Interesting major at the school.

  1. Personality says:

    Used to date a girl that had a degree in that.

  2. overtemp says:

    Is it really a surprise that someone at Fox can’t spell?

  3. sargasso says:

    A guy from Comp, doing good in Idaho. Jeron Johnson – – The Official Athletics Website Of Boise State University

  4. Floyd says:

    “He’ll be very popular with the ladies, then…”

  5. AdmFubar says:

    well they have to phony up some type of class for him to keep him on the team..

    now i wonder what the locker room is like when he explains his studies to his teammates….. :O

  6. jccalhoun says:

    I could swear that before Dvorak had misspelled major and I posted about it. Am I dreaming or did my post get deleted?

  7. wirelessg says:

    “Mr. Johnson is studying hard for his degree in Broadcast Cummunication” -sounds like the back of a Pr0n video

  8. meetsy says:

    its what you need to get a-head in the business world today, a little edge. He’ll do well.

  9. Buzz says:

    I think the IG is to blame. The Internet Generation doesn’t know how to spell, speak, conjugate verbs or chew.

    I was watching the Science Channel, yesterday. A show called How It Works. They were dissecting an electric car which beat a Ferrari.

    “The battery puts out 400 volts at 4000 Amps,” said the announcer, “equal to a lightning bolt… …powering a 300 horsepower motor.”

    Yep. According to the Science Channel, 1.6 megawatts = 300 horsepower.

    On another show they claimed a tunnel was being built under a city in South Africa that was going to be 50 feet by 36 feet by 23 feet!

    The point is this: We live in a fact-checking-free world. The more we collectively know; the more we collectively ignore. That’s what cummunication is all about.

    It’s like 1984 all over again. Ignorance is Strength!



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