Al Franken (who was a gabber on Air America for a while) has worked out exceptionally well in Congress. Would Rush?

Ed Schultz for Senate? Lou Dobbs for president? Maybe Glenn Beck as Sarah Palin’s vice presidential running mate?

It’s been a heady few months for talk show hosts who like to think of themselves not just opining about what’s wrong with Washington or their state capital but being able to do something about it. And with the 2010 election cycle just getting underway, there’s likely to be much more speculation about talkers becoming candidates.

After all, the popularity of those who take calls and help Americans vent has never been greater. Talk show stars are household names, their books automatic bestsellers, their political pronouncements capable of launching tens of thousands of emails and phone calls, and even massive protest marches. And the once-bright line between media and politics has all but vanished, while activists on both the left and right are frustrated with their parties’ elected leaders.

Plus, flirting with a possible campaign can’t hurt the ratings.

  1. Thinker says:

    I think it all depends on the individual at the time. Though Franken and I are on opposite sides of the aisle, I do think he’s honest and sincere. I really liked the way he went after the contractors in Iraq.

    He’s not part of the old boy network (yet). I would trust him far more than Pelosi any day of the week. We’ll see how I feel a few years down the road.

    Let Beck get off his Sensational TV show and start talking. Let him campaign for rep, or senator then I’ll see…currently I wouldn’t vote for him any more than I’d have Cramer for Sec Tres.

  2. Floyd says:

    Agreed–Franken has a brain, and doesn’t spout the party line all the time, which is why he’s been exceptional in office.

    I generally vote Democratic, but I split my vote at election time, and like Albuquerque’s new Republican mayor, who also uses his brain.

    There have been a number of Republicans that are actually smart and which could be as effective as Franken if they get the chance. However, Glen Beck isn’t one of them, and neither is Rush.

  3. ErikN says:

    I’d like to see Dennis Miller as Speaker of the House. 🙂

  4. Mark T. says:

    ErikN, I second that.


    Franken’s been smart, kept a low profile and played it safe with the bills he’s putting his name on. Do a little digging though. A lot of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle are a little dismayed at his temper and what an a-hole he can be. It’s just a matter of time before a blow-up. That will be fun to watch.

  6. fromundacheese says:

    I’d vote for Judge Andrew Napolitano in a heartbeat.

  7. Don Moore says:

    I’d think that any National Talk Show Host who would give-up their Multi-Million Dollar salary for being in the peanut gallery, to take a pay cut to go in the game would more than stupid.

    Problem is that governing is hard. Talking about governing is easy. That why there are far more people talking about it instead of doing it.

  8. Paul Benjamin says:

    Colbert made a joke run for president for a couple of weeks and actually got some write-in votes. I think that most of the talkers wouldn’t do it because it would show the people who watch/listen how small their audience really is. A radio show can be a smash hit with only 1% of the population listening at any time.

  9. yanikinwaoz says:

    Are you kidding? Actually make decisions? Actually do work? Actually do something more than sit on the sides taking cheap shots. No way.

  10. jescott418 says:

    I might, anyone has to be better then the joker’s we have in there now. I still want the term of office limited to four years. We have too many lifer’s in there that are controlled by special interests. Fresh meat is always good in government. We need more people not government friendly. We need independent thinkers and not party followers.

  11. Improbus says:


    I would like to see Denis Leary as Speaker of the House. That would be 100% AWESOME! Denis Miller has been a douche bag for to long for me to want him as Speaker of the House. That’s a shame because I really liked his shtick back in the 90s (SNL era). Plus any friend of Bill “Loofah Boy” O’Reilly’s is no friend of mine.

  12. Postman says:

    Carrot Top should head up Nasa

  13. brm says:

    If their name is the one drawn randomly from the phone book, then yeah.

  14. soundwash says:

    No…they serve a better purpose as a talk show host.

    -besides the system is corrupt to the core. no matter who you vote in, nothing will change until it is wiped clean and restarted fresh.

    If they were to go into politics, they would soon be stifled, blindfolded and ballgaged, -consumed into the “the body” of corruption. their unique “vision” would be no more, -in the public eye.

    I see these particulars as pure fact.

    somehow, i am now beginning to conclude NONE of the current systems of government are “for the people” -and therefore should be abolished.

    the only thing atm, that i can see as possibly working “for the people” is a system that is wholly “by the people”

    the only example i think comes close to this is the way the ancient tribal American Indians lived their lives. -everyone participated, -had a role, and harmonized with their surroundings.

    we “the people” are too disconnected from “reality” -and this is why we now have the most corrupted government in our history.

