I take back what I said in my earlier post today. The Republican party was and is too incompetent to have thought through a complex strategy to lose in ’08, make Obama & Dems take the fall for not being able to fix the mess they created when Bush, et al were in power, then come back to reclaim power in ’12. Palin being nominated as VP is an example.

Palin’s most powerful nemesis, McCain/Palin campaign strategist Steve Schmidt, will soon return the fire Palin unloaded on him from her book, “Going Rogue”. Operation Palin Apocalypse officially commences Sunday night when Schmidt appears on 60 minutes. The only question remaining is how low will they go? This is the GOP after all. The party of Rovian election tactics.

Rachel Maddow gave us a preview of Schmidt’s jihad, which reveals that they’re going after Palin’s blatant lying about her guilty verdict in the bi-partisan Blanchflower Troopergate investigation, her lying about her husband’s AIP membership, her consistent inaccuracies regarding her record, her unwillingness to prepare for debates and interviews, and her odd speech affliction which made it impossible for her to address then Senator Joe Biden properly (apparently, Palin’s consistent “O’Biden”s caused the debate prep team to suggest she address Biden as “Joe”, leading to the infamous “Can I call you Joe” VP debate moment.)

Republicans know she is not electable, yet they need her teabagging base motivated to get out and vote. The hard right (Limbaugh, Beck, Palin crowd) are the folks who show up to vote in the primaries. Could Palin walk away with the Republican nomination, leaving the Republicans doomed to an epic failure?
Will the GOP go for the jugular? Will they release the photos they scrubbed from the Johnston computers? Will they bring up Abortion Wite-Out Gate? Will they bring up her lies about providing a birth certificate for her youngest child, whose birth is the source of undying rumors that started in Alaska before she was tapped for VP and continue to this day? Will they question her Wild Ride?

  1. Floyd says:

    #30: That’ll ensure the baggers will keep the competent Texas Republicans out of office (they do exist), and real science out of the classrooms.
    Many of the baggers think the world is only 6000 years old because of Bishop Ussher.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    #34, Do you have a statistical accounting to prove those numbers or is this just some rumor you’ve heard and are spreading it around?

  3. RSweeney says:

    Why do liberal jerks think it’s fine to refer to conservatives using trash homo-erotic terms.

    Do you think it’s just a sign of your moral and intellectual superiority?

  4. Animby says:

    I actually read Palin’s book. I don’t think she’s “dumb” at all. I do think she’s been incredibly lucky in her career. I would not vote for her for any public office because she’s about an inch and a quarter from being a religious loon. I doubt the GOP will allow her to get very far in her current ambition to run for prez.

    On the other hand, if the Dems keep voting against the desires of their constituents – and bragging about it – they are likely to lose large this year. With a GOP majority senate and increases in the House, the 2012 election looks a bar brawl.

    GOP ran old, experienced and not-too-corrupt against young, charismatic and not-yet-recognized-as-corrupt and lost handily. You can bet they’ll find someone younger, more charismatic and not-yet-corrupted for 2012. I would not be surprised to see a woman running but I will be very surprised if that woman is Palin.

  5. Thomas says:

    Funny how the idiots on the left are so scared of a woman who is so stupid and incompetent, according to them

    You mean like Hilarity Clinton?

    The way things are going almost anyone will be able to beat Obama in 2012…except Palin. Obama’s best (only?) shot at re-election is if Palin runs. Palin is basically Dan Quayle with a bigger dick.

  6. Father says:

    I want to see Palin on a half dozen episodes of hunting shows; have her kill and dress various animals, including a moose. With all the talk of her skills with a gun, she should have her own hunting show. For the love of God.

    dusanmal made some valid points, but I can’t see Palin doing any good in the white house. I would vote for Clinton Gore if Palin ran, and I can’t STAND Hillary or Al.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Father…Are you suggesting a Palin-Ted Nugent ticket?

    That could be exciting.

  8. Brock says:

    Here’s the comment I take issue with:
    “make Obama & Dems take the fall for not being able to fix the mess they created when Bush, et al were in power”

    If you truly understood the mess, you would understand it was created as much by Barney Frank, Greg Meeks, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and other prominent Dems as it was by Bush, Cheney and the republicans.

    If you really understood the economy, you would understand how incompetent Obama was the first 4 months he was in office, travelling around complaining about the mess he was left, by the democratic congress and republican executive branch, rather than trying to guide the country out of the mess.

