So, would you spend / waste 20 bucks on this?

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  1. Uncle Don says:

    I was increasingly slack-jawed through it all — twice.

    WTF is right.

  2. Father says:

    Are we suppose to feel naked without guns?

    Are we suppose to feel weak if we aren’t out killing people every day?

    I guess the IDF has gone into the movie making business.

  3. scadragon says:

    I love it!

  4. SN says:

    Sometimes I have to wonder whether you have a brain, McCullough. Exactly why do you think that all movies should be “fun for the whole family”?! Do you really want to live in a world where all movies are G rated?

  5. SN says:

    3. “I love it!

    I have to admit, when it first started I thought it was some American bastardized version of the Professional. But it’s clearly not that. Despite the fact that Nicolas Cage is in it (and he used to be way cool in movies such as Red Rock West and Wild at Heart) I’d probably go see this. It’s gonna have to be better than the Spirit.

  6. honeyman says:

    Seems to be inspired by the Japanese obsession with death and schoolgirls.

  7. McCullough says:

    #4. Steve, when was it exactly that you lost your sense of humor?


  8. SN says:

    5. “Steve, when was it exactly that you lost your sense of humor?

    I could have asked you the exact same thing. That video is hilarious over the top with its violence and you criticized it because it was not family friendly?! That was the best you could come up with? Seriously?

  9. SN says:

    6. “Seems to be inspired by the Japanese obsession with death and schoolgirls.

    Is that praise or criticism?

  10. Unimatrix0 says:

    Wow…I guess Nick Cage HAS finally hit rock bottom.…I’m supposed to go see this because they have some 12 yr old actress saying “fuck” and “cunt” and killing people?. And incidentally, the word “cunt” will get this an NC-17 rating and probably won’t stay in the movie…actually…I don’t think this movie will even makes it to the theater.

  11. Igor says:

    looks awesomely funny

    btw: a cinema ticket costs 20 bucks in US?

  12. McCullough says:

    #8. Please Steve…..think of the children!


  13. Tomas says:

    #11. “btw: a cinema ticket costs 20 bucks in US?”

    Well you DO want to take your kid…Right? Right?

  14. Kick-Ass says:

    I actually have this story in comic book form, and it is brutal! Not for kids! But entertaining!

  15. Improbus says:

    You are just now learning about Kick-Ass? You guys are so behind the curve. I can hardly wait for this movie to come out. Trailer site.

  16. Mark T. says:

    Quenton Tarantino must be involved with this somehow.

    The actress was apparently born in 1997. She had to be 11 or 12 during filming. So, what parents would approve of their pre-teen daughter acting in this kind of film? Disturbing.

  17. Dallas says:

    Pretty bad. One minute was about the most I could take of that pos.

  18. Danalicht Munroe says:

    This is sick… and wrong.

  19. Tomas says:

    #17. Yeah…you would be talking about parents who would like to cash in on the kids……it’s not uncommon.

  20. thefreakytiki says:

    I remember when this website used to be about technology and was crawling with wonderful Geeks who knew other geek hobbies like comics!

    This has nothing to do with Quentin Tarintino or Japanese comics. The writer is Scottish Comic creator Mark Millar. he also had another one of his comic creations made into a movie… Wanted with Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman.

    C’mon guy, enough with the stodgy conspiracy theories with everything politics, come back the the Geek fold again. 😉

    the Tiki

  21. AdmFubar says:

    i wonder if they had Trey Parker and and Matt Stone and consultants for this movie.., if not i’ll bet they’ll do a live action southpark soon..

  22. John R Sacco says:

    Tra la la, la la la la
    Tra la la, la la la la

    Four banana, three banana, two banana, one
    All bananas playin’ in the bright warm sun.
    Flippin’ like a pancake, popping like a cork
    Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper an’ Snork!

  23. jccalhoun says:

    As others have said this is from a comic written by Mark Millar who, among other things, wrote the comic Wanted was based on.
    I read the first 2-3 issues of Kick Ass and then got bored. It was advertised as “what would happen if someone in the real world decided to become a superhero.” In reality it wasn’t. It was an over the top implausible comic. I’ve little interest in seeing this.

  24. raster says:

    Hmmmm, lesse what we got here:

    A big star, a precocious child lead, a nonsense plot (a pre-teen ninja, GENIUS!), an idiotic script (“I’m just fuckin’ with you dad.”, MAGIC!), excessive violence and foul language – what could possibly go wrong?

    Last Action Hero II, anyone?

  25. FRAGaLOT says:

    the pole needs an extra choice. “Download via torrent? for free, and save $20 in this barf bag economy.”

  26. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    I’m in!

  27. deowll says:

    I would have expected the thought police to have blocked this or at least give it a rating that means no profits. This not PG which seems to be the favorite location for films that make money.

    Actually the very few good G movies which are all aimed at kids seem to do very well at the box office. The entire family shows up to watch the thing and then the buy/rent the DVD.

  28. Angry says:


    Wha wha I miss cultural events…then go to a museum on your way to the mausoleum Gramps! HAR!

    The IDF do kick ass indeed but no need for the thinly-veiled weak argument about the “Jews owning Hollywood” and the movie industry. You need to wake up and see who owns Hollywood…

    Btw, what’s wrong with guns you limp-wristed old cunt? 😉

    Peace and Luv,

  29. Breetai says:

    Holy shit! My sides are hurting.

  30. bonkersrbrit says:

    Does she kill other children in this movie?
    I hope so.
    This is what happens when you give too much coke to kids. Keep em on smack I say. Ritalin just doesn’t work.


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