I take back what I said in my earlier post today. The Republican party was and is too incompetent to have thought through a complex strategy to lose in ’08, make Obama & Dems take the fall for not being able to fix the mess they created when Bush, et al were in power, then come back to reclaim power in ’12. Palin being nominated as VP is an example.

Palin’s most powerful nemesis, McCain/Palin campaign strategist Steve Schmidt, will soon return the fire Palin unloaded on him from her book, “Going Rogue”. Operation Palin Apocalypse officially commences Sunday night when Schmidt appears on 60 minutes. The only question remaining is how low will they go? This is the GOP after all. The party of Rovian election tactics.

Rachel Maddow gave us a preview of Schmidt’s jihad, which reveals that they’re going after Palin’s blatant lying about her guilty verdict in the bi-partisan Blanchflower Troopergate investigation, her lying about her husband’s AIP membership, her consistent inaccuracies regarding her record, her unwillingness to prepare for debates and interviews, and her odd speech affliction which made it impossible for her to address then Senator Joe Biden properly (apparently, Palin’s consistent “O’Biden”s caused the debate prep team to suggest she address Biden as “Joe”, leading to the infamous “Can I call you Joe” VP debate moment.)

Republicans know she is not electable, yet they need her teabagging base motivated to get out and vote. The hard right (Limbaugh, Beck, Palin crowd) are the folks who show up to vote in the primaries. Could Palin walk away with the Republican nomination, leaving the Republicans doomed to an epic failure?
Will the GOP go for the jugular? Will they release the photos they scrubbed from the Johnston computers? Will they bring up Abortion Wite-Out Gate? Will they bring up her lies about providing a birth certificate for her youngest child, whose birth is the source of undying rumors that started in Alaska before she was tapped for VP and continue to this day? Will they question her Wild Ride?

  1. Father says:

    Why can’t they ignore that loser Palin?

    Obama proved that the extreme wings of both parties have no power if the vast numbers of moderates swing to a clear choice.

    The clear choice in 2008 was NOT McCain+Palin.

  2. Postman says:

    I really am having a hard time figuring out what will happen this fall. I don’t think we will see a repeat of 94 though. The GOP is way too disliked by the mainstream for that to happen again.

    I think it is in Obamas interest for the Democrats to lose congress though. Obama would do better as the opposition party the way Clinton was. That would be the only thing that saves him in 12.

    But none the less, the USA is obviously a fading world power now. The combination of this congress, plus the last 9 years has made that certain. I wish I could lament that, but once again, the US population lacks the education and morality to be the world leader we once were.

  3. qb says:

    It’s tea baggers vs GOP establishment. Watch Marco Rubio vs Charlie Crist to see this in action.

  4. bill says:

    You would think in a country as diverse and as great as ours is we couldn’t do a better job of electing some folks that could actually get something done other than what we have received the past few ‘administrations’.

    It will be really interesting to see what happened to the USA in 100 more years or so.

    I hope I get reincarnated or something like that to see…

    I wonder if they will call these the Dark Ages II


  5. Faxon says:

    The real question here is: What is it about Palin that gets the Democrats so excited and frightened? Perhaps it’s the appeal she has for the majority of Americans, outside of the far leftist cities. You know, the heartland. Lefties just don’t get it. How can anyone who actually owns a firearm be a decent person? It’s outside of the Democratic paradigm. She is certainly more interesting than that empty suit Harry Reid, or that skeletal Pelosi.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #5: I think you’re missing the point of the article. It’s the Republican hierarchy that is afraid of her and now going after her because she’s clearly incompetent, yet has a following.

  7. The Warden says:


    For once you get it right Aunt Dave!

    See, there are different factions of repubs. There are the country club rino types that control the RNC n that swamp called DC and the true blooded conservative types out in the real world. We are trying to replace the spineless RINOS with those that actually are conservative and want a limited government. It will not be easy but 2010 might be the first installment of a bloodless revolution to get rid of not just the RINOS but to stop cold the leftist Obama Administration.

