We knew it was coming, but we had to wait for Google to spill the news before we could talk about it with authority. And the company did so Tuesday morning at a press conference at the Googleplex in Mountain View, Calif.

As expected, the Nexus One is a new Google Android phone that offers an inside designed by Google and an outside designed by HTC. According to Google’s Mario Queiroz, the Nexus One is a “super phone” where the Web meets the cell phone. “It’s an exemplar of what mobile phones can do with Android,” he said. The handset will be available first for GSM carriers like T-Mobile, but a Verizon version will follow.

Though its slim (0.45 inches), lightweight (4.58 ounces) touch-screen design doesn’t stand out from the current Android crowd, it offers a loaded feature set with a few notable offerings, including a 1Ghz Snapdragon processor.

The primary interface is a 3.7-inch AMOLED display with five customizable home screens. The Nexus One runs the Android 2.1 OS and the WVGA display can show 3G graphics. The trackball below the display lets you navigate menus, but also lights up to alert you to new messages. We’re pleased that HTC added a 3.5mm headset jack.

I’m due for a new phone… I’m still watching and waiting.

  1. Postman says:

    Verizon has some great free with service phones, but then all the carriers do. I would skip the smart phones and touch screen phones if you are not a txtaholic.

    If you want to play games, I suggest the Nintendo DSi, although I really wish someone would make a new hand held game device. The DS is getting really dated. The touch screen phones are all totally inappropriate for this activity.

    If you want to stream radio, just get xm/cirrus already…

    If you want portable web browsing, get a netbook, check out the acer timeline

    Thats longer than the iPhone battery lasts!

    But Im with dvorak on this, these are expensive time suckers, and if you want a toy, get a toy, these make inferior toys to even a dated hand held gaming machine.

  2. The0ne says:

    All of my cell phones have been free when I signed up 🙂

    1. 2 Razors
    2. One Nokia of which I can’t recall the model cause it was stolen shortly ><
    3. My current 8525 HTC smartphone

    I'm due for a new phone only because my battery can't even keep it's charge for more than a few hours now and buying a new battery of the same shtty quality is not something I want to look into.

    This year should be great for phones. I plan on waiting til at least end of summer to make a decision 😀

  3. Jetfire says:

    #1 Postman so you want me to carry multiply devices now instead of my iPhone. I have XM Radio on it too. If you don’t like it then don’t buy it. But alot of people want their phones to do more and Apple changed that for everyone. You most like won’t have the Palm Pre, Droid, HTC, etc. if not for Apple. The Google OS Phone will hopefully make Apple make a better phone.

    They’re small mobile communication/gaming/app devices not main ones.

  4. chuck says:

    WTF is the obsession that people have with phones?

  5. MrMiGu says:


    “But alot of people want their phones to do more and Apple changed that for everyone.”

    Apple didnt really change that, many products were out before the apple iphone came out that could do just about everything the iphone can. Apple just gave their product a better interface and rode the success of their previous ad campaigns. They have then spent the last few years upgrading their phone to have the features older phones have.

  6. Father says:

    As maybe Cringley said, it’s not a phone, it’s a small computer always connected to the Internet. If postman wants to carry around a netbook all day, more power to him (’cause he’ll need it).

    If I could pull the sim card out of my iPhone and put it into the Nexus One (NO), and have full 3G speed, I’d buy one today. After 1 year, my iphone’s battery has about 1/2 the capacity it held when new, and given the choice of spending $80 for a new battery, or buying a newer faster phone, I’d like to do the latter.

    However, NO seems to have an odd limitation on application storage (512 MB of RAM for storage?).

    Postman, would you buy four different computers, one each: to do work, to send email, to play games, and to browse the Internet? That’s what you’re suggesting.

    It’s not a phone, it is a computer that is ever increasing in capability.

    If I could write programs on it (iPhone) on the fly I’d never go so sleep and my bandwidth usage would go way up.

  7. Zybch says:

    “the WVGA display can show 3G graphics”


    3D perhaps, but what the hell are 3G graphics?

  8. MrMiGu says:

    512MB is double the ram the iphone has.

    the NO has a microSD slot and comes with a 4gb card, which can be expanded to 32gb.

  9. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    What is this? A tech story on Dvorak’s blog???

  10. hhopper says:

    Yeah Zybch, I wondered that too.

