Good work, guys! Now he won’t be able to load up his underwear and come into the US to do anything dastardly. I feel so much safer!

The U.S. State Department on Tuesday said it had revoked the visa it had given a Nigerian man after his alleged attempt to blow up an airliner on Christmas Day with explosives hidden in his underwear.

  1. Dallas says:

    LOL. Love the illustration.

    Now THAT’s an airline I can live with!

  2. hhopper says:

    Har! Well I guess they showed him!

  3. SparkyOne says:

    Let’s not forget the Pope tipping contest because of this airplane incident.

  4. ECA says:


    to late, ya bustards…
    uM,,, and WHO gave him a VISA???
    I really dont thing the USA gave him a visa…

    What about his PASSPORT???
    WHO gave him a PASSPORT???

  5. TooManyPuppies says:

    ECA, since it’s very difficult to decipher your chicken scratch, I have to assume you think the World Health Organization gave him a passport? Damn, man. Where did you get that from?

  6. Killer Duck says:

    And all this time I had stupidly thought my tax dollars were being wasted.

  7. Awake says:

    How quickly we forget:

    March 13, 2002

    MIAMI, Florida (CNN) — Six months to the day after Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Immigration and Naturalization Service notified a Venice, Florida, flight school that the two men had been approved for student visas.

    Rudi Dekkers of Huffman Aviation, where Atta, 33, and Al-Shehhi, 23, first trained in July 2000, showed the yellow INS forms to CNN during an interview Monday.

  8. Animby says:

    # 1 Dallas said, “Now THAT’s an airline I can live with!”

    No thank you. You know the stews won’t be worth looking at and I’d still be in cattle class squeezed in between two sweaty obese porkers.

  9. Dallas says:

    #8 I hear ya! I’ve had the displeasure of having to sit on two thirds of my seat because of next door overflow. I try to be nice and make them believe I like sitting on one cheek.

  10. Father says:

    LookS like George Bush is sitting in the first seat on the right.

  11. deowll says:

    At least after they let him out and deport him he won’t be able to come back.

    You disagree? Give it time.

  12. chuck says:

    How many members of the bin Laden family, do you think, still have VISAs ?

  13. The DON says:

    You know that this wouldn’t work, they deliberately keep the cabin at a low temperature for economy.


    Could be fun if it was warm enough though

  14. Greg Allen says:

    This is a dumb blog entry.

    As long as the guy is in custody, his visa status is irrelevant. A week or two is not an unreasonable amount of time for the paperwork to go through — especially if there is no rush on it.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    >> chuck said, on January 5th, 2010 at 7:02 p
    >> How many members of the bin Laden family, do you think, still have VISAs ?

    The bin Laden’s are a huge family who disowned Osama years ago. I’m fine with them visiting.

  16. ECA says:

    let me say it this way…

    WHO gave the person a PASSPORT, and a VISA??

    Until they have an international PASSPORT system for guard ALL borders, you can go from ANY NATIOn to another simply.

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: “This is a dumb blog entry.”

    Just like the news story. That’s the point. Revoking the visa of someone who will never get out of jail, much less the country to try and come back in, is pointless, yet the government saw fit to announce this to the world.

  18. Crazy Smart says:

    #4, #16 – Do you not get out of town very often? You get a passport from the country you’re a citizen of (ie. Nigeria). You get a VISA on the other hand from the country you’re VISITING (ie. United States). The United States can grant or deny a VISA (used for stays longer than a simple vacation/visit) for almost any reason.

    The United States can’t deny the man a passport from his own country…not our laws or land. But the United States can deny him ENTRY into our country for almost any reason (and there were certainly good reasons here). Between the shoe bomber and his guy, I’m so glad we created yet another Federal security department (Homeland Security) on TOP OF every existing one (CIA, NSA, FBI, DSA, etc).

  19. Crazy Smart says:

    #17 The State Department just had a trivial little press release. It’s THIS blog, and all the others, and all the folks on HERE email this story around that are “announcing this to the WORLD”. Blowing things out of proportion is fun isn’t it!

  20. chuck says:

    #4 – I think the government of Nigeria gave him a passport. They issue them to any Nigerian citizen who applies.

    Nigerian passports are also available to anyone who will provide me with their detailed banking records.

  21. LtSiver says:

    Even Joan Rivers is a terrorist suspect

  22. Glenn E. says:

    So the Nigerian man will be slightly inconvenienced. While the innocent traveling public is VERY inconvenienced, some more. They are revoking his visa? Does that mean they plan to deport him? Or that he just won’t be able to use a visa, while he’s in prison, because he won’t have it anymore? Seems a worthless move, either way. No visa won’t stop him from leaving or entering the US. Illegals do it everyday. And a new ID can be forged, for the next time he flies in. I’ll bet they don’t even bother checking fingerprints. So all of this is for nothing.

    They mentioned “bomb sniffing dogs” on the news, and how few there were of them. But failed to mention the bomb sniffing tech, that exists. It very hard to make a bomb, that doesn’t give off telltale traces of it chemical components. And they wouldn’t have to make them sensitive to just one specific person. They could have a machine sampling the air at the boarding terminal. If it alerts. Check everyone, who’s there at the time. It’s a waste of time and money, testing each person that comes thru, all the time. And the ACLU can’t complain about privacy violation, from something smell the air around people.

    It seems to me like the security authorities have all but abandoned the explosive sniffer technology. Instead they put all the money into X-Ray machines, that aren’t going to find squat, if it’s sewn into clothing, part of a prosthetic limb, or even a body implant. But it makes better theater to show the public, than a sniffer, that they’ll never see. Giving them a false sense of safety. They’re still not serious about stopping terrorists, to give up these inefficient theatrics.

  23. ECA says:

    SO HE HAD A Passport from Nigeria..
    And he could go anywhere??
    Then he applied for a VISA to come to the USA from ANOTHER country??

    He didnt need a VISA, if he was Just visiting??
    What was his reason ON THE VISA for coming to the USA?? Visiting family?? that isnt told to us, as SOMEONE MADE A MISTAKE.
    Or did they look at the sport that asks RELIGION and not list it..

    I just looked at the Visa approval process..
    This person had to wait along time to get into the USA. IF someone was doing there job right.

  24. gmknobl says:

    Regarding the chosen image for this story:

    Dude! Do NOT spill the hot coffee!

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’m taking a different attitude here…as is typical and normal, a heightened alert status is unsustainable for a long period of time. People get lax, tedious procedures get overlooked. It happens, and don’t think this situation would have turned out any different 365 days ago.

    But this poor schmuck was perfect. He woke up the entire system without causing any serious harm. Given that major terrorists strikes are roughly eight years apart, this is perfect timing to wake up the system to full alertness.

  26. Dallas says:

    This foiled terror attempt is paying huge dividends for us as this guy is squealing like Rush Limbaugh during his stick in butt removal surgery.

  27. TThor says:

    Keystone Cops at it again.


  28. McCullough says:

    #21. “Even Joan Rivers is a terrorist suspect”

    I agree, she even scares the hell out of me…have you SEEN that woman lately?


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