Even the hostess realizes this ex-general is an idiot.

And by the way, if there really are hundreds of terrorists trying to attack the US, why don’t they just smuggle a shoulder-launched missile through the Southern border and blow up an airplane in Texas or California?

I’m not suggesting that the U.S. is involved in the recent attacks — what I am saying is that people must realize that the government is just trying to use fear to impose more laws and regulations and increase its control over Americans.

  1. jsgerhard says:

    Hey General?
    Why stop at only Muslim men? or just 18-24?
    Hell… why not just strip search everyone who wants to board a plane?

    Or… maybe not have the lowest bidder in charge of our security?

  2. Father says:

    The Saudis *require* that everyone identify his religion on his visa application. We will be turning into Saudi Arabia?

    Like I said before, they’ll just hide the bomb in their bellies, and claim they have a pacemaker (which is really the trigger). We’ll then have to xray or ultrasound (as someone else suggested) everyone.

    If I had some money, I’d start All Jihadie Airways (equivelent to “colored” toilets before 1970s). Our motto: If you can get a visa, we’ll get you to the US in one piece (peace)!

  3. Awake says:

    The USA is becoming a nation of cowards with the mentality of 5 year old hiding behind their mother’s skirt in fear of the Booge-man getting them.

    We demand ‘perfect security’ to the point where we are willing to accept unreasonable search and seizure (laptops repossessed at customs for data searches), no warrant wiretapping, baseless ‘no-fly’ lists with 5 year old listed as terrorists and not allowed to fly… all allowed in pursuit of some mythical ‘perfect security’

    I for one am willing to assume a slightly higher risk and maintain some semblance of the liberties that the USA constitution provides it’s citizens with. After all, the odds are with me so deeply that aircraft terrorism is not even a concern… there are about 13.5 MILLION commercial flights per year in the USA… even if they blow up 100 it is a truly insignificant number in terms of a personal threat against me and my family.

    The terrorist threat in the USA is laughably low, yet everybody stands around cowering and screaming like little girls at the sight of a spider. I don’t see in the USA many weddings being blown up, or buses exploded, or terrorist rampages with AK-47’s blazing, yet we are abandoning our freedoms willy-nilly as if we are under constant and daily attack.

    In reality, the government employees that allowed the underwear bomber to get a visa and kept him off the no-fly list should be put on trial for gross negligence. Accountability would start solving the problem very quickly.

  4. theBadSteveO says:

    While we’re at it, I’d suggest we strip search every 18 to 28 year old american and post pictures on facebook. That would be a hoot!

  5. gus guts says:

    so Awake as long as you and your family is safe. You could care less about anyone else. Is that correct?

  6. roastedpeanuts says:

    “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin for the win.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    Cherman said >> I am saying is that people must realize that the government is just trying to use fear to impose more laws and regulations and increase its control over Americans.

    Let me get this straight. Because some goofball “Foxspert” general says something incredibly stupid (yet typically oh so Fox) you blame the whole US government?

    Clearly the Bush administration cynically misused that damn terror alert system for their own cheap political gain but do you see Obama doing that?

    I don’t.

  8. Ron Larson says:

    That worked really well for Russia. Remember all those WOMEN Chechnyan suicide bombers that have?

  9. Greg Allen says:

    By the way … I’d guess that “hundreds” probably does accurately estimate the number of Muslim radicals actively planning some sort of attack on the US.

    … but that’s out of nearly a billion Muslims!

    Do the math… it’s something like 0.000001% of Muslims.

    It’s lunkheaded and counter-productive to profile all Muslims — even if just young males — based on such a small percentage.

  10. sargasso says:

    Another option, the good general may have overlooked, is to ban US owned airlines from landing in Muslim countries. Or forcing airlines flying to the US from a Muslim state to land in an intermediary nation for security checks, before proceeding to US airspace. It is called “externalization”, standard business practice, imposing cost and burden on others.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Five myths about terrorism.

    In 2009, 37,300 Americans died in auto accidents. Over 10,000 died from H1N1 influenza. And 45,000 died because they didn’t have any health insurance. How many in America died from terrorism?

  12. gquaglia says:

    The General is right. Political correctness will cause more death. You liberal douches simply won’t accept what needs to be done to make us safe. One can only hope you blow up with the next plane.

  13. Unimatrix0 says:

    #1 – Becaus Muslim men age 18-24 are the ones carrying bombs on planes and blowing them up. Profiling is the single most effective way to put a stop to this crap. Eighty year old blue haired old lady’s aren’t the ones committing these crimes.

