Even though Australia’s politicians have cynically delayed implementing their draconian censorship policy until after the next election, Europe and others are already censoring because the RIAA and MPAA put a money noose around their necks. China’s leaders are doing it to hold onto power. Easy to see the problems Iran’s leaders are having because of the Internet. How long before the others (and the US) move to that being the reason as discontent with the state of things grows?
Not wishing to be outdone by Australia when it comes to web censorship, the Chinese government has warned that in 2010 it will crack down harder on websites that it deems unlawful.
The Glorous People’s Republic arrested thousands of its citizens last year for peddling pornography on the web and said it will be increasing enforcement during the coming year.
According to Reuters, China’s Ministry of Public Security warned that in 2010 it will intensify punishments for illegal Internet operations, ramp up information monitoring, and press Internet service providers to use preventive technology.
We guess it just does not want to be outclassed by western democracies that are starting to do much the same things in the name of protecting their entertainment industries.
Comment removed by government.
What I think is even more fascinating is that the average Chinese citizen doesn’t know that they are being censored. In other words, they don’t know what they don’t know.
When they surf the web, they think they are on the real thing. Only a small fraction of Chinese know what is going on, and a smaller set knows ways to bypass the Great Firewall of China.
What I find fascinating is a bunch of prudish, up tight, puritanical, atheists.
I don’t get the logic of their actions in their own terms.
Traditional Chinese culture ignored, allowed, or even facilitated a lot sexually. I don’t see anything in atheism that would mandate prudishness when it comes to sex or showing skin. That being the case where does this stuff come in?
This is a NON-Story.
The Aussies have been trying to Censor the net for years..TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN.
And it hasnt worked..I think this is the 3rd attempt.
The only ones making out are the Software/hardware dealers, that SAY they can do the job.
What you’ve said is true to a certain extent, the normal citizens. There are those that are curious enough to dig deeper and see what is truly outside of their own countries and to some extent their teachings.
For example, of my colleagues in China, all of the men think the US is not such a great place to live. They think New Jersey is US for some odd reason. The women are, thankfully, more insightful and have reason enough to want to visit US. When I asked the few men why they think US is “bad” they commented that it’s what they have been taught and have seen on TV. They literally told me their teachers told them US is not a good place.
Mind you, my colleagues are professional engineers and business men. Why don’t they know better? Well, if you are brought up to think a certain way, would you know better otherwise?
Censorship isn’t all about not having your say. It is also about a government that will fool it’s citizen to believe what isn’t true to begin with since they were born. I think N.Korea and China are the worst offenders are this hideous act.
Europe isn’t that centralized. Here in Spain they’ve done their darndest, but so far, all they’ve been able to do is prosecute those ninnys that have hundreds and thousands of files seeding in P2P. I’ve been to net party’s here where people (the one I go to over 3500 individuals) have terabytes of shared piracy of every variety on the LAN. Of course most of it’s porn, but there’s also movies, series, documentaries, music, all sorts of software OS’s, app’s, games, etc… The latest talk has been about disconnecting from ISP those that use P2P, not happening either.
I imagine that sooner or later the party’s are gonna be over, meantime it’s a yearly tradition.
I find the comments here are just as ignorant as the Chinese: have any of you ever visited China?
When a Chinese says America is “bad” can mean anything: Crime, racism, over-consumption & wastefulness, decadent vise such as pornography (exploiting women’s body), etc.
I bet majority of American would choose “no” to pornography if given a vote except of course the hormonally active teenage man/boy.
My comments are gathered from my colleagues when I visit China. I don’t make them up. The men really do have no clue what US is like, let alone what life is like. They think and have been taught IN SCHOOL that US is full of crimes, racism, porn and all the bad things u can think of. Seriously, imagine yourself being taught in school that a country is bad and you should have nothing to do with it. Now imagine your entire lifetime so far being clueless.
When I show them my hometown, San Diego, they are in awe of the blue sky, beautiful scenaries, etc. They are shocked.
Reminds me. Time to renew my NRA membership. I get 10% off since I just bought a LCR.
I will be shocked if Google really follows through with pulling out China Operations because of the compromised emails. I think Google is just trying to win points with the US Gov in an effort to gain traction in other areas they have having problems in , such as the copy righted materials being scanned and broadcast to the world. I asked a few people here at the John R. Carlisle Institute if they thought Google would really pull out of China and no one thought they would really do it. Time will tell and we will see, probably sooner than later.
John R. Carlisle