A true miracle of modern technology, if you’ve never encountered modern technology before, of course. Make sure to click on the pic above to experience the company’s awe inspiring video and to acquire a hat for yourself, if you dare.

Here’s Gizmodo’s take on it:

The As-Seen-on-TV Hat (I swear to God, that’s the actual name of the product) comes in a variety of colors and patterns and in both baseball-cap-style and visor. I went for the camo visor, because I’m a pretty stylish guy. Along the sides of the bill, there’s a nylon guard to block out ambient light, and for your viewing pleasure, there’s a magnifying glass hanging down midway along the bill. You insert your iPhone (or whatever other video-playing device you want) into a flap, where it sits at the end of the bill.

Here’s how bad this product is: Not only does it ask you to stuff your iPhone into a pocket at the end of a camouflage visor, iPhones don’t even fit in the pocket. Neither did my Droid, although the iPod Touch fits okay.

Oh, and it comes with a weird semicircular flap of nylon with a velcro strip that I cannot for the life of me figure out how it attaches. It’s really embarrassing; that flap makes me feel like I’m too dumb to use the dumbest product I’ve ever seen.

  1. bdgbill says:

    Holy shit! The sad thing is, that you just now some poor bastard spent his (or someone else’s) life savings building the prototypes for this thing and renting the booth at CES.

    I think if any friend of mine was in that position, I would try to host an intervention for him.

  2. Dallas says:

    This is Pedro’s large screen TV

  3. chuck says:

    This product is fantastic.
    It’s perfect for ugly people having sex.
    Each person can wear an As-seen-on-TV-hat watching a video of a much more attractive person.

  4. ECA says:


  5. bac says:

    Quick! Call Homeland Security. I see a suspicious person. Next version should probably be see-through.

  6. Dallas says:

    #5 Actually, Chuck at #3 found sees a more pertinent application for you.

  7. qb says:

    Rick Mercer’s Blackberry on the Go:

  8. The0ne says:

    Yes! More stupid devices to distract and get people kill. Where do I invest!

  9. bill says:

    Can I wear it while driving?
    It’s hands free!!!

    The little holes are for seeing out right?

  10. chuck says:

    #7 actually – I was thinking of getting 2, one for myself, and the other for the fat chicks I pick up in bars at 2am.

    so lonely…

  11. Dallas says:

    #11 you can always add more alcohol until she looks just right. 🙂

  12. Rich says:

    That is profundly stupid looking. Can I get one for my Zune?

  13. Buzz says:

    Perfect for horsemen.

  14. Lou says:

    Get a life.

  15. green says:

    Perfect for the long drive to work. Oh wait.

  16. Zybch says:

    So, the iPhone won’t fit but the iPod Touch will?
    There is only one thing more stupid than this gadget, and that’s an idiot who is unable to fit 2 devices with EXACTLY the same dimensions into it.

  17. Dallas says:

    Needs an adapter to attach to a regular baseball cap. Without an adapter it’s stupid.

    Also, the front holes to look out are too small even when waiting for the stop light to turn green.

  18. Benjamin says:

    All we need is a fool to wear this while driving.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    wow epic retarded. I guess marketers think that iPhone users are sheep and will buy any accessory for them, no mater how stupid it may appear.

  20. BigBoyBC says:

    Leo Laporte was wearing one on the TWiT live broadcast from CES today. Given to him by Dick “the GizWiz” DeBartolo, who picked one up at a booth in the low rent area of CES.

  21. BigBoyBC says:

    #20, only if they slapped a Apple logo on it…

  22. soundwash says:

    It’s really embarrassing; that flap makes me feel like I’m too dumb to use the dumbest product I’ve ever seen.

    AND herein is the reason why WE, -are less than two years away from total and complete socioeconomic collapse.

    Anyone notice the huge technological push lately to get us to completely submerge into yet another fantasy world? -as if this current fantasy we live wasn’t enough.

    Forces unknown wish to ensure we become completely introverted..so that we have even less of a clue as to wtf is going on in the Real World than most all do now. (if that is even possible) -esp at a time when we are about to expand outwardly beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.


    #5 – ROFLMAO! -excellent call. 😀


  23. soundwash says:

    #25 -the perfect blindfold. you see only what
    “they” want you to see. -bet they start handing these out in the next election cycle..



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