
  1. overtemp says:

    No problem. As long as it wasn’t honey. No one will notice the explosives.

  2. Improbus says:

    Wow, that is way easier than catching real terrorists.

  3. Animby says:

    Slovakia: Protecting the World!

  4. Father says:

    This shows that every time you leave a plane, you should be rescreened before getting on another flight.

    Rescreening would catch people who “snuck through” the first screening.

    The assumption that, once through the first screening, screened people are good to go was shown by this example to be false.

    As someone here showed, with 1 billion Muslims on the planet (and growing relative to the numbers of nonmuslims), the likelihood of catching every potential bomber, given the potential for a mass action by them, is near zero. That is, we will likely have other incidents against us simply through the numbers of them.

    Only by changing everyone’s attitudes does it seem that risk can be reduced.

  5. chuck says:

    #4 – couldn’t we avoid the whole re-screening process if the police simply adopted a policy of NOT putting explosives in people’s luggage?

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #5: Ha! Riiight. What are you smoking?

  7. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    And the lesson to be learned is …

  8. Jan says:

    Well I am from Slovakia and trust me – this is a major f*ck up. Heads are rolling for this but unfortunately there is no way of changing these events.

    The real trouble is that this and other incidents around the world mean that the precautions taken by the TSA and airport authorities around the world are smokescreens and not really security measures.

  9. Animby says:

    #5 Chuck: FTW

  10. Didn’t they announce that it was done on purpose as a security exercise?

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Similar crap has happened in the US. A couple of years ago they were testing screeners by trying to sneak grenades through. They put a grenade in a sweater pocket.

    A woman passenger decided she liked the sweater and stole it. She she got on board, and when she went to hide the stolen sweater in the overhead bin, the grenade fell out.

    I can’t remember which airport this happened at.

  12. valcs says:

    #3 together with you as a Nato ally 🙂

    #4 yeah. we (slovakia) has that policy. what police was doing was illegal.

    knowing the Slovak authorities they blame the dog, Irish and the Hungarians. According to our minister of interior it is only a “small, silly mistake of one police officer”. According to him: “Oppositional political parties used this situation to harm the good name of the governmental coalition.” Welcome to the Slovak reality!

  13. deowll says:

    Knowing that the explosive lacked a detonator and was as harmless without one as a any other hunk of plastic why did the Brits kick in the man’s door?

    Actually their screening worked 8/9 of the time. You rarely get 100% but you do need to strive for it and yes somebody needs to be fired but the basic idea was smarter than what we do which is assume we are getting 100% without testing. We have no idea what our real world fail rate is.

    Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber made it on board. How many tried and got caught? I’m not actually aware of any which suggests a 100% fail rate on what was actually tried but I could be wrong.

  14. valcs says:

    #14 these test were illegal. police did them because they felt that the citizens are crap and they can do it. they were so arrogant that their first reaction was: “who cares it is just a small mistake”. what if that electrician would have been shot by the Irish police. would that prove the point that they made a horrible mistake? I wonder if the electrician gets on black list. he will never fly again. my taxes go to pay these retards.


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