A 16-year-old Ontario, Canada, boy returned home after two days allegedly spent with a 42-year-old fellow online gamer he called his “soulmate,” police said.
After Andrew Kane met Texas mother of four Lauri Price while playing World of Warcraft, they developed an online relationship, leading to Price flying from Houston to Toronto to meet the boy, The Globe and Mail reported Friday.
Tuesday night Kane had asked his parents to drive him to a nearby hotel where he was to meet Price, and dumbfounded, they refused. He left at 2 a.m. local time and disappeared for two days, leaving his parents pleading with him via computer to return.
Then they started reading his chats with the woman, which had begun more than a year ago. They showed the chats to the police, they said.
“All they had to do was read the chat logs and they were immediately concerned,” Kane said of her son’s relationship with the woman. “He said she was his soulmate.”
Price left a note to his parents when he left, reading, “I don’t know how to explain it to you, but this will show you not only the commitment we have to each other, but also that your fears of her are ill-found.”
Sgt. Robert Allan of the Barrie police said Kane and Price had gone to Orillia, Ontario. Price will not face criminal charges, the newspaper said.
Well, there’s soulmates and then there’s soulmates. Local ordinances apply.
Those crazy Canucks !!! They’ll do anything to get attention.
Being one myself, I can tell you there’s a lot of nutty people out there. This site attracts a good many.
She won’t face charges? If it had been a 16 year old girl running off with a 42 year old man who was her “soulmate,” I’ll bet you those charges would’ve been filed faster than the man could double-click.
Dude got lucky this week eh? Can’t happen too often for those gamers, I bet.
Hey, I’d do er!!
#3 Mac Guy
Well of course not. She’s a woman. They would never hurt a child sexually. She’s just confused and misunderstood. There are no female child predators.
Child sex fiends are only male and homosexual. That is what all the fine, upstanding, morally correct, church going citizens say.
Like lesbianism, these women just haven’t met the right man yet to sort them out and let them know how normal life can be. So they are confused.
It is pure BS! But that is the society in general even in Canada it seems. Women cannot rape or molest.
Yeah, right.
Age of consent in Ontario is 14.
Cops can ‘t do anything about it, no matter if the perp is male or female.
If it’s legal, its legal. The police don’t have leg to stand on or even any charges to bring forward.
Watch out Azeroth is a dark and dangerous place…. filled with canadians…
He asked his parents to take him to meet her?!
I can hear that conversation now.
“Mom Dad I need you to drive me to a hotel to meet a 42 year old woman i met on the internet!”
He’s lucky she turned out to actually be a woman.
And all this time, I’ve been saying WoW is for guys who can’t get girlfriends in Second Life.
This is a real issue here, Most people don’t know what mental illness these online games bring out in people, Where the online game becomes the real world and real life is just a drag full of bills and bad news, the escape of the game becomes their real life, where age doesn’t matter, Like furrys they only see each other as their made up avatar. They fall in love with what is on the screen where wars are won and everything is great and bright. But when they meet in the real life the brightness dulls quickly.
These people need a doctor not a court room, and without WOW to play? what would they do in the real life?. They would be depressed, maybe self loathing, suicidally minded.
Considering how WOW fanatics think they may have spent their time or most of it playing WOW.
These people may be crazy but its not the old fashioned crazy.
This reminds me of a YouTube show called “The Guild”… not to plug it, but it’s a comedy and it starts out with almost exactly this scenario (only there is little age discrepancy).
Sadly the show did not take it’s idea from this story… maybe another though 😛
Hey, at least he got out of his room and met a live human being. Better than most teenage gamers.
Hopefully he got a snarlin’ gnarlin’.
So this kid “thinks” this is his soulmate. Hmm, a woman of 42 playing WOW for most of her time. I wonder how that life is going to be…short of having the thought of the two Chinese couple playing games and having their kid(s) starve to death.
Hey, who do we care, we’re Americans and we are #1 Freedom to all, except other countries!
“Hey, who do we care, we’re Americans and we are #1 Freedom to all, except other countries!”
…except the kid was Canadian, and the problem appears to be a Canadian one, as it happened in Canada.
I’m not really sure where you’re coming from with the America hate, is what I’m saying.
The crazy think is that this happened in Barrie Ontario which is also the place where Brandon Crisp lived. Crisp was the kid whose parents took away his X-Box so he ran away and then turned up dead several days later.
Watch for someone from Barrie to try to become the new Jack Thompson.
Get a real life people!
Kids run off with older people all the time. Normally its girls running off with older men. It’s really only the WOW connection that makes this news worthy.
If anybody needs to get laid is that 16 year old ginger who is world of warcraft. She was about to do the world a service.
the American comment is not related to the first comment. The comment is a sarcasm for us US people for taking what we have for granted, and for some speaking as though we have the right to judge others indifferent from what we, as the US, have done ourselfs…in not so pretty ways.
So it’s Canadians, so it’s Chinese, So it’s Africa, who cares…we’re Americans 🙂 Anyhow…
A perfect example of what happens when parents lose the habit of communicating with their kids. Lot’s of scarier stuff out there. A teenager’s gonna have to learn the hard way 9 times out of 10, anyways. He’ll live his infantile fantasy and she’ll live hers, no harm, no foul.
Kids these days and their weird love stories. I thought a teenager like this would already know the dangers of meeting with people online. And for parents they have full responsibilities on this.. That their kids must be monitored and always keep close on them.