  8. The Warden says:

    Funny how the idiots on the left are so scared of a woman who is so stupid and incompetent, according to them. Quite telling if you ask me. Seems you should want her to run and hope she does and gets the nomination.

  9. Improbus says:

    #7: Yeah, that’s the ticket. Make your base smaller so you have the power to stop the Obamanation. Do you “conservatives” ever stop to think? Jeez.

  10. qb says:

    I’m also amazed that the right underestimates Obama at this point. It reminds me of the Democrats when Reagan was at 35% approval rating in his first term – they thought 1984 was going to be a slam dunk.

  11. Loupe Garou says:

    Anything to draw attention away from that bigot Harry Reid. He sure was smart wasn’t he?

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: For me, the big problem with the Republican party is the religious element that has taken control. If the party went back to a pre-70’s style party where limited government, limited intrusions into people’s lives (leave abortion to doctors & patients, stop ‘war on drugs’ stupidity, stop anti-gay stuff, no Big Brotherism, responsible regulation of business instead of cowtowing to it, etc), limited incursions into other countries, and so on were their platform, then I might be interested. As they are now, I can’t possibly support them despite not liking a lot of what the Dems are doing.

  13. Don Quixote says:

    The stupidity of the democratic majority being led by a republican minority of assholes, will turn off many of the voters who had hoped they, the dems, could restore the country from the pit of ruins the same republicans who they are now ass kissing left it in.

    If there was ever a time when an independent party was needed and able to win, it is now.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #11: Living in the Las Vegas area, he’s my Senator. He’s an embarrassment on many levels, but he’s one of the most powerful people in the world which makes it hard to get rid of him.

  15. Father says:

    I don’t see how anyone can think Palin represents more than a selfish and lazy point of view. What does she have besides hair, boobs, and a vulva?

    What ideas of governance has she expressed? She’s for small government, so she resigned from the office she was elected to execute. If elected, will she resign the presidency in order to shrink government?

    Her grandson’s father claims she can’t distinguish between a rifle and a shotgun, and she has never shot an animal in her life.

  16. Breetai says:

    Palin only represents what the money wants. Just like Obama. It doesn’t matter they’re both in the same party when it comes to policy implementation but people are too stupid to accept the obvious.

    The only difference between Obama and Palin are their lies.

  17. eaglescout1998 says:

    # 9 Who needs Democrats when you have Republicans like Susan Collins, Olympia Snow, and Arlen Specter? At least Specter had the good sense to defect.

  18. bac says:

    Palin appeal is to the ignorant people of America. Sadly, that is about 85% of the population. Why are the Democrats afraid of Palin? For the same reason every intelligent person should be, the country is falling apart and putting the ignorant in charge is not the answer.

    The leftist Obama Administration is the continuation of the Bush Jr. Administration which the Republicans do not want. In conclusion, the Republicans do not want what Republicans have wanting for many years now. Talk about an inbred party.

    The government is failing and the Democrats and Republicans can not and will not fix it.

    The American public doesn’t want to educate themselves enough to be able to pick the best person for the job.

    The media loves an ignorant audience because they do not want to spend the money and/or resources to put out content.

    Until the American people change their ways, the American government will be the same administration after administration. The ignorant will stay ignorant.

  19. clancys_daddy says:

    “What does she have besides hair, boobs, and a vulva?” I wouldn’t vote for her. I wouldn’t have an intelligent conversation with her. I don’t agree with her politics. But I can think of a number of uses for the parts she has. mmmilf with glasses.

  20. The Warden says:

    So the republican demise will happen after the current democrat demise…got it.

  21. swat45 says:

    I don’t understand the left or the right. What we need is to throw out all the incumbents in DC, no matter which party they claim to be. Then we need term limits for congress and the senate (two terms max). Then we need a constitutional amendment that makes all laws apply to everyone (congresspeople and senators, not just the rest of us). Lobbying should be a jailable crime. Health care should be the same for everyone ( same as congress and senate). No automatic raises for congress and senate. Time clocks that the congress and senate have to punch in and out along with mandatory hours that they must actually work or get fired like the rest of us. The the rest of us need to realize that the president is the smallest part of the problem, the legislative branch actually spends all the money. Of course none of this will ever happen as the rest of us are too busy blaming Bush for every thing bad since the dark ages and Obama for everything else.

