These comments say enough. By pundit Cliff May and former VP Cheney:

Step (1): Return all Gitmo detainees to Yemen.

Step (2): Use Predator missiles to strike the baggage-claim area 20 minutes after they arrive.

As I’ve watched the events of the last few days it is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war. He seems to think if he has a low key response to an attempt to blow up an airliner and kill hundreds of people, we won’t be at war. He seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won’t be at war. He seems to think if we bring the mastermind of 9/11 to New York, give him a lawyer and trial in civilian court, we won’t be at war.

Yeah, let’s torture (or kill, as May says) all the arrested suspects. Isn’t that what Hitler did?

And sure, Obama is pretending we’re not at war — that’s why he escalated both wars and has authorized multiple attacks in Pakistan.

And while this is happening, the House passes a bill that guarantees $4 trillions to the big banks. The GOP, supposedly being “conservative”, should be talking about it. But that’s not its message.

Its message is “ooh, he took 3 takes to answer”. The worst part is that their adored leader Bush took 6 days to answer the shoebomber incident.

  1. orizzle says:

    haha wishful thinking but totally not true!!! fail chargirl!!!

  2. Cherman says:

    #31, increasing the tax burden. If gov’t plans are so good, why force them on people?

    #35, nice argument.

  3. Anonymous says:

    OMG! You liberal fools will do ANYTHING to relive the days of JFK. Talk about burying your head in the sand.

    Just WHO do you think got the USA into Vietnam?! Here’s a hint: it wasn’t a republican!

    Just who do you think was in power when the Nazi’s declared war on the USA? Hint: it wasn’t a republican!

    Just who do you think was president when World War One broke out? Hint: it wasn’t a republican!

    Who do you think signed the act which brought the IRS into existence and started ILLEGALLY taxing American incomes? (READ the Constitution if you doubt it.) Hint: it wasn’t a republican!

    Just WHO do you think first started the Civil War?!!! Hint: Lincoln was the FIRST republican president which caused a certain opposing party to revolt (and loose)!

    What EVIDENCE do you stupid liberals need? Isn’t HISTORY enough?

  4. Thomas says:

    > Yeah, let’s torture (or
    > kill, as May says) all
    > the arrested suspects.
    > Isn’t that what Hitler did?

    These are not suspects in some ongoing criminal investigation. These are prisoners of war. The comparison to Hitler also fails. Hitler arrested more than people conducting war against him. He arrested people having absolutely nothing to do with the war but that he (or some other German official) personally disliked.

    > And sure, Obama
    > is pretending we’re
    > not at war

    He’s pretending that the war is only in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    > And while this is happening,
    > the House passes a bill
    > that guarantees $4
    > trillions to the big banks.
    > The GOP, supposedly being
    > “conservative”, should be
    > talking about it

    Loans that were also approved by Bush. Frankly, I have less of an issue (not “no” issue, “less” of an issue) with loans than I do with the ridiculous spending of the porkulus bill.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    “Progressives infiltrated the Republican party and harmed it greatly. Progressives in the Democratic party are harming it greatly. Progressives, in general, harm America greatly.” [Citation needed.]

    = = = = =

    Meanwhile, back on the Funny Farm, #39 Anonymous apparently believes that liberals are responsible for the Vietnam War, World War II, World War I, the Civil War and who knows what-all else. Perhaps all the ills of the world. It makes as much sense to blame it all on right-handed people or people with brown eyes. And who wouldn’t want to relive the days of JFK? The U.S. had the respect of the world, the economy was booming, taxes were coming down, science and technology were progressing by leaps and bounds, our President and First Lady looked sharp! What’s not to like?

    = = = = =

    # 3 deowll:
    “…the Republicans don’t even have a media outlet. […]”

    At first I was going to post part of a long rant by Keith Olbermann about whether conservatives have a voice in the media, until I noticed you didn’t say conservatives, but Republicans. There is some truth in what you say — no one seems to take Party Chairman Steele or anything he says seriously none of the many many other Republicans who speak publicly claim to speak for the whole party. The main problem with the GOP is it has been taken over by the people they used to exploit. (Shamelessly stolen from an article by, I think, Thomas Friedman.)

    Oh, what the heck, why waste a good rant? From Countdown with Keith Olbermann December 14, 2009:

    “And to paraphrase something from the web from several years ago, written by a fellow identifying himself as Bart-cop, if Mr. Beck disagrees or Mr. Goldberg disagrees or Mr. O‘Reilly disagrees or Mr. Breitbart disagrees, and they think they‘re being crushed under the weight of this vast left-wing media conspiracy, they can go on the Orly Tate‘s Limbaugh show, where Orly will insist conservatives have no voice in the media. Or go on the Sean Hannity show, where Sean will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on Cluster Fox and Friends, where Brian Kilmeade will insist conservatives have no voice in the media. Or go on Mike Huckabee‘s show, where Mike will insist conservatives have no voice in the media. Or go on G. Gordon Liddy‘s radio show, where G. will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on Michael Medved‘s show, where Michael will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on Mark Levin‘s high pitched radio show, where Mark will insist conservatives have no high pitched voice in the media.

    Or go on the Neil Boortz show, where Neil will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on the Lou Dobbs radio show, where Lou will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on the Laura Ingraham radio show, where Laura will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on the Neil Cavuto show, where Neil will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or go on the John Stossel show, where John will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get David Horowitz to write a column in which David will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Bill Kristol to write a column in which Bill will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Coulter-geist to write a column in which Coulter-geist will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Peggy Noonan to write a column in which Peggy will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Jonah Goldberg to write a column in which Jonah will insist his mom told him conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get John Fund to write a column in which John will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Brent Bozell to write a column in which Brent will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Cal Thomas to write a column in which Cal will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Charles Krauthammer to write a column in which Charles will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get George Will to write a column in which George will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Sarah Palin to post something somebody wrote for her on Facebook in which Sarah‘s ghost writer insists conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or get Matt Drudge to steal somebody else‘s column in which somebody else will insist conservatives have no voice in the media.

    Or pay Armstrong Williams cash to write a column in which Armstrong will insist conservatives have no voice in the media, and then he‘ll expense it.”


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