    Nonetheless, i think we are about to learn a very important lesson over the next several years.. starting next month.

    I just hope “we the people” finally prevail, and learn the lessons of Life we have been blindfolded from.


  15. bac says:

    #14 — said |the only thing atm, that i can see as possibly working “for the people” is a system that is wholly “by the people”| — this is very close to anarchy depending on the definition you choose. Merriam-Webster: anarchy – a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.

    It is sad that the people of the USA are now trapped by the very government that they are suppose to be in charge of just because the majority of the people decided not to educate themselves enough to be able to make good decisions and to monitor the government.

    The government needs a reset but not enough people will come together to do the reset. The people are too busy dividing themselves. (Republican/Democrat; Conservative/Liberal)

    The USA will not fall by some outside enemy, it will fall from within.

  16. ECA says:

    If these folks are so smart and think that SOMEONE is doing a bad job..
    LET them run for office..not president(he doesnt have the power)..
    LET them get a POINT across where it can matter.

    Let them run a few petitions, SOMETHING other then running THEIR MOUTHS.

  17. Awake says:

    Hey… we have done worse with our candidates…. at least they don’t claim to see Russia from their house or believe that the earth is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs and man played together in the Garden of Eden.

  18. Uncle Don says:

    Would depend on how the individual stood on the mythological “legislating from the bench” philosophy: are they a rubber-stamp for the right-wing status quo, or do they actually have a brain like this guy:

    If there’s such a thing as a right-wing moderate on the airwaves who could see the value of the liberal view, then I think it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. (Financially aware yet socially responsible — as elusive as Obama’s “change” ??)

  19. Reganvelter says:

    It is awfully easy to arm chair quarterback,such as Rush and Glen Beck and the whole Hee Haw Fox Newscorp gang.
    Let me add Barak Obama to that list as He does apply with the story of two Baraks,one the candidate Barak versus the present President Barak who has found out just how much sleaze has permeated the political environment and as such is willing to stop at nothing to ensure that it stays in control.

    We can stand aside and wish that some new candidate is going to change things as in the mythical Mr. Smith,but You and I know better.
    If We had an Army of candidate Baraks then something might actually get done that would would return this country to it’s former status of home of the free and land of the brave,
    A government by,for and of the People instead of A government by,for and of the Corporate Lobby.

    For now,all that We can do is to vote out every incumbent and strive to make intelligent selections as to their replacements.
    Researching candidates who buck the status quo and yet seem to work well with others are rare commodities and separating sheep from goats will take research,not just making decisions based on the bullshit bought and paid for by Political Action Committees in 30 second infomercials.

  20. soundwash says:

    #15 said
    #14 — said |the only thing atm, that i can see as possibly working “for the people” is a system that is wholly “by the people”| — this is very close to anarchy depending on the definition you choose. Merriam-Webster: anarchy – a Utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.

    First, all excellent points in your entire post (and quite sobering for those still “hypnotized”)

    However, I have come to realize most all we have been taught is the inverse of the truth, or true meaning. -a mirror image if you will.

    This in part, keeps us from discovering we have within us, the ability to “live” free of “government” -successfully. (just as the American indians did before we “conquered them”) -in this context, just one mirror image example: overall the indians (during the old west days) were painted as barbarians. -as were many other much more ancient cultures. (and we of course, very civilized)

    when one sources the true “real” history, you learn the opposite is more the true “reality”.

    Most have been memed to only understand the definition Anarchy as basically a chaotic society of corrupted lawlessness. -again, the opposite of the definition you provided.

    My research leads me to believe that “real societies” have, can and do indeed live free of the tyranny of “government” quite well. -and it is government that will go great lengths to ensure this “Utopian” idea of a lifestyle will always fail (through subversion, etc) so that we will always chose to be ruled over by a “proper” government. -for the lack of such would “surely” lead to total chaos and tyranny.

    Such is the way we have been programmed.

    -Sadly, much of the collective “mind” of Americans (and much of the industrial nations) has been too corrupted to live in this way now. Or so we (I) have been to think.

    But yes, history shows that the plan was always to destroy America from within, for at one time she was to “true and free of spirit” to be taken down any other way. And as you have pointed out this process is almost complete.

    It will be interesting to see how the food shortages come spring, -and commercial real estate and pending true economic collapse, will be played out by both the government, and those aware and not, of the next phase of “the deconstruction of America”

    GMO seeds/crops do not survive periodic cold snaps well. -and their seeds cannot be used or saved to plant next season. (both, by design, imo)

    I still hold an optimistic view that perhaps if any true patriots are en-mass in our military, they will perform a coup and overthrow the madness of the current 535 on the hill. -this would happen in 2011, if at all.

