There have been child suicide bombers in the Mideast, so if you exempt those under 18 from going through…

The rapid introduction of full body scanners at British airports threatens to breach child protection laws which ban the creation of indecent images of children, the Guardian has learned.

Privacy campaigners claim the images created by the machines are so graphic they amount to “virtual strip-searching” and have called for safeguards to protect the privacy of passengers involved.

Ministers now face having to exempt under 18s from the scans or face the delays of introducing new legislation to ensure airport security staff do not commit offences under child pornography laws.

They also face demands from civil liberties groups for safeguards to ensure that images from the £80,000 scanners, including those of celebrities, do not end up on the internet.

  1. hhopper says:

    And here’s the negative of that:

  2. Animby says:

    TooManyPuppies: I’m hard to shock but that scan did it. The face almost looks x-rayed. You can see teeth, etc. And what is that – lint – in her navel? Is this millimeter wave or backscatter? And do you have a more trustworthy reference than Alex Jones?

  3. Dallas says:

    For republicans, these airport scans are a major step up from that Sears catalog. Hopefully sex lives will improve. There’s a silver lining here.

  4. Animby says:

    Sorry to post again in rapid fire but, my god, Hopper, you could run facial recognition on that image!

    It occurs to me also they claim the ability to save images will be turned off upon delivery of the machines. I’ve worked on gov contracts. Why don’t the specs just demand it not be included? Because they need to be able to turn it back on for evidentiary purposes, I bet. How long before nude photos of Nancy Pelosi start circulating on the net?

    Oh, wait! We, the taxpayers are giving her a private jet to use. No security.

  5. ramuno says:

    Last year, I was scanned leaving Moscow on business. The monitor was in plain view of me and the very few people there at the time. I could see as much detail as in these samples.

  6. TooManyPuppies says:

    Animby, nobody else will post them.

    The ones I’ve actually seen in person by my former co-worker now at the DHS, are of even BETTER quality than what’s posted on AJ’s site.

  7. bobsuncle says:

    any mo-mo that decidingly has these things on or connected to any kind of network with any kind of access to the open net is a moron and should be fired
    i never understood how anyone can hack into powerplants/businesses ect..
    a smart person would keep all data records on isolated intranets i.e i mean physically wired only from 1 machine to another in the building ;
    and only selective machines and especially seperate non-pertinet to business systems would have open world internet access
    especially wherein the fed or government is concerned.

    and honestly i dont get why some airlines can’t just say F#@$$ the gov on the laws and do stuff their own way that doesnt hamper passengers but meets the base requirements
    for safety
    i bet if a sign was hung “if you plan to blow up something with any kind of actual explosive , please inform your ticket issuer”
    someone would do so lol

  8. Animby says:

    Pedro : You’re really getting tiresome.

  9. Skeptic says:

    I admit 100% that the images are detailed enough to identify a passenger with the proper equipment and database. So? There is no name attached to any of the photos. This person is a stranger and will remain so. And even if it were possible, who cares to find out?

    Would you rather have a stranger feel around your balls and in your bum crack with his or her hands? (try and keep the testosterone down for a minute here). How about massaging those breasts and a little massage between the legs for any woman who dares post on Dvorak?

    After looking at 5 or even 100 of these images, basically a mannequin in the most uninteresting pose possible, any slight titillation that may have been there in the beginning is gone for normal people. I was listening to an airport security officer on a radio talk show this morning. He admitted that he has reservations in properly patting down passengers’ sexual organs, and he passes over those areas. Same uncomfortableness for his peers. I also heard from a few passengers who preferred the scan to a frisk. One man who has a hip implant was overjoyed at the news of full body scans, as he was frequently singled out.

    TooManyPuppies, how many airport friskers have you put in jail, hmmm? Are you willing to let an improved crotch bomber through the net, just so a 1 in a trillion chance that a picture of your daughter might make it through security and on to the net and that she might be identifiable and that anyone would care to search for other nude pictures of your daughter on the net to see if it was really her?

    Give me a break.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Is it illegal to go through a body scanner while sporting a hard, healthy erection?


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