A religious experience double header!

Click pic to read about Jesus on a bruise

Click pic to read about crosses in potatoes

While you’re pondering the holyosity of it all, read this.

  1. Benjamin says:

    Why all these Jesus sightings? Put-a-Face-In-Toast!

  2. theweerdough says:

    Looks more like Einstein to me

  3. Dallas says:

    George Carlin

  4. Father says:

    Can’t we get some CES news please? Jebus!

  5. srgothard says:

    As a Christian, I find this type of thing completely inappropriate. First, no one knows exactly what Jesus’s face looks like, and second, that’s not the point. No where does the Bible condone giving special honor to objects and even warns against making image for the sake of worship. If you want to know Jesus, read the Bible. Don’t cut open a potato.

  6. Winston says:

    Holy tissue hematoma, Batman!
    Holy rotting tuber, Batman!

    Note to religious nutters in the western world: Jesus was not a white, anglo-saxon, protestant…

  7. Father says:

    What if the icon was Mohammed?

  8. Floyd says:

    #7: If so, zillions of fanatics would demand that the bruise be destroyed, ’cause they’re not supposed to depict the prophet’s face. No one knows what the guy looked like, anyway. Heck, no one knows what Jesus actually looked like.

  9. Floyd says:

    #5: Your particular flavor of Christianity may not allow depictions of Jesus, and that’s no problem.

    However, Catholics and Eastern Orthodox/Uniates (and other flavors of Christianity) depict Jesus (and saints) as statues or icons. It’s not considered idolatry, because the depiction isn’t supposed to be worshiped.

  10. Animby says:

    Potato looks like it has a Star Fleet insignia to me. And the bruise just looks like it hurts.

    Guess I’m going to hell…

  11. Father says:

    I think it looks like Einstein. Albert that is.

  12. Nitroneo says:

    Mark Twain!

  13. Racial Profiler says:

    Great, getting your ass beat for Jesus.

  14. The0ne says:

    I see a Hitler flag symbol instead. Go figure. Not kidding though. Look closely 🙂

  15. Faxon says:

    #10 How do you explain everybody praying to symbols of Jesus and his mother? CONSTANTLY. I would love to see somebody praying to the toasted cheese sandwich…I, personally, pray to my lager beer every afternoon. I think I see Sam Adams in the condensation.

  16. MAOM7 says:

    Looks more like Don Quixote or Einstein than Jebus…

  17. t0llyb0ng says:

    The potato image looks like two apple cores with the Sonic Drive-In log on ’em.

  18. t0llyb0ng says:


    Bruised Jebus looks like Salvador Dali is satirizing El Greco—or something.

  19. deowll says:

    #7 that is against the Islamic religion. They may have a verbal description from those that knew him.

    Actually it’s against the Judaic Christian books as well but don’t tell anybody.

    We don’t even have a verbal description of what Jesus looked like. No likeness was made of him until centuries after his death. He could have been a short fat bald guy with no hair or a tall thin guy covered in hair.

    The first thing to as the person who finds an image of Jesus is how do they know what Jesus looks like? He would have been about 37 if I recall correctly at the time of his death and this applies: They guessed at the length of Jesus’ hair on the basis of the reference by Paul that “If a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him.” They speculate that Paul would not have written this if Jesus Christ had had long hair. However, that might not be a valid assumption. Jesus was referred to often in the Bible as “Rabbi.” If he was an actual rabbi, he would definitely have followed Jewish law which forbade men from clipping the sides of their hair and their beards. Besides, there is no indication in the Bible that Paul actually met or saw Jesus.

    Of course the Bible does report that Saul/Paul was in Jerusalem sometime after Jesus’s death so who knows? He would have certainly known people that had seen Jesus.

  20. pokey says:

    Not Jesus, it’s Baron Munchausen or Quigley down under. I can’t tell for sure.

    Though Nitroneo may also be right. It does look an awful lot like Mark Twain.

    Maybe it’s a younger Kernel Sanders?


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