties, the new bosses, will be just as corrupt. George Orwell hit the nail on the head with “Animal Farm”.
The solution? The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Citizens must pay attention to politics and make their wishes known. A congressman with 600,000 constituents considers it a landslide of public opinion if he gets 100 letters on an issue. If one percent of people got off their asses and sent an email, that’s 6000 letters, and a congressman would by god pay attention to that. But most people are lazy and don’t care. And its frustrating to see our country slipping away because of lazy people.
#36 This is going to be Obama’s “Read my lips, no new taxes.”
It will be what makes him a one term President.
And you think the Republicans are going to be any better? Each and every criticism that has been leveled against Obama, the Republicans are worse offenders. In bed with big banks? Worse. Subservient to big insurance? Worse. Sucking up to big corporations? Worse. Keeping governmental operations secret? Worse. Screwing the little guy, taking care of the big guy? Much much worse.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
#10 Ditto. Though I do find it offensive just how big the lies are these guys are expecting me to swallow are.
Of course some guy did say the bigger the lie the more some people will believe them. The present government seems to be seriously pushing that thought to an extreme.
#37, You have to work within the system.
What system? The Republicrats are turning into Mexico’s PRI — a single party where nothing gets done unless the money flows to the politician.
#38, Pedro nailed you in #31.
Let’s get real. Even if the committee to reconcile the health-care insurance reform bills were to be open to C-Span TV coverage, we would still not see who is working for who. I’ll bet 90% or more of the decisions on what goes in and what gets left out are made in the hallways, the dining rooms and the private offices of the members. And that is without TV coverage.
To truly have the decision-making in the open, all the e-mails and phone calls would have to be monitored in real time. Roving TV crews would have to follow every member of congress and their staff so that the “chance” face-to-face encounters are recorded.
Televising the committee meetings will not show sausage being made, it will only show the sausage being put onto the store shelf.
#40 Yes, you’re a fundamentalist who only sees black and white. I don’t expect you to understand the idea that one political party is somewhat less bad than the other. Apparently that escapes little pedro too.
And what is this “turning into” stuff. It has always been this way. Money talks.
But it must feel good to be so certain.
It saddens me to say it but Obama screws up yet again. Doesn’t deliver what he promised. Doesn’t deliver what the country needs.
He’s good to talk, but much of what he says bares little relation to what he does. And when he does do something which in principal is something that we need (say like health care reform) his actions are half arsed.
It’s a year later. For crying out loud man, show some balls.
Another bogus contrived Fox “scandal” brought to you by the same bunch who LOVED and DEFENDED Dick Cheney and his blacked-out, closed door government.
For example, when Dick Cheney huddled behind closed doors with Halliburton, Enron and only-god-knows-what-other-billionaires to let them write America’s energy policy, these conservatives declared that Americans HAD ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to know even who was in the meetings!
The cons loudly defended Cheney’s blacked-out government with a collective STFU to the American people.
And NOW they are complaining that Obama isn’t transparent enough?
What a load of crap!
And you just watch, as Obama’s Open Government Directive gets implemented, these same cons will be the first ones carping about how he’s jeopardising national security!
Again.. what a steaming pile-o-crap these carping TV and radio cons are. They have absolutely no interest in the facts or any attempt at fairness or intellectual honesty.
>> Phydeau said, on January 11th, 2010 at 10:02 am
>> But I agree that Obama broke his promise about keeping things out in the open.
The healthcare debate HAS BEEN ON C-SPAN, hasn’t it? (I don’t get C-SPAN). Certainly I’ve heard a zillion clips of it on other media.
In any regard, this health insurance reform effort has been the most transparent political process I have ever witnessed.
Compare this to, let’s say, Medicare Part D which was drafted in secret and rammed through in the middle of the night. Or the Patriot Act which none of us had even heard of until it was already passed into law.
>> freddybobs68k said, on January 11th, 2010 at 2:57 pm
>> Doesn’t deliver what he promised. Doesn’t deliver what the country needs.
The country desperately needed to restore relationships with the international community — Obama delivered that.
The country needed an economic stimulus plan that was more than tax cuts for the rich — Obama delivered that.
The country needed help buying homes — Obama delivered that.
The country needed its automotive industry jump started — Obama delivered that.
The country needed help paying for college — Obama delivered that.
The country needed a president who could work with countries like Pakistan and Yemen — Obama delivered that.
