This ad is causing a bit of a stir here in Oz and on the webitubes. Racist? Meh. Stupid? Definitely.

UPDATE: KFC have withdrawn the advertisement — Personally I think cultural differences between the US and Oz are to blame here and that the producers of the ad didn’t intend a racist subtext, if one actually exists.

  1. bonkersrbrit says:

    I’m amazed by the reaction to this.
    An Australian cricket team supporter is sitting amongst West Indian cricket team supporter and guess what, they are black as are the majority of people in the West Indies.
    I find the need to condemn this kind of ad is in itself racist.People of a dark skin colour can laugh too.

  2. See the difference says:

    See the difference is that Australia doesn’t have a history of being the worst slave owning and abusing nation in the history of the world, whereas the US does. Making this commercial a normal person would not see the racial issues, but an American with all the weight of their hate-filled history and some slightly hidden racist ideologies would see it immediately.

  3. The0ne says:

    Pretty funny video imo. I always have a good laugh when it comes to people, whether they are black or pink. Some people will do anything for chicken and apparently blacks do. FUNNY.

    Oh, and those Terry Pryler or whatever his name is, black shows on TBS…fcking stupidest shows you will ever see of black people aside from talk shows. You really have to check them out just to see your jaw drop; not because they are funny mind you…but self degrading, plain stupid, and all that is to be of black people…I would assume.

    If those shows don’t get you worked up like it did me, and I’m Asian, then you’re a small dck-less ahole for getting upset over this ad 🙂

  4. Buzz says:




  5. deowll says:

    The commercial and the chicken are fine. The people that are in it are fine. The people that are offended need help.

  6. algoreisacrook says:

    racist? No… helluva good idea though. Instead of carrying a gun on my next trip through compton, Ill just hit the KFC for a few buckets…

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    No, it’s not at all racist to suggest a bunch of black people create an “awkward situation” for the poor white guy —

    — or that it is “too easy” to placate this crowd with this food…


  8. hazza says:

    “Personally I think cultural differences between the US and Oz are to blame here and that the producers of the ad didn’t intend a racist subtext, if one actually exists.”

    There’s a different culture outside the US? There is an “outside the US”? Shit, who knew? Well everyone outside the US knows anyway.

    The US needs to examine itself. Some people are asking, “Why does the muslims of the world hate the US”

    First they need to delete words 3, 4 and 5 from that question.

  9. the Grim Peeper says:

    A cultural difference Americans may not realize that always makes us laugh over here. The word Fanny has a completely different definition in OZ. Look up our definition, then think of all the times you’ve used it, replace your definition with ours, and see how offensive you’ve been. Lucky we’ve got a sense of humour.

  10. loneremily says:

    The more I learn about my stupid country–the more I wish I were from somewhere else. Why do the American people care about some stupid chicken ad from another country, and then they go ahead and let stupid sh*t happen at home?

    We keep giving away our constitution to the government and when I complain about it I’m scoffed at like some lunatic–but then people youtube an advertisement and raise hell about it? WHY DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?

  11. hazza says:

    #44 I have a suggestion, leave, hire a really good voice coach to lose the accent and flatly deny every being American if asked. You will thank yourself.

    Suggestions for a better country to live in… any.

  12. hoot says:

    The Korean version is hilarious


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