Montgomery (arrow) partying with
now Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons

This is quite an article from Playboy that describes how easy it apparently is to fool the government with numbers and ‘science’ into giving you money for crap. And once people caught on that it was crap, egos and career damage won out for too long over fixing it. BTW, Montgomery also claimed he was once abducted by space aliens that gave him “extra knowledge.”

The weeks before Christmas brought no hint of terror. But by the afternoon of December 21, 2003, police stood guard in heavy assault gear on the streets of Manhattan. Fighter jets patrolled the skies. When a gift box was left on Fifth Avenue, it was labeled a suspicious package and 5,000 people in the Metropolitan Museum of Art were herded into the cold.

It was Code Orange. Americans first heard of it at a Sunday press conference in Washington, D.C. Weekend assignment editors sent their crews up Nebraska Avenue to the new Homeland Security offices, where DHS secretary Tom Ridge announced the terror alert. “There’s continued discussion,” he told reporters, “these are from credible sources—about near-term attacks that could either rival or exceed what we experienced on September 11.” The New York Times reported that intelligence sources warned “about some unspecified but spectacular attack.”
But there were no real intercepts, no new informants, no increase in chatter. And the suspicious package turned out to contain a stuffed snowman. This was, instead, the beginning of a bizarre scam. Behind that terror alert, and a string of contracts and intrigue that continues to this date, there is one unlikely character.

The man’s name is Dennis Montgomery, a self-proclaimed scientist who said he could predict terrorist attacks. Operating with a small software development company, he apparently convinced the Bush White House, the CIA, the Air Force and other agencies that Al Jazeera—the Qatari-owned TV network—was unwittingly transmitting target data to Al Qaeda sleepers.

Found by Gary, The Dangerous Infidel who only reads Playboy for the articles.

  1. ErikNikolai says:

    “And once people caught on that it was crap, egos and career damage won out for too long over fixing it.”

    A rational individual cannot read that without Al Gore and Global Warming springing to mind.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    The same minds that brought us the “Terror alert” scams, also brought us Climate Change denial.

  3. Dorothy says:

    (click, click, click) There’s no place like home.(click, click, click) There’s no place like home.(click, click, click) There’s no place like home.

  4. Thinker says:

    Fusion, you added an extra word to your post there.

  5. News for Recycling says:

    Ooooooo someone conned someone what news.

  6. deowll says:

    #2 I’m not sure anyone questions climate change. I haven’t met such a person.

    On the other hand after checking the data and reading their emails its clear the alarmist climatologist pushing man made global warming cooked their data and sheared the sheep. Nobody is surprised you are one of the sheep.

    Even if their modals matched reality non of the UN predictions amounts to a mega disaster. A couple of feet at the wildest end of the possible in the next 100 years yet I’ve watched video of people talking about meters.

    Of course the two major factors in climate moderately short term are the sun and wobble of the earth on its axles. Of course the sun appears to have caused major climate changes in an instant. One year normal and the next the snow didn’t melt in the north country and the ice age was on. Now that is what I call a real disaster.

    For the record planet wide 2009 was a cool year following several cool years.

    For the record anyone that thinks you can reconstruct previous climates by looking at tree rings alone is nuts. Rainfall, soil, and cloud cover all impact plant growth. Duh. An uneducated farm boy from 1750 would have known better than to believe what the alarmist have claimed as long as he knew they were basing it on selected tree rings.

    Oh yeah, they threw away their raw data. Now isn’t that convenient. You never, ever, under any circumstances what so ever throw away your raw data!

  7. deowll says:

    You want to send a message from Yemen that will get by US intelligence? Call a friend in Europe and have them send a letter.

  8. Father says:

    A government (the whole government, not just the prez) that can be taken in by this kind of crackpottery is a government that is incapable of making reasoned choices.

    Nancy Regan was guiding the presidency via an astrologer, and it hasn’t gotten any better.

    We would be better off with Adam Curry running things.

  9. David says:

    Nicely said #8. These people are simply too incompetent to provide any reasonable level of security. In fact they’re actually clueless to the point of causing more harm than good. These are the same minds who were conned by shysters into believing first Iraq and now Iran are building weapons of mass destruction. Who on the planet is safe from their incalculable stupidity?

  10. Dallas says:

    Let’s talk about these three terrorist cons that presented themselves as experts on homosexuality.

    The state department needs to investigate these terrorists (Scott Lively, Caleb Lee Brundidge and Don Schmierer) and remove their passports until their role in promoting this genocide is determined.

    If they are found to have instigated and even helped write this murderous law, they should be detained as terrorists.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    The real question is, why do we have to read about these things in Playboy, and some other “Men’s Magazines”? Rather than finding how the facts thru the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, or the New York Times. Apparently, these publication just won’t touch a story that might embarrass their republican / defense contractor investors and benefactors.

    But they were among the first newspapers to jump in with why we should do battle in Iraq. Regurgitating their “facts”, given to them by the Cheney/Bush/Powell administration. I’m not saying that Playboy can always be trusted. But them, and others, seem to have less at stake for reporting the reputation damaging facts, that the more respectable publications seem reluctant to cover.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Glenn,

    The real question is, why do we have to read about these things in Playboy, and some other “Men’s Magazines”?

    Simple. No one else paid for the investigative reporting. This what happens when newspapers and broadcasters lose money to the internet “bloggers”.


    You have to read Playboy only for the articles. The boobie pictures these days are so over-photoshopped they look like mannequins or CGI. Dig out one of your old copies from the late 80’s and compare.

    #6 – just like Mann’s hockey stick, they mixed different sets of data. One said 24 inches and another said 1-2 feet. When combined you get 24 feet.

    #12 – THANK YOU for spelling “lose” properly!

  14. deowll says:

    #13 You left out the money spent to reshape the body parts. I suspect most have breasts that could never nurse a baby. Bags of air or water under a thin layer of skin with no feeling. Sexy only if you think a mannequin is sexy.

  15. cwitzel says:

    Is this the same guy who has the “Magic Wand” that detects not only bombs, but truffles and ivory up to a 1000 meters away.

    These babies go for $60,000 a pop. With no budget, I wonder where the Iraqis get the money to buy them!?!

    Or is this the guy who does dog line ups here in Texas.

    If anyone is interested, I have an I-Phone/Google app that lets you check your flight against a list I make up using my “Proprietary Database” Feel Secure you are on the right flight with my app. Oddly no one lets me sell it, so you have to buy it from me personally. (I think Apple and Google are involved in a conspiracy to make the American people unsafe!!)

    Send me an email at I will send instructions on how to get me the $1000 dollars and introduce you to some Nigerian friends trying to launder $10,000,000. Win win for everyone!

    BTW I don’t believe Playboy is Photoshopped and everything is real on those non-story photos!

  16. Reason says:

    There is at least as much ego-protecting CYA in business as in government. Incompetence knows no boundaries. If you claim otherwise you’ve not worked in a big company.

  17. Somebody says:

    “# 2 Mr. Fusion said, on January 4th, 2010 at 8:53 am

    The same minds that brought us the “Terror alert” scams, also brought us Climate Change denial.”

    It’s not denial, it’s debunking.


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