    And the really pathetic game that is being played now by the Dems is keep unemployment high until later this year added stimulus money, which is nothing but borrowed chinease money, will start to flow and with the rise in employment, the Dems suspect they will stay in power. Smart dems realize their time is up and bailing out.

  9. clancys_daddy says:

    Um its Chinese not chinease. I’m not a spelling Nazi but I work for one.


    #33–Ah Yea==you’re just preaching to the choir. I don’t know why Obama has chosen to be Bush Light, but thats what he has become. Not his demeanor, not his “no drama”–no, his actual (lack of) performance in office. In short-no change.

    but running against Wallstreet would be taking on a populist cause and the only way to win back his middle and left base. The Reason is simple: political expedience. He may be a turncoat and currently bought by Wallstreet, but every politician will stab a supporter in the back if that is what it takes to win another 4 years. Every bought and paid for politician constantly has his hand out for “What have you done for me today?”

    Can anyone think of any other approach/lies that the American Public may fall for again?

    #37–hah, hah==Animby: “I actually read Palins book.”==WHAT TF? The whole book, or just the cover????? Poor soul. Trying to look kindly on all those under your purview??? ((“Thats why I love mankind, they really need me.”==terrific anti-god song. forget the artist but I’m gonna look him up.)) But you are not god, that is why you can and should exercise some free will and JUDGMENT??

    So yea. Its not just how well your brain can potentially think, it is all so more important what, for whatever reasons, you actually DO think. The bigges failing on Palin’s part is thinking there is a majority out there as empty headed as her base.

    It just ain’t so.


  11. The0ne says:

    Oh a Palin thread! Someone please post a sexy picture of her, recent mind you! And yes, I’m not looking for brains, just the “parts” that matter 😀

  12. Mr Ed says:

    It is incredible that some Repugs actually want Palin to run. Do you really want someone with an IQ significantly lower than “W”? Dumb people make dumb decisions – that means don’t put them in cahrge! Everyone has had a dumb boss and you know how painful it can be. Imagine Palin as the boss – oh the pain, the pain. She isn’t electable – Obama would chew her up in a 2012 campaign. It will take at least 8 years to rectify the blunders of Bush.

    I have a question for the teabaggers: What tax increases are you protesting? Name one.

  13. ramuno says:

    #37, reading Palin’s book leads you to understand that she is not dumb. You do know that she didn’t write the book, right?

  14. clay barham says:

    It looks like the lamestream media is trying to poison the Tea Party supporters by convincing them the GOP is taking control of it, when in reality; it is a majority of republicans who are part of the Tea Party with little concern for what the GOP thinks one way or another. The GOP has let us down since Reagan, having rebelled against Reagan’s policies. Be the “go to” person Rush spoke of. See claysamerica.com for the roots of what separates us. Claysamerica.com

  15. Animby says:

    #45 Bobbo & #47 Ramuno :
    The whole book, Bobbo. Including the cover. Yes Ramuno. I know she didn’t write it. I think she hired a sixth grader. The same thing applies To Obama’s book except he hired a terrorist to write his.

    Yes, Bobbo, I read “Schemes from my Father”, too. Including the cover. To be exact, by “read” I mean listened to. I save actual sit down reading time for literature and science. Publicity poop gets saved for the treadmill.

  16. qb says:

    Just announced! Sarah Palin will be a Fox news commentator. It’ll be gosh darn roguey and mavericky.


    God’s Song Lyrics

    Artist: Randy Newman
    Album: Sail Away

    Cain slew Abel Seth knew not why
    For if the children of Israel were to multiply
    Why must any of the children die?
    So he asked the Lord
    And the Lord said:

    “Man means nothing he means less to me
    than the lowiliest cactus flower
    or the humblest yucca tree
    he chases round this desert
    cause he thinks that’s where i’ll be
    that’s why i love mankind

    I recoil in horror from the foulness of thee
    from the squalor and the filth and the misery
    How we laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you offer me
    That’s why i love mankind”

    The Christians and the Jews were having a jamboree
    The Buddhists and the Hindus joined on satellite TV
    They picked their four greatest priests
    And they began to speak
    They said “Lord the plague is on the world
    Lord no man is free
    The temples that we built to you
    Have tumbled into the sea
    Lord, if you won’t take care of us
    Won’t you please please let us be?”

