Click pic to embiggen

  1. Personality says:

    In debt you say? I can’t imagine why.

  2. Reader1 says:

    Starbucks in a mosque, that is funny,
    They truly made it everywhere.

  3. AdmFubar says:

    and the caption for this pic…

    Hallelujah !!!

  4. Greg Allen says:

    I’m pretty sure I’ve had coffee at that Starbucks and it _is_ really cool.

    However, the photo is slightly deceptive… the Starbucks is in a mall it’s the mall that is all decorated. The Starbucks is technically just the kiosk and tables.

    This brings up a point that isn’t make enough — the anti-Arab/Muslim sentiment in America encouraged Arab investors to put money in places like the U.A.E. instead of New York or Los Angeles.

    American xenophobia has and will continue to have real financial consequences for us. Why would Arabs put their money in a country where they are racially and religiously profiled and harassed?

  5. He says:

    please god, let there be hazelnut lattes

  6. Animby says:

    Reader 1 : That’s not a mosque. It’s a shopping center. Huge place with five or six huge wings each one decorated to an ethnic theme. Down the way from the coffee shop is a huge pirate ship run aground. Just across from the Imax theater. It’s basically Disneyland for shoppers. Which pretty much describes Dubai…

  7. Winston says:

    Gosh, so crowded.

    Yet another crazy malinvestment brought to you by MASSIVE US financial fraud at every level for which no one of any significance has been jailed (Madoff was a gnat compared to most of those involved).

  8. Greg Allen says:


    Ibn Battuta Mall, right? IMHO it is one of the better malls in Dubai since it actually is pretty educational.

    I’m not sure how you link investment in Dubai to US banking fraud. (I’m not denying it … I’ve just not heard of any link.)

    Here is my impression – which is shared by a lot of people over there.

    The indiscriminate anti-Arab/Muslim sentiment in America discouraged Arab investors from putting their money in America. So, they sent it to Dubai and the UAE instead.

    So, many of the skyscrapers you see going up over there would have been going up over here if Americans hadn’t declared all Arabs to be terrorist suspects.

    Conservatives surely don’t give a rats ass about our economic downturn but thinking Americans should remember that profiling has consequences for us, too.

  9. jman says:

    hilarious #8

    all terrorists are Muslims, simple fact. I love it when they say “oh but it’s a peaceful religion and only 1% are extremists. What’s 1% of a billion muslims again?

    they don’t invest in infidel countries, they won’t. has nothing to do with “conservatives” or profiling. Except the profiling and racism on their end against Americans, Jews and Christians.

  10. Thomas says:

    You don’t think it had anything to do with lower tax costs, lower cost of construction and the fact that their clientele are all in and around the Middle-East?

  11. eaze says:

    #8 made sense

    #9 i should slap your grandmother in the vagina for that stupid comment.

  12. Glass Half Full says:

    That is pretty. I knew it though, they hate us for our lattes and mochas.

    #9 All terrorists are Muslim? A fact? Well it’s a “Republican fact” (ie. made up) like creationism or other nutty fake subjects. The 2nd biggest terrorist attack in our history was white Christians (Oklahoma City). And there aren’t Hindu terrorists? Read some news stories about the Kashmir fight between India and Pakistan.

    There are over one billion Muslims. If even a majority were evil terrorists who hated America, or Canada, we’d all be dead. We’re talking about a tiny tiny percentage of radicals. But a tiny percentage of 1 billion is still tens of thousands. All Christians aren’t to blame for the KKK (a Christian mens club) just like all Muslims aren’t to blame for the most nutty 30K of their religion.

  13. Glass Half Full says:

    Just FYI, I’m not taking sides. I hate the Crips vs Bloods aspect of this…the Christians vs Muslims. I personally think all believers of magic are nuts.

    A “true believer” is someone who KNOWS there are 235 fake untrue man made religions, and one TRUE religion (theirs).

    An atheist is someone who KNOWS there are 236 fake untrue man made religions.

  14. Blind Stevie says:

    #13 What is your definition of an agnostic?

  15. RBG says:

    I hope this doesn’t confuse as to the direction of Mecca.

    Btw trivia: As I recall, Ibn Battuta was a Marco Polo-like world traveler and chronicler about 700 years ago.


  16. Glass Half Full says:

    #14 An agnostic is someone who believes in magic and thinks the creator of 13 trillion galaxies DOES care if we eat bacon…but just isn’t sure on what days this magical invisible creator allows us to eat the bacon…so they roll a 236 sided dice each day to pick a religion.

  17. Buzz says:

    I’ve been in that shopping center. I know that alcove.

    It used to be a Strawberry Pig fast food restaurant. They went broke.

    Starbucks picked it up for a song.

  18. Improbus says:

    #8 – Greg Allen

    They also get to use slave labor from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to build their skyscrapers instead of expensive union labor.

  19. Shubee says:

    This picture of Starbucks proves that Dubai is cursed.

  20. deowll says:

    #4 They aren’t racially profiled and oppressed at least by me. I’ve done some reading in an English translation of the Koran and did understand what it said.

    I’ve also had family who served in Muslim countries. The opinion is there is no God but Allah and if you aren’t Muslim you’d better be nothing but then killing non monotheist is a good thing while killing Christians and Jews isn’t necessarily mandated not that everyone goes around doing it or anything.

    Let’s put it his way. A Muslim is much freer in this country than a Christian or non believer of any sort can ever hope to be in any Muslim country.

  21. deowll says:

    #12 You think the KKK is a Christian men’s club? Do you also think that sugar cane is grown in caves? Just asking.

    The KKK all sure aren’t men and I wouldn’t call any of them Christian. They don’t have any more use for the Bible or the teachings of Jesus than you do.

    The Amish and the Midi-nights come closest to what Jesus teaches.

  22. loneremily says:

    Then after you get your latte make sure you DON’T have sex with your girlfriend–‘cuz you’ll get arrested. And if she gets raped, you’ll get arrested, too.

    And stick to that coffee, ‘cuz you can’t have any alcohol on your VACATION (a SOBER vacation? with no sex? EXCELLENT).

    I’d rather take a rusty old van to the woods. I LIKE sex on vacations. AND I like to drink on vacations. I can do both in the woods–f*ck how pretty it is–f*cking drunk in the woods beats going to jail!


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