(AP) Health officials say swine flu was widespread in only four states last week, indicating the fall wave of illness is still declining.

Swine flu was widespread in seven states the previous week. Reported infections have been dropping since a peak in late October, when 48 states reported high levels of sickness.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the new data Thursday. The four states are Delaware, Maine, New Jersey and Virginia.

CDC officials say swine flu vaccine is increasingly easy to get, with more than 118 million doses now available. They say people should still get vaccinated because there could be another wave of infections this winter.

The good news, it seems most ‘thinking’ people saw this scam for what it was. I can’t say that for some of our readers, the deniers… you know who you are.

  1. steve says:

    Never let a good emergency go to waste.

  2. McCullough says:

    #3. Yah…whatever you say bobbo.

  3. Sigma says:

    Nearly everyone in my family has had the Swine flu already, none of us have died, and none of us needed the vaccine. Go figure.

  4. bobbo, a scholar of mob psychology says:

    #4–McCullough==was that YOU??? My comment was “generic” and relevant only to those who self select in.

    Heh, heh. I’m waiting to get even with Cherman who about 3 times now has said his completely inept comments were “humor.”

    Experience counts doesn’t it?

  5. jccalhoun says:

    I thought that the readers of this site were supposed to think that the swine flu vaccine was deadly and that the New World Order was using it to declare martial law?

  6. Mac Guy says:

    I suspect that this whole thing was a dry run for the next real pandemic.

  7. LDA says:

    #8 jccalhoun

    Did you? Never mind.

  8. RBG says:

    It’s just so great that people saw the epidemic coming and took healthy proactive steps. Like the AIDS epidemic that originally graphed to take us all out.


  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Can’t speak for anyone else, but every time I get a flu shot I get sick as a dog.

    And when I take a pass, I’m healthy as a horse.

  10. Eric_D says:

    Well, the thing is that the science didn’t really motivate the hysteria. It spread at the same rate, and killed fewer than regular influenza. It was different only in what age groups were most vulnerable.

  11. Rich says:

    Say what you want. You guys were’nt there for the 2 weeks my daughter was in ICU, clinging to life. You were’nt with the family of the kid in the adjacent room that died. You were’nt there to see the anquish in the face of the family in the room across the hall…their daughter’s organs failing.

  12. jescott418 says:

    Global warming, Swine Flu, gee you think the news media was just trying to create stories that were not there?

  13. thanos says:

    why do people always take the extreme position? Why can’t it be that both the swine flu is real, and the powers that be used the possible pandemic as a tool to expand their powers? Don’t let fear dictate your actions. I’d rather die than be a slave.

  14. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I didn’t get the vaccine but I still sleep with some pigs. http://bit.ly/4RIGqE

  15. amodedoma says:

    It’s all a swindle, all a scam. They’re all out to get your taxpayer money. Climate change, Swine flu, the Banks, the Generals, the Politicians, they’re all out screw over your lifestyle by picking away at what little you have. So go find a place to hide, dig a hole and bury your treasure, act like a paranoid little geek trembling in the dark, see if I care!

  16. Dallas says:

    I did not get vaccinated only because of my not at risk environment.

    However, I encourage people to follow the advice of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and not the CDR (Community of Dipshit Republicans ).

  17. Hornet52 says:

    Let me get this straight. The CDC says that swine flu is a problem, so go get vaccinated so we don’t have an epidemic. So we go get vaccinated, minus some anti-vaxxer nut-jobs, and weee look at that, no epidemic. Maybe it’s because so many got the vaccine and stopped the spread? Maybe that’s how polio and small pox aren’t problems in the US anymore. Or it could have been a giant scam right? Anti-vaccine a**holes got this kid killed http://northernstar.com.au/story/2009/03/12/whooping-cough-claims-life-of-Lennox-Head-infant/

  18. Phydeau says:

    Many thousands of people die each year from the regular flu. It’s a tragedy, but if someone you know die from the flu, it could have been the regular flu, not the swine flu. Unless they were specifically tested and it was determined to be H1N1.

  19. spheric says:

    Actually, the way the flu works, there’s usually only one dominant strain that almost entirely replaces the previous one.

    If you get a case of real influenza (not “Oh, Johnny’s not feeling well today; he’s got the flu. But he’ll be back on Wednesday”), then it’s very likely