  22. Father says:


    do you think her way through issues would work if she was The President?

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    First, I don’t know anyone on the left who’s afraid of Palin, I have to laugh when I see someone say that…it’s an ignorant statement. Go ahed, run her for prez, and watch what happens. I dare you. The left would love to see here run again. She’s fascinating to watch because she’s so freaking dumb underneath all that crap she talks….she’s nothing but a walking talking points memo. There’s nothing under that surface, absolutely nothing, and everybody but the teabagger crowd sees that.

    This split in the GOP is fascinating to watch, but in the end both groups will probably vote against Dems. Question is, how many teabaggers/wingnuts will run against regular GOP candidates? IMO the recent NY election gives us a preview.

  24. Chris says:

    Leftists, especially feminists, that hate Palin amuse me. She literally came from nothing, worked her way up, fought against the old boy network, does “manly” things like fishing and hunting, was the governor of a state and on the ticket as a VP candidate and they think shes’s

    a) dumb
    b) less qualified than Obama was
    and c) incapable of running and winning in 2012

    Yet she has smartly stepped down as governor to get out from the ridiculous lawsuits, made millions on her book, and is a power player in the GOP right now whether they like it or not. The left has already thrown everything they have at her, so she would be fine running in 2012 because, aside from any slip ups from now until then, the public has heard every attack.

  25. clancys_daddy says:

    I used to agree with the idea of term limits. Then I went to work for a state that has them. I began my career working for municipalities, and it goes like this. I don’t like my councilman, I will run against them and change all this bad shit. Hey I won, time to change this BS. Oh I can’t change the BS because in some cases its illegal or I didn’t have all the actual facts straight. OK time to get info and change things for the better. Get info, try and make change, try and explain why I didn’t change the BS, oops time for re-election. Followed usually by I don’t need this kinda shit I won’t run. In the states case, due to term limits (two max). Everybody is so busy with their personal agendas nothing gets accomplished. So you either get gridlock due to entrenchment of politicians, or you get gridlock because nobody can agree long enough to do anything, or doesn’t understand the process. The only difference between municipal, state and federal government, is the size of the mistakes, and the budget you have. Term limits, flat taxes, etc. sound great but when you get to the details things tend to fall apart. Mainly because humans are brutish thugs following the lizard portion of their brain out to get what they can for themselves, and terrified that some one else may get more then they do.

  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #27 Chris: siren song.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #26, Question is, how many teabaggers/wingnuts will run against regular GOP candidates?

    There are quite a few. In Texas, nearly every GOP seat has got a Tea Party challenger. Some are registering their name with “TEA” in it so it shows up on the ballet that way.


    #22–honeyman==predicting the future is foolish to argue about. Raise a few issues to think about–fair enough.

    Conservative/libertarian/selfish/FU, I Got Mine Republican==all fine political points of view, even just outright corrupt thieves.

    But Palin and the teabaggers represent a “different” kind of politician. A “no-think” bumpersticker mentality calling for fantasy emotionalism. Same as bible thumpers running for office. NOT about the country or the future, only about some quirk in their ego they need scratched===but similar birds of an ilk exist in sufficient numbers to nominate them. Bush Junior about as close to that kind being actually elected==but he had the cover of daddy. Palin would probably make it if she onlyu came from a political class that afforded enough handlers to hide the candidate from the voters. She could start her own dynasty if she sells enough books??? Trig for 2040?

  29. soundwash says:

    It makes no difference at all who “wins” -they all serve the same master..

    -here are some symbols to make you go “hmmm…”

    (keep it local)


  30. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo #13.

    “if in 2011 he AGGRESSIVELY goes after Wallstreet…”

    Here is your definitive answer. Take a moment to peruse this, it’s worth your time.


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