The country needed to have it’s returning veterans helped out — Obama delivered that.
The country needed fair pay for it’s women — Obama delivered that.
… and I’m just coming up with this off the top of my head. The real list is MUCH longer and will be much longer before Obama’s first term is done. WITH NO THANKS TO THE OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS who try to block all every every to get the country what it needs.
#47 Greg Allen
That’s all well and good. And don’t get me wrong it could have certainly been much much worse.
Its pretty easy to come up with a list of where he failed. From the top of my head…
The current health care bill is half arsed – arguably because he was spineless and showed no leadership.
Escalating the war in Afganistan.
Guantanamo bay is still open.
The performance at Hopenhagen.
Keeping the patriot act.
Using the same wall st centric cronies to ‘fix’ the economy.
Its all very well blaming the Republicans (they are masters of obstruction) – but he fell into their trap. The Republicans can and do make things happen (often retarded things). With Obamas democrats everything is impossible and needs Republican help.
I agree it could be much, much worse. But I’m not sure you’re paying attention if you aren’t at least somewhat disappointed.
And please nobody say ‘it’s only a year’. At some point he has to be judged on actions and results. So far it is a long way from impressive.
#42, Yes, there is only black and white. If you compromise with evil, evil wins.
I will give you ALL a good question…
REMEMBERING that the 2 main groups have Blackballed EVERY OTHER GROUP..
What Democratic gov, has on 2 parties??
ONLY in the USA..
#45 Pretty well summed it all up. In our form of government we elect representatives to go to Washington and do the dirty work of putting legislation together and making something out of it, and whether it be good or bad, we have the option of voting someone else into office later on to fix what the original authors did wrong in our opinion as voters.
When there is an opposition/minority party involved that the majority knows without a doubt would vote against everything, no matter what it is, major or minor, just simply oppose everything Obama says and does, it is perfectly acceptable for that majority to just go ahead and do what it wants to do behind their own closed doors if they want to and let the minority complain about not being part of the process. Why have them be part of the process if you know they won’t vote for anything in the end simply based on party line? Legislation is all about compromise, on BOTH sides, something today’s parties have thrown into the trash of history.
#49 #42, Yes, there is only black and white. If you compromise with evil, evil wins.
See, this is the problem with today’s “conservatives”. They have been programmed to believe that anyone who has different political beliefs is evil. The similarity to religious fundamentalism is amazing. You’re an arrogant fundy little prick, LL. You think you’re right, and everyone else isn’t just wrong, but evil. What a schmuck.
#46 Good points, Greg. Obama has definitely been more open than Cheney ever was.
#53, They have been programmed to believe that anyone who has different political beliefs is evil.
I’m confused here. Help me out.
Because I refuse to accept a corrupt politician (your words) whereas you accept a corrupt politician, I am in the wrong?
That’s rich.
You’re an arrogant fundy little prick, LL. You think you’re right, and everyone else isn’t just wrong, but evil. What a schmuck.
And you lost because you resorted to name calling.
Woo Hoo!!!
I won, I won, I won!
#55 So clueless, so clueless. The problem of corruption will ALWAYS be with us. Your nitwitted desire for politicians immune to corruption is so detached from reality. You’re living in your own little fantasy world. All politicians are tempted by corruption. That’s reality. Temptation ALWAYS accompanies power. The best we can do is keep an eye on them, hold them accountable. We will NEVER get rid of the corruption problem.
But good luck in your search for that incorruptible politician. (Where’s that eye-rolling icon when you need it?)
#14 What an idiot! Sheeple!
#22 I know you are, but what am I? Sheeple!
#32 What a moron! Sheeple!
#44 #31:Yer momma wears army boots! Sheeple!
#47 Neener neener neener! Sheeple!
All of you, bow down before my superior intellect! Sheeple!
(No, I’m not pedro, but I just felt like him today…)
#57, If you remove the incentive for the corruption, it will go away.
Why are they tempted and with what are they tempted?
Seems everyone is resorting to name calling now so I’ll join in as well 🙂
fck you all, although this has nothing to do with the thread.
Was that transparent enough or do I need to lift this middle finger of mine to be more specific?
57, Here’s a shocker. We can stop increasing the power / size of government.
When you do that, you can reduce the influence of corrupt politicians.
So even though you acknowledge corruption will ALWAYS be with us, their effect on us would be rather limited.