This Episode’s Executive Producer: Timothy Tillman

Associate Executive Producers: Daniel Eckert, Todd Symmons and Gregg Birch

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  1. e? says:

    How embarrassing. The supposed AP story about Obama is a fake.

  2. ChrisMac says:


  3. NDA says:

    The first Amendment places restrictions on the government; it has little to do with private agreements.

  4. ECA says:

    Who remembers when AFTER 10pm there was some BETTER programming? Just a bit racy.. AT least some monster movies with ELVIRA..

    The jessie Ventura program reminds me of the UFO shows of the 70’s..

  5. Animby says:

    A friend reported to me that My Agenda is reporting Obama’s legitimacy is heading to the Supreme Court. So, I girded my loins and listened to the My Agenda Show.

    Jeezus, Curry. Don’t you do ANY fact checking? Reporting an April Fool joke as current news? And then begging for money to keep doing such an exemplary job.

    I’m surprised Dvorak risks his reputation by working with Curry.

  6. deowll says:

    Um, John I think you saw a train hauling heating oil. Record cold temps over much of North America, remember? Not to worry. Soon Obama is going to have us heating with wind generated electricity. Of course you will freeze to death if the wind stops blowing…

    I’m leaving the Heroin to you guys. Take only when in great pain and expect to die. They boot to get all the drug out of the syringe. Sounds like a good way to get an infection.

    We have held a lot of people as P.O.Ws. If you make the guy listen to all of Obama’s speeches running 24/7 I think he’d break. I would. Okay maybe Barney the Dinosaur would be worse. The guy stopped talking after we gave him a lawyer. He was doing fine until then.

    I’ve known several students that have done much better due to Ritalin and didn’t do a brain burn. Some of the worst were more or less unsafe to completely drive you crazy without medication. Of course sometimes one of the parents would steal the stuff and use it to loose weight.

    ADD-HD is not the same as being a brat. These people couldn’t be still if they knew you were going to kill them if they moved one more time. They act sort of like a manic with a very short attention span.

    Of course pictures will leak out…

    Security bracelets with a built tracker, mic and maybe a shocker? Why not a collar?

    It would also be a mistake to stick them in with normal prisoners. Prisoners have a habit of converting to Islam when exposed to true believers and going out and carrying on their teachers work. Not what I want if the teacher got sent to the big house for trying to kill somebody.

    You go with HAARP, Crackpot. I’m going with reduced sunspot activity. HAARP doesn’t need satellites which can be knocked out and can communicate with drones, subs, warships, etc. all over the planet. Shortwave plus. I don’t know. Maybe you can listen in on other people’s conversations inside their borders?

    I love the health care bill. The tooth fairy is going to pay for it. Nobody is going to need to sacrifice. Everybody can pick their own Doctors. Of course hospitals and doctors may refuse, in fact are refusing, medicaid and medicare patients etc. even before they chop pay by 20% for Doctors and freeze it for 10 years and then those pesky state governors that say they don’t have the money to pay for their mandated share…Tisk, Tisk.

    There has to be something very embarrassing in Obama’s college records. I don’t know what he did but he’s seriously ashamed of it.

    Fox calls them Tea Party. The lame media calls them Tea Baggers. Get it right Crackpot.

    I believe I’ve read he was never a Seal. He was in the UDT which got merged with the Seals after he left the military. You ought to like him Crackpot. Birds of a feather and all that.

    My web search suggests Jay hasn’t been dumped yet? I don’t know and don’t much care. He can live well without working. Wish I could.

    Have fun.

  7. Animby says:

    By the way, John: booting is withdrawing a little blood to get the remaining drug in the syringe’s dead space. Booting a second (or third time) is to get the little bit of drug that is now mixed in the blood filling the dead space.


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