    And the Lord said
    And the Lord said

    “I burn down your cities–how blind you must be
    I take from you your children and you say how blessed are we
    You must all be crazy to put your faith in me
    That’s why i love mankind
    You really need me
    That’s why i love mankind”

    #49–Animby==working up a sweat to Palin? More like white noise to cover up the treadmill squeaking? Exercising, reading==you sir are my alternative lifestyle, much as Palin is my alternative reading. Well done.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    The subject, “How the Republican Party is imploded”. The right wing nut response? “It’s the Democrats I tell you, they are to blame”.

    The Republicans have become the party of NO. Their ideas are based upon lower taxes, lower services, lower regulations, freedom for corporations to rob, … . Their leaders are self imposed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, and Ann Coulter. These policies and people appeal only to a select group.

    While no one likes paying taxes, most Americans are pragmatic enough to know they are a necessity. Most Americans also recognize the need for regulations and most wish there were more in specific areas.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:


    Good point about Obama’s 2012 platform. While he might be vulnerable going after Wall Street, a huge push for universal payer health care would be a great attention getter.

    The majority of Americans are aware of the need for reform. I doubt the miscarriage we end up with will suffice for many Americans. Those who would object wouldn’t have voted for him in the first place.

    If the Republicans are to counter anything along that line, they better start soon.

  20. The0ne says:

    literature and science aren’t that much better 😮

  21. qb says:

    #54 Mr Fusion,

    Yup, the GOP has definitely gone back to their pre-Buckley ways.

  22. deowll says:

    I agree the Republicans are incompetent.

    This is still going to be a get rid of your Washington critter before he breaks you election because a lot of people see what I see. We are going over a cliff and the Dems are yelling faster! We are borrowing 150,000,000,000 a day. I said we were going under is five to ten years. I now think five or less. I seriously doubt if it can be prevented. I expect people to die when the social safety net fails. All bets are off in a situation like this.

    My Dem isn’t running cause he crossed his voters.

  23. qb says:

    #57 deowll

    I’m wondering how long it’s going to be before the US can’t pay the interest on the debt?

  24. Somebody says:

    “Will they bring up her lies about providing a birth certificate for her youngest child…”

    This is not the birth certificate people want to see. It would be phenomenally stupid to go there.

  25. Thomas says:

    While no one likes paying taxes, most Americans are pragmatic enough to know they are a necessity.

    A weak, overused strawman. No Republican nor conservative thinks that no one should ever pay any taxes of any kind. Not one. THE core issue with respect to taxes is whether the government has enough to do what it needs if it were run efficiently.

    The problem is that the Democrats have become the party that never says no especially to higher taxes. That has lead to States such as CA to become a train wreck of spending in combination with high tax rates and is leading the Federal government to the same place (see the porkulus bill.)

    The issue is never whether people should pay taxes. The issue is always whether they are already paying enough but what is being collected is wasted.

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    I don’t understand it — it’s like there’s something in the water (or maybe the food) — there don’t seem to be any competent leaders around any more. FDR got this country (and the Free World) through the Depression and WWII; Eisenhower helped the U.S. successfully transition from a wartime to a peacetime economy; JFK/LBJ made major gains in civil rights; Clinton actually balanced the Federal budget!!!

    Since then, what? Welfare-to-work? Whoop-de-doo. Repeal Glass-Steagall? Gee, thanks a lot, that really worked out well, didn’t it? What else? Anything?

    Most people aren’t wedded to any political party; they want someone in charge who can: 1) get things done that need to be done; 2) give us some sense of progress and/or well-being; 3) keep some economic opportunity available so they can hope to feed/clothe/house their families; and 4) keep some semblance of public order so they can raise their families in peace.

    If either party can come up with enough people like that, including one particularly charismatic person to run for president, people will vote for them. The problem the GOP is having is that they are stuck arguing political catechism and more concerned with “purity” than ability or leadership. The problem with the Dems is that leading them is like trying to herd cats, and the Obama administration hasn’t been able to show any big wins yet, other than that the rest of the world LOVES him (e.g. Peace Prize, etc.).

    To return to the theme of the story, as long as the GOP and conservatives in general continue with their internal purge, they will lose more elections. It is even possible the Dems could make some gains in the off-election, contrary to the usual mid-term losses. Too early to tell yet.


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