U.K. Covered in Snow
Source: University of Dundee. (Credit: NEODAAS/University of Dundee)

  1. I am sure those in the northern/midwestern states would laugh out the paltry -10 degrees c (14 degree Fahrenheit for you old fashioned types) but its hell.

    Apparently no one here has figured out the concept of plowing snow, insulating houses or, more importantly, insulating pipes.

    Haven’t had running water since last Monday. Plumbed laughed and said “join the queue”. I am lucking because I have 5000 litre (264 US gallon) resevoir I can draw from for fresh water and river that still has some unfrozen bits for everything else. Roads are hell because they are just snow on top of snow which is then frozen on top. Kids have all had a week off school.

    At least here the electricity is still running! When things thaw I am definitely getting a generator.

  2. Jopa says:


  3. KMFIX says:

    Expect it to get worse over time.. Special thank’s to climate change!

  4. Animby says:

    Just got an email from my ex-wife near Aberdeen. I am so thankful for the divorce and subsequent relocation to SE Asia.

  5. Gasparrini says:

    Walking from the street I live to get to the bus stop is no fun. The snow that has fallen has been compacted and has become ice. Walking on the sidewalk is no fun at all.

  6. Nitroneo says:

    Looks……….. Warm! LOL

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    We could sure use some Global Warming right about now.

  8. qb says:

    There’s been lots of snow days in Scotland. Kids are happy.

  9. Pikachu says:

    No doubt the brownshirts in new Fascist Britain are arresting people for making snowmen.

  10. honeyman says:

    Well it was in the high 30’s celcius in Melbourne today and I’m sitting here sweating my arse off. More snow posts please 🙂

  11. Awake says:

    Worth reading:
    Solar sunspot cycle.

  12. pilgrim says:

    Another good source on the significant connections between cosmic rays, the suns magnetic activity and temperature on earth is this from Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark, known for his heart attack on Copenhagen TV.

  13. qb says:

    #11 honeyman, there are some pluses to living in the Great White North.

  14. Dallas says:

    Yes, every winter the simple minds tend to forget the bigger picture and longer term effects of climate change.

    Since the sheep live in a mall 24×7 , they’re not sure what all the fuss is about. It’s a nice comfy 72 degrees at the Haagen Daz store.

  15. LibertyLover says:

    I’m still trying to figure out how my SUV is affecting the weather on Mars. When I have a theory for that, I’ll be happy.

  16. Climate Funk says:

    This climate stuff is so disco.

  17. Gez o'pete says:

    Oh, I get it. Some places are cold so global warming can’t be true. Because if it were true it would never snow or be cold anywhere.

    Thanks for clarifying.

  18. Benjamin says:

    #17 LibertyLover said, on January 8th, 2010 at 6:16 am

    “I’m still trying to figure out how my SUV is affecting the weather on Mars. When I have a theory for that, I’ll be happy.”

    There are cars on Mars: http://marsrover.nasa.gov/home/index.html Okay, only two, but they are solar powered.

    Pluto and Titan and Neptune are warming as well.

  19. The Warden says:

    They need not worry…global warming will soon melt the snow and ice away and they’ll be able to enjoy their warm ale out in the open again.

  20. Pinkerton says:

    Ireland looks to have plenty of greenery on display. “Emerald Isle” indeed.

  21. RTaylor says:

    No one knows how much Arctic melt water it would take to interrupt the Gulf Stream. Geological research has indicated it has happened before. If that happens the human race would be in a world of hurt. I’m a block from the Atlantic in NC. Our mild winters are due to the Gulf Stream. Same for the UK and coastal Europe. The agricultural losses would be unimaginable.

  22. Gez o'pete says:

    #20 Weather changes every day, not climate.

  23. bac says:

    The other night the temperature reach 30(F) degrees (-1 C ?). Now this doesn’t sound so bad until the location is mentioned. Try 80 miles south of Tampa, Fl.

    Too bad there wasn’t enough moisture in the air, because I would have really enjoyed seeing snow again.

  24. honeyman says:

    #15 QB

    Ahh that’s the shit. Thank you, sir.

  25. Dallas says:

    #25 Good luck convincing the unconscious incompetent.

    We can’t let these conservative turds get in the way. They live in the Goldie Locks world of everything is just right.


  26. jbellies says:

    Don’t let it bring you down,
    It’s only castles freezing.

    Quelques arpents de neige … pouf!

  27. chuck says:

    It gets better: within 10 years the North Sea oil will be gone. And the UK has no current plans for building new power plants. So they will not only be importing oil, but also paying top £ for imported electricity.

  28. LibertyLover says:

    #29, I’m still waiting for the theory on why our actions are affecting Mars.

  29. Faxon says:

    Wish we had some global freezing here in San Francisco. Keep the bum population down.

  30. Faxon says:

    Perfect point, which continues to be ignored by the Gorians.


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