The New York Times

Discovery, Imax and Sony confirmed on Tuesday that they are forming a joint venture for a 3-D television channel.

The announcement was timed to coincide with this week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where 3-D television is expected to be a hot topic.

Discovery Communications, which operates the Discovery Channel, TLC and other cable channels, will distribute the channel, which has a 2011 start date. It is expected to showcase a mix of 3-D content, including entertainment and sports. It will also show some of the natural history programming for which Discovery is well known.

The three companies will own equal stakes in the channel, according to a person with knowledge of the deal.

In a statement Tuesday morning, the Sony Corporation chairman Howard Stringer called it a “groundbreaking new venture.”

They will need this in order to sell 3-D television sets.

  1. dusanmal says:

    Until we have 3D projection in a real observable 3D space, all this is just an exercise in futility. Percentage of population willing to wear imperfect and annoying eyeglasses to get “simulated 3D” for quite a bit of money is not significant.

  2. Benjamin says:

    I saw Avatar and the whole experience gave me a whopping headache. Never again will I do 3d.

  3. none says:

    Now that people are wising up it is time to distract them with “real news” in 3-D.

    Nothing to see here.

  4. honeyman says:

    The whole 3D TV hype is a shameless con to sell more TVs and get suckers to upgrade.

    My bet is that they will target kids.

  5. Breetai says:

    Wow, umm… someone needs to tell these little executives pushing this stuff it’s a neat gimick on occasion but it’s never going to be more than a Toy, Speaking as the kind of nerd who’s should be the target audience, I don’t care Avatar was over hyped. If I had to do it over again, I’d rent the 2D version on Netflix.


    When we have 3D HD porn we’ll know the technology is ready for primetime.

  7. Dallas says:

    Looking forward to 3DTV.

    I can watch Brett from the recent Survivor all day long in 3D 🙂

  8. deowll says:

    Hum, I would have expected one of the porn channels to be first.

    Of course a 3D T-Rex is what the kids want to look at so maybe they’re going to do both.

  9. Tomas says:

    #9. No surprises there. I can’t wait for Obama in 3D!!!!!


  10. Tomas says:

    #3. Agreed ….3 times the control. Make your kids go play outside for F**K Sakes. They probably won’t be abducted.

  11. soundwash says:

    LOL… Let the “permanent” brainwashing begin!

    we think and store information holographically – the store of “universal consciousness” works in a similar fashion. Most of us who still know how to actually “think” –naturally think in “3D”. Great photographic minds like Nikola Tesla would be a good example of this.

    This will make our nation of current television soaked lemmings actually look like “independent thinkers” if this goes mainstream. Think how effective the brainwashing of those who were glued to the TV while watching the global media manipulation of obama’s presidential campaign was.. now multiply that times 10x at least.

    All they need to do is get WiMax installed nationwide and the creation of the “perfect nation of obedient lemmings” will be complete.

    The 3D version of Avatar was obviously the “feature length” commercial for this technology.

    Let’s hope for Humanities sake, this fails big time.


  12. Glenn E. says:

    What always bothered me about Discovery Communications, was how their channels were always so pro-military. Like they were promoting war, war toys, and a military career to young minds (the less rich ones). And with their HQ being a stone’s throw from the Pentagon, it kind of makes you wonder if they’re getting most of their programming, straight from the war horse’s mouth? They probably have a cozy arrangement going with the defense contractors and top brass, to make available as much tax payer financed film footage of weapon systems, and military operations and exercises.

    So if you don’t mind your cable Tv functioning not too differently that Nazi Germany’s propaganda mill. Than Ok, enjoy. But It’s always struck me as a double standard, how we show the Nazis and Russia, broadcasting so much pro-military propaganda to its citizens as entertainment. And as a democracy, we supposedly didn’t. But actually, we sure as hell did. And do now, more than ever.

    What are is this media cabal going to use 3-D to show? Bet a lot of it will be war related. Like showing Call of Duty tournaments. For the kids.

  13. Hans Friedman says:

    You guys have a sickness. Everyone is after you! Its all about ripping you off! Run!

    Don’t fear the 3D. The earth isn’t flat fellas!

    Try to evolve every so often.


    #15 – The military is what protects your right to have a TV in the first place.

  15. bdgbill says:

    I probably spend 20% of my income on electronics, gadgets and computers but I could not be less interested in 3D TV.

    Would rather see them working on continuing to make screens bigger, lighter, higher res and cheaper.

  16. eaze says:

    when sony are involved, you KNOW its gona be shit.

  17. Buzz says:

    How many nights have I lain awake, unable to sleep, because of my burning desire to view television shows in 3D?

    That would be an integer somewhat south of 1.

  18. mrvco says:


  19. Uncle Patso says:

    I’m with the Tech Grouch: “Who needs this?”


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