    I’d prefer they just close the U.S. borders. That would stop to a lot of problems in this country.

  14. Skeptic says:

    Re: Mr Fusion, “How many in America died from terrorism?”

    How many Americans would die if you did nothing to stop terrorists?
    The answer is unknown of course, because there’s no knowing what the deterrents have stopped so far, but I would bet they would make those auto accident stats look good. Also, there’s a big difference in getting killed by accident, and getting attacked with an intent to kill on a large scale.

    That being said, the ex-generals comments are idiotic. Just use the system in place we have now. It’s sufficient if we get rid of the incompetence.

  15. ECA says:

    cAN i ASK, WHAT are they going to look for??

    There are MILLIONS of muslims around the world..
    NOT from specific area..
    NOT of specific race..
    you can find JAPANESE Muslims..

    WHAT are they going to look for??

  16. Reader1 says:


    yea i agree , if they are going to this, it is definitely going to turn into racial profiling a.k.a racism.

    I heard there are some hate crimes being committed against people who are middle eastern or look like them , this is unacceptable.

    but on the plus side African Americans are going to be happy , they are no longer the target.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    >> Unimatrix0 said, on January 3rd, 2010 at 9:36 pm
    >>. Profiling is the single most effective way to put a stop to this crap. Eighty year old blue haired old lady’s aren’t the ones committing these crimes.

    Profiling CREATES an opportunity for the terrorists.

    All the terrorist has to do is plant his bomb in the carry-on of an eighty year old blue hair lady and she walks right through with it.

    C’mon man… if you had spent more than 15 seconds thinking about this, it would have occurred to you.

  18. soundwash says:

    Greg Allen:

    I normally try very hard not do not engage in personal attacks on fellow DU posters, however i feel an exception must be made in your case.

    Either your a complete blind and blithering idiot, or you are one of the millions of CIA/Gov shills hired to push the global police state agenda as well as discredit the those who speak the “truth”. If you think Obama is any different than both bushes, & clinton your an idiot/gov shill. If you think Terrorism is actually “real” and not the product of carefully planned deception by the globalists, again, your an idiot/gov shill.

    While i think you are a buffoon whose only job is to confuse, deceive and discredit the truth, i nonetheless wholeheartedly support your right to speak your mind and opinion, no matter how idiotic and deceitful it may be.

    Look to those who Obama has surrounded himself with…and whom they were “mentored” by..

    while you ponder my attack…just what do you make of this most recent Executive order by your messiah to engage the Post Office in the delivery of “medical countermeasures” in the event of a biological attack.

    a small snippet from his last EO of the year (DEC 30)

    This policy would seek to: (1) mitigate illness and prevent death; (2) sustain critical infrastructure; and (3) complement and supplement State, local, territorial, and tribal government medical countermeasure distribution capacity.

    Sec. 2. United States Postal Service Delivery of Medical Countermeasures. (a) The U.S. Postal Service has the capacity for rapid residential delivery of medical countermeasures for self administration across all communities in the United States. The Federal Government shall pursue a national U.S. Postal Service medical countermeasures dispensing model to respond to a large-scale biological attack.

    IF you sniff around..you will find massive withdrawal of investments from almost all countries who host US aid or Military bases. -with the rush to get their monies out by Feb/2010

    (as an aside…i suggest people take a look at food/grain futures pricing for 2010..we are about to be hit with a shock in food prices and i don not think Uncle Sam is going to hide the fact like it did in 2009… the 2009 weather/floods have destroyed too much..we have almost zero reserves and 2010 weather will be even crazier. The solar system is passing through a “dust cloud” -this will create even more cloud cover and rain…none of which is good for crops)

    while this may appear to have much to do with nothing..

    Greg…your a very misguided individual. speak your mind as every American has a right to do, however i suggest you actually look at “real” historical facts and trends so you reduce the amount of times you have to pull your foot out of your ass..

    My apologies to the Op and DU team at large for my brash attack. But this guy is trying his hardest to destroy the fabric of our county and confuse the issues, one mind (or post) at a time. -and i cannot remain silent in this matter any longer.

    He may not give a crap about America, -but I still do.


  19. BigBoyBC says:

    Deaths from terrorism in the US = 2973 on Sept 11.

  20. Zybch says:

    And how many deaths did we have in 2009 due to terrorism? Hell, how many in 2002-2009?
    I can probably count the number on the fingers of one foot.

    Now, how many have died due to US terrorism in the same timeframe…

  21. Alex says:

    This girl is a boob… it isn’t racial, it is a religious ideology!


