The Council of Europe member states will launch an inquiry in January 2010 on the influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the global swine flu campaign, focusing especially on extent of the pharma‘s industry’s influence on WHO. The Health Committee of the EU Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution calling for the inquiry. The step is a long-overdue move to public transparency of a “Golden Triangle” of drug corruption between WHO, the pharma industry and academic scientists that has permanently damaged the lives of millions and even caused death.
The text of the resolution just passed by a sufficient number in the Council of Europe Parliament says among other things, “In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines. The “bird-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies.”[2]
This episode in “pandemic” history had all the earmarks of a scam from day one. The media should be ever so proud of playing along.
Found by Ron Harlev.
Why do we not have Congressional hearings on these sort of things in the United States these days? Because our politicians are bought, lock, stock and barrel buy corporations. It is very sad that the EU has to do our traditional job. You could say the same thing about anti-trust. When was the last time the DOJ did ANY anti-trust litigation?
Will there also be an EU inquiry into the climate-change scam promulgated by the UN, climate “scientists”, Al Gore, etc?
I got the regular flu vaccine this year just to spite all the people who thought it was a government conspiracy, then when the flu went through my house, I didn’t contract it.
I would say it was among the best $25 spending decisions I ever made.
I know Obama is doing well when the conservative sheep are concerned about this season’s flu vaccination program.
The problem with prevention is that if it works, nothing happens.
Politicians will then invariably cry “Scam!”.
Who were the people on this site who said it was stupidity/criminal to not get this vaccination?
At this point it’s just an investigation. No one has been found in collusion, corruption or any other deviance yet. There is nothing wrong with investigating alarming claims.
The IPCC, along with it’s associations with governments, prominent individuals and research institutions, should be investigated as well.
The picture reminds me of the American public.
And while you’re messing your drawers, you can catch up on the rest of the articles on hiding under your bed from the New World Order and global conspiracies – from the same authors.
What a herd of paranoid nutballs. Baaah, baaah.
I didn’t get the swine flu vaccination because it was not yet available.
None the less, my family (with school age children) all spent a week down with the flu, and I did not.
I have always been skeptical of this course of vaccines, and now I will be getting it every year as early as possible.
Here, guys – another gem from the same authors – on how your digital TV telecast will make you sterile. Har!
Once again America takes the lead!!!
oh, wait, that was EU not US… damn planters fasciitis induced restless leg syndrome acting up again. Must be affecting my vision now. Where is that flomax pill…?
I DIDN’T get the regular flu vaccine this year to spite all the people who thought it wasn’t a government conspiracy, then when the flu went through my house, once again I didn’t contract it, it just kept going and going and going.
I would say it was among the best $00.00 spending decisions I ever made. I saved $25.00, so I gave the money to a homeless shelter. They were grateful saying it bought a lot of good quality food which helped their patrons avoid the flu by being well nourished.
“This episode in “pandemic” history had all the earmarks of a scam from day one.” /// Really? DAY ONE?
I recall day one reporting was about an outbreak in Mexico at some poultry plant surround by pigs==some small single industry town in rural Mexico with suspected higher rates of infection because people did not have access to healthcare????
I don’t see any “earmarks” of a scam there. Consistent with a scam??? Yes, I could stretch it that far although that is a factual resolution: do people in that small town have access to healthcare or not?
What “facts” did you find so revelatory????
This “issue” is much like Global Warming. There is a “science track” and a political/non-science track. Conflating the two is very muddled. The “political track” is very accessible, easy to understand, fulfills our emotional wishes. The science track?====not so much.
Silly Hoomans.
I wonder what the next pandemic will be?
Depression? Brought on by the news?
I saw a bunch of pills you can get for it on TV this morning!
Did you know that 90% of everyone on planet Earth are depressed?
#19, I disagree Bobbo. there’s also a very muddy science/political/entrepreneurial track overshadowing everything.
It’s just too convenient to paint everything in black and white… or two opposing sides.
Same here
Ooh, “Global Research”, now that is one fine reliable news organization, almost as reputable as World Weekly News!
Let’s see what else is on their website:
“To this date, however, there is no proof that Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks”
Yup. Fair and balanced.
So where are all the DU users that supported this whole thing? Hmm…I think it’s time to bring out some names from old posts don’t you think. Making fun of people is always enjoyable, especially when there are SO many of you out there!
No good deed goes unpunished.
well call me a PF
‘This episode in “pandemic” history had all the earmarks of a scam from day one. The media should be ever so proud of playing along.”
I remember Adam was the one who from the very beginning called the scam.
I never bought into the H1N1 carp. But, I never thought it was a scam. I just thought it was an overreaction followed by a lot of sloppy science.
A “launch an inquiry” statement always sounds like a symbolic dinner bell, to me. Whenever a govt. body threatens to look into something, I can’t help but think that the politicians are feeling a little under-compensated, by the lobbyists who represent those who would that ones getting investigated. So the money, the dinners, and the plane rides to resorts, starts flowing. And either nothing comes of the “inquiry” (no one is to blame, or nothing else is said about it). Or it’s greatly milked down.
I’ll faint dead away, the day I ever hear politicians resist being wined and dined, and take whoever their “looking into” to task, in a major way. The US politicians really did squat to those lying tobacco execs, who pretended they never heard anything about smoking causing lung cancer. So why did they pay for secret laboratory tests? And why did they isolate themselves from learning of any possible negative results (causes cancer), so they could deny everything later? How like a pack of underworld crime kingpins, they are. I’m sure they all contributed lucratively to the careers of those “inquiring” into them. Because it’s still business as usual with the industry. Nothing has really changed. But the US Congress got to perform all concerned and put out, for the public.
on a side note, as most comments are these days unrelated to the main post..
it may be useful for Adam and John C. Dvorak during NA, to explore the dates that surround the ufo disclosure project at the Washington national press club conference (mid 2001) and, more importantly, what possibly could have happened just a few months later that would have made everyone forget what was just announced (and heavily backed by many military and professional eye-witnesses)
one could almost say that what ever happened a few months after mid 2001 was enough to take everyone’s minds off what was disclosed. enough to make almost everyone in the world forget what they just heard and focus on something else.
in late 2001 Terror was the distraction of the week.
people are happy to be controlled when there is a threat, people are unable to think for themselves when there is a threat.
Terrorism, Anthrax, Climategate, Bird Flu, SwineFlu, Russians deflecting Asteroids next (maybe its just a front to weaponize space) and then maybe an offworld threat would be created to drain out pockets.
now im not saying there is no truth to any of it, but if there was a situation present it is much easier to exaggerate it than to create a totally new threat in order to control people and make them submissive and unwilling to think for them selves.
NA subscriber.
Ignore the media.
IAM – Ignore All Media.
So many targets, so little time…
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O-h-h n-o-o!!! Using the Postal Service to deliver stuff??? What has the world come to???
“…the Jan 4th, 2009 EO’s are all pretty laughable…”
Um, I thought Executive Orders had to come from a president? The president on January 4, 2009 was still George W. Bush.
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“Them collidge boyz think ther so smart! Ther awl a-lyin to yez… Why, fer awl yew know, we maht not even be speakin English! They maht have secretly bin teachin us Chinese our entire lives! ‘At’d be jist lahk ‘em!”