  11. The0ne says:

    Get your facts straight. iPhone is not the created of all things we know of smartphones now. That is a sad thought.

    It is tech but it’s more of an article to stir up fanatic aggression among us as with most topics here. Someone will mention Apple being the all mightly, which #3 already has to some exttent, and all hell will eventually follow.

    [Gee, I guess we shouldn’t post any tech articles about products that compete with Apple. – ed.]

  12. chuck says:

    I’ll wait for the Nexus Six.

  13. Father says:

    #13, will the Nexus Six come with breasts?

  14. sargasso says:

    I tried to buy one today but they won’t sell me one.

  15. chuck says:

    #15 – Depends – do you want the Daryl Hannah model, the Sean Young model or the Rutger Hauer model? (The Joanna Cassidy model is on back-order.)

  16. My wife and I are looking to update our cellphones as well. We are considering the Droids by Motorola and HTC since they both use Verizon. I will keep my eye on the Nexus One as well if indeed they do come out with a Verizon version. I will pass on anything with AT&T thank you very much.

  17. snoop911 says:

    Based on the few detailed specs I’ve been able to find, this ain’t a game changer like we’d usually expect from google.

    An unlimited plan for $50/mo (like Cricket), with a solid phone for $100 (subsidized like the iphone), would be a no-brainer for most people, but as it stands, it’s pretty much ho-hum.

    BTW, anyone know if it has:

    (Dual) Sim/Ruim card?
    Tethering Support / WiFi Router Hotspot?
    Induction Charging (or solar/windup)
    Front and Back Camera?
    FM Radio Reciever / Transmitter?
    OTA TV / Video In / Video Out / Projector?
    Divx Playback?
    Micro-SD Card?
    Built in Speakers, Line-In / Microphone Recording?
    Point to Point Walkie-Talkie
    Connector for External Video / Wired ethernet / keyboard / printer

  18. qb says:

    pedro said “The oy!phone is still playing catch-up with a regular winmobile phone.”

    Seriously, that has got to be the silliest thing you’ve ever written.

  19. Somebody says:

    # 14 chuck said, on January 5th, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    “I’ll wait for the Nexus Six.”

    DOH! Beat me to the punchline.

    Pleasure model though definitely the pleasure model.

  20. deowll says:

    The cheap phone I carry in my hip pocket has a big dent in it from my checkbook snap. It still works.

    I don’t want to do that to something that costs over $500 and I’ve misplaced a phone on occasion. I don’t want a $1,000 a year phone bill either. I prefer to go on line using something with a larger screen.

    If you disagree feel free. It’s your money. Spend it the way you want to spend it.

  21. zorkor says:

    iPhone is still the king. And if you dont know, iPhone has over taken Windows Mobile for the first time. Dont believe me? Bing Google or Yahoo it!

  22. qb says:

    deowll said “If you disagree feel free. It’s your money. Spend it the way you want to spend it.”

    That’s the smartest thing I’ve read all day on this phone.

  23. Somebody says:

    “deowll said “If you disagree feel free. It’s your money. Spend it the way you want to spend it.”

    What are you, some kind of anarchist?

  24. The0ne says:

    not so good review at engadget if anyone is interested.

  25. gquaglia says:

    For everyone… retarded. The oy!phone is still playing catch-up with a regular winmobile phone. It’s only morons who drank the mac koolaid that think like you.

    WM is the joke of the industry right now. They are dead last and I would rather not have a smart phone then have a WM phone.

  26. Cursor_ says:

    Not interested until it tethers and multitouches.

    Will wait for the next version.

    Don’t know why it doesn’t multitouch as the Eris does and it is HTC. Maybe it is not using touch-flo? Who knows yet.


  27. Zybch says:

    Multitouch is a big ‘meh…’ from me, but no tethering is a deal breaker. Why the hell should I pay for a data plan and not be able to do what I want with it.


    Some of you who don’t want smartphones obviously think it’s OK to not look at DU 24/7 – even in the bathroom. What’s wrong with you?

    What we really need is the DU phone that only comes here and can’t even make calls.

  29. it pro says:

    iThink that Apple has reached it’s peak IF this phone is as good as it first appears to be. iTablet? Probably not going to be a big thing.

  30. qb says:

    pedro. Go ahead and defend Android, Blackberry, Symbian or even Palm WebOS as better. But WinMo? Gods, even Microsofties in Redmond hate carrying the things.


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