This, in fact,is easily done with Photoshop using the “invert” adjustment, you then add color:

The Drudge Report has an image of a woman from an airport scanner up right now. It’s scandalous enough as is, but it’s shockingly easy to make it look even more like a normal nude photograph.

Reader Sigfried discovered that by simply inverting the image in Photoshop, you restore the photo to a more realistic tint. Of course, we’re not sure where this image came from or if it’s an accurate example of what these machines produce. But if so, let me just deliver a message to all you airport security workers out there: I just got out of a cold pool, I swear.

If these whole-body scanners are implemented, how many celeb pictures are mysteriously going to show up on the web? Oh, and if you’re interested in the non-censured photo, click here.

Update: a commenter, Two to the head, gives a great idea:

Hey, they could FUND the TSA by selling nude photos to TMZ. Save tax dollars for more important things like highways to nowhere.

  1. Two to the Head says:

    Hey, they could FUND the TSA by selling nude photos to TMZ. Save tax dollars for more important things like highways to nowhere.

  2. Two to the Head says:

    I see a market for tinfoil underwear!

  3. chuck says:

    It also makes me wonder how the maker of the scanner decided which colors to use when developing the software which displays the image. Maybe after looking at the “real” scan, they decided it looked too much like a naked image, so they simply inverted the colors, to make it more like an “x-ray” image.

  4. ehchuu says:

    As mentioned by the comments in the original post, this is clearly fake

  5. Cherman says:

    #1 and #4, thanks for your contribution. I’ve added some info to the post.

  6. David says:

    Wow. That’s one expensive nude shot.

  7. JoaoPT says:

    Yes, positively, absolutely a fake… anyway why get to all that trouble? To reverse the scanner image into a more lifelike picture? I’m sure it’s not that hard, the scanner pic is more like a height map than a negative. With ant 3D software i’m sure it’s easy ro reconstruct the relief. Anyway, why bother. It’s just a nude body, and usually not a very pretty one.
    Let’s face it, only celebrities will ever get into the net. Most fears it, but a buch of them will hope for it. It’s the next big thing after sex tapes.

  8. ECA says:

    Yep fake..TOP left side of the page, is Body in 360.. they reversed the process..ITS not an xray to Pic..

  9. X Man says:

    99.44% of the people going through the scanner, you do NOT want to see more of.

  10. Skeptic says:

    Would you rather have a stranger feel around your balls and in your bum crack with his or her hands? (try and keep the testosterone down for a minute here). How about massaging those breasts and a thorough feel between the legs for any woman who likes to ‘fly’.

    After looking at 5 or even 100 of these images, basically a mannequin in the most uninteresting pose possible, any slight titillation that may have been there in the beginning is gone for normal people. I was listening to an airport security officer on a radio talk show. He admitted that he has reservations in properly patting down passengers’ sexual organs, and he passes over those areas. Same uncomfortableness for his peers. I also heard from a few passengers who preferred the scan to a frisk. One man who has a hip implant was overjoyed at the news of full body scans, as he was frequently singled out.

  11. Mr Diesel says:

    I wonder if you could use some silver paint put on your chest “TSA Sucks” if they could read it?

  12. chuck says:

    ok, here’s a question:
    If you don’t mind someone else seeing your scanned image, ask yourself this:

    If you had a 13-year-old daughter, how do you feel about her going through the scanner? And being viewed in a remote location by some TSA guard?

    Will Muslim women (wearing burkas) be allowed to bypass the scanners, because anyone other than their husbands viewing their bodies is against their religion?

  13. Skeptic says:

    Chuck, I’d rather have my 15 year old daughter scanned, than felt up by a stranger.As for anyone else who want’s to fly and doesn’t want to be frisked thoroughly or scanned… tough. Walk for all I care.

  14. Breetai says:

    I’m with ya chuck

    I have a 13 year old niece… This is a breakin point for me. If these devices go live in so cal I’m gonna wind up in prison.

  15. clancys_daddy says:

    10 she can feel mine if I can feel hers. Sorry but it had to be said.

  16. MikeN says:

    What happened to letting planes blow up as the price of freedom, we’re not afraid of a few hijackings?

  17. me says:

    This isn’t about hijacking, its about desensitization. Trust me, you think the makers of these machines are going to be happy once each airport is equipped?

    With Chertoff lobbying for them how long before they put these in every federal building, then court houses etc. Oh yea think Superbowl, after all we don’t want people smuggling bombs into the stadium oh yea and booze and their own food etc.

    Again another industry has had its profits given precedence over Americans freedom.

    There is a whole new paradigm industry/profit being built here now that the Cold War profits have long dried up. And the real purpose of it all it to track/monitor/watch you and I.

  18. RBG says:

    How does it work anyway? I take it the scans are viewed, and searches made, by persons of the same sex? Presumably so the opposite sex doesn’t get all steamed up & slobbery by the process?

    So then I guess the searchers will all need to first undergo a lie detector test to identify the homosexuals for the same reason. And then it should be ok for the lesbian women to view & hand search the males.

    I’m sure it will be something like that.


  19. RBG says:

    Btw, if hair remains opaque, as shown in the above photo, can’t we all just wear woolen undies?


  20. Faxon says:

    Shroud of Touring. Hee hee hee.

  21. dcphill says:

    A voyeur’s delight.
    I hope they screen the screeners.

  22. chuck says:

    #13 – how about neither? I don’t think 13-year-old girls should be searched, or scanned.

    How many 13-year-old girl terrorists are there?
    Isn’t there a rule about under-18s flying on international flights?

    How about we just search/scan the non-white Muslim males who fly here from overseas, pay cash for their one-way ticket and don’t have any luggage? Not PC?

  23. Greg Allen says:

    I agree with ECA and others. This blog entry needs a BS meter.

    The photo is CLEARLY lifted from some stock photo site, not an airport scanner.

  24. Gilgamesh says:

    Dvorak, Get your hands on these monkeys re-posting fake crap on your blog. Adam Curry’s original paranoid ditzo routine is enough to swallow. Maybe there should be a “little” censoring on the Uncensored blog. Please?

  25. Greg Allen says:

    I have Photoshop, so I thought I’d give this a spin. Here is a _real_ TSA scan side-by-side with an inverted version of it.

  26. Skeptic says:

    Thanks Greg. That sure puts things in perspective.

    Chuck, profiling won’t work. Muslim extremists will find a depressed Caucasian 13 year old teen, or an 88 year old nut job who wants to go out with a bang, to do their dirty work. The scan makes sense.

    See if you can find anything out that would identify the person in Greg’s sample scan.

  27. Animby says:

    I’m disappointed to learn it’s faked. hhopper, you should be ashamed of yourself for posting that image a few days ago. The question now is, if the fakes are this good, how much better are the real thing?

    Greg, thanks for that image. But, there are two technologies for these scanners (millimeter wave and xray backscatter). Does one provide a more realistic image than the other? Does the lucky guy watching the millimeter wave monitor get to sell his images while the backscatter goon keeps falling asleep from boredom?

    [I didn’t post that image… I just inverted it in the comments. – hhopper]

  28. sargasso says:

    I have a new monitor for Christmas, and I can tell the image was taken on a very cold day.

  29. DJ says:

    Who gives a crap? Any one of us can’t get a hundred photos of nude women in the next 30 seconds by typing a few keystrokes in Google.

  30. DJ says:

    Who gives a crap? Any one of us can’t get a hundred high quality photos of great looking nude women in the next 30 seconds by typing a few keystrokes in Google.


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