    The only thing i am sure of is that the 300,000+ troops on American soil under control of the newly unchained FEMA by obama, are an indication that there will be American will be blood spilled on our soil before 2012, -as the the most important revolution of our time gets underway.

    Much of our National Guards have been replaced with foreign troops, as they have been sending the “local guardsman” off to slaughter in the middle east..much of the FEMA 300,000, are also foreign born. (mercenaries in most cases)

    -And these people have no allegiance to our constitution, -a move to ensure their loyalties stay with their “paymasters” -and not that of America nor her citizens.

    Interesting times lie just ahead indeed. you all have less than one month to ensure you have adequate food stored, and preferably, a high quality water filtration system as well as the ability to produce your own water. -as the government will soon own the rights to ALL water, if that amendment to the Clean Water Act that removes the word “navigable” (waters) has not already passed. I recommend looking into Doulton water (reusable) ceramic filtration systems -the design used by the red cross, military and many other “relief organizations” the world over. Atmospheric water generators to produce your own water..


  21. Howard Beale says:

    Yes I’d Vote for Terry Gross

    I’d like to see them try! Al Franken showed he was willing to get and fight and try to build some thing. That’s much harder then just knocking down what others are trying to build (Palin got out because she could not control her image as a player but as a face book pundit with a ghost writer its easy to have those snappy(after a year or so) comebacks). Rush, Beck, Olbermann announce your candidacy put up or shut up. At least Colbert knows he’s funny.

  22. Breetai says:

    Anyone NOT in the political hierarchy is a good choice.

    I’d vote for Glen Beck or the leader of greenpeace if I thought there was an honest chance he’d clean out the lobbyists and corruption like Obama promised.

  23. Animby says:

    Why not? Talk show host, lawyer, farmer, grocer? Let ’em all have a shot at it. But just one term each! Okay, two. But our forefathers didn’t see this career congress coming. They figured some civic-minded feller would sacrifice his family and his business for a short time as a legislator and then go back home. Now we get party players who come into office worth a few thousand dollars and retire worth millions. Congress is no longer an altruistic sacrifice, it’s a lucrative career.

  24. anon says:

    Michael Savage should run, but he never will.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    The vast majority of talk radio guys are hacks… they will blather-on for three hours on a subject but not bother to do ten minutes of research.

    That being said, there are some good ones. I would put Franken in that group. Alan Colmes, Ron Reagan, Rachel Maddow and Bill Press all seem reasonable and committed to the facts.

    Fair-minded, fact-driven conservatives are much harder to find but Michael Smerconish seems like an OK guy to me. I’m sure there are others.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Oh… Ed Shultz. I would NOT think of him as Senate material.

    But maybe he’s the best North Dakota has! 😉

  27. Greg Allen says:

    >> Breetai said, on January 9th, 2010 at 4:52 pm
    >> clean out the lobbyists and corruption like Obama promised.

    Obama can clean out the Whitehouse but he has no control over he other branches of government. You know that.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    I’d vote for Pat Sajak as mayor of Television City in a New York minute! Rachael Ray might do well at the Dept. of Agriculture.

    But in general, no. Politics is a hard job, and it only gets harder as the group involved gets bigger. Think it’s hard corralling 100 senators? Try 435 Representatives! Not just anybody can do it successfully. It’s especially hard on the successful businessmen (and they are mostly men) who run on the idea, “I’ve actually had to come up with a budget and control spending!” These types are used to having their word be Law, obeyed instantly by ranks of toadying yes-men. Hah! Try that with a room full of (other) giant egos who have heard it all before.

    The thing that most people don’t understand is that the job really does call for politicians. Someone who can get along well with lots of different types of people, who can elicit opinions from others, and who can disagree without unnecessarily making enemies.

    So there are aspects to being a successful talk show host that fit with being a successful politician, but other things interfere, including the pay and not having top billing any more.

  29. Hmeyers says:

    I think all the talk show hosts on both “sides” of the “aisle” would make better Senators and congressmen than the ones we have and here is why …

    1. First, talk show hosts are generally on some level “thinkers”. Many of the people in the Senate aren’t thinkers but “power mongers”. The people that think are always better than those in it for themselves.

    2. Second, talk show have naturally have the idea of general welfare of “The People” and try to maintain an audience. Many of the elected officials we have aren’t really interested in the general welfare of “The People” which is a “Bad Thing”.

  30. Dallas says:

    Like to see
    Stewart/Colbert 2012 vs. Limbaugh/O’reilley


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