  22. TooManyPuppies says:

    Alternative, execute everyone that sets foot into an airport!

    Never again will we have to worry about people or airplanes!

    I fully back this plan and step forward to donate the first 5,000 rounds of .40S&W ammunition to get this plan rolling.

  23. Somebody says:


    “Hell… why not just strip search everyone who wants to board a plane?”

    Anything less would be profiling. We can’t have that. That would be bigotry. And as #17 points out profiling leaves predictable gaps that can be exploited by the terrorists. So we will in fact have to do cavity searches, sonograms and x-rays on every passenger. If you have any artificial parts, the risk will be too great to allow you to fly. In addition, it will be necessary for you to be nude and unconscious during the flight and probably hermetically sealed in a microbe-proof envelope. The up-side of this is that if passengers are bagged and hung on hooks, the cost per passenger mile can be reduced due to increased economies of scale. Needless to say, baggage of any sort will be out of the question and that will free up more space for more passengers further reducing costs.

  24. deowll says:

    “How many Americans died from terrorism?” I think that is actually a good question. I’m not finding any clear evidence that anyone knows. About 2700 on 9/11. Some weren’t Americans and some people suffered injuries and lived for? Then you have the Cole and other events.

    At Fort Hood I think 13 people died and 31 were wounded but there have been other shootings.

    Then you have the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber both of which failed.

    Sooner or later one of these guys won’t fail or they’ll just do what another suggested and haul an explosive across the border and set it off somewhere that will take out a fair number of people or spray a crowd with machine gun fire.

    I think the main reason we haven’t been hit at home is as long as we have troops in the middle east it’s easier to go after them.

  25. ECA says:

    gOOD points.

    IF they wanted it to happen, Terror would be to easy to make happen in the USA.
    EVEn the gov has stated it can NOT check incoming ports of incoming goods, better then 10%.

    THINK about 1 interesting FACT about our government. 99% of it ISNT ELECTED. ALL those persons up there GIVING information tot he president, WERE NOT ELECTED, and MOST have been there for many years.
    ANY business man will tell you…
    HE dont run the business, THOSE below HIM run it. He only tells them what to DO(maybe) and they get things DONE.
    AS with ANYONE, he only knows what he is TOLD..Just as a hamster in a cage, only knows what he is fed.
    I will bet that MOST of you dont even know HOW many times, the CORPS of the US have tried to kill the president..INCLUDING bush jr. GRAND FATHER..
    MOSt of you dont even know how PROGRAMMED you are.
    HOW many persons RAN for president?? 2? 4? 8? 20?
    only ones you SAW on TV??
    the ONES BACKED by corps??
    CORPS with lots of money??

    The SAME goes for your representatives, and congress and STATE governors..
    This has been going on for YEARS..

    Why not pick someone that hasnt ALL the money?? because you cant remember THEIR NAMES/FACES, as they ARNT on TV.

  26. deowll says:

    On profiling. I seem to recall that at Lockerbie the person who brought the bomb on board was the guy’s girlfriend and not a Muslim.

    I would also suggest that making things easy for these people could produce another 9/ll.

    One of those is enough.

  27. The Warden says:

    Again, Cherman exposes his ignorance. There is one country that profiles and does a pretty darn good job in keeping their planes safe. The US needs to stop being politically correct and start profiling. It works.

  28. Phydeau says:

    #24 I think the main reason we haven’t been hit at home is as long as we have troops in the middle east it’s easier to go after them.

    Lordy, what idiocy. The more wedding parties we accidentally blow up in Afghanistan or Iraq or Pakistan, the more likely it is that we’ll get some suicide bomber coming to America — the one whose family was wiped out in the wedding party “oopsie”.

    The more you clueless wingnuts babble about “crusades” in the middle east, the more wingnut muslims will want to come over here and blow something up.

    The more we muck around in these foreign countries fighting unwinnable wars, killing innocent civilians, the more likely it is we’ll get terrorists here.

    Lordy, the stupidity of the wingnut.

  29. gmknobl says:

    Gee, the anchor woman looks muslim to me. Maybe to the old general too.

  30. Cursor_ says:

    Let’s see.

    Caucasian, check
    Over 60, check
    Ex-Military so trained to be paranoid, check
    Makes more than 250k a year, check
    Is/was part of organisations that consult on security, check

    Yeah pretty much has all the requirements of a fearful, retaliatory, over-reactionary bonehead.

    Read more of this fine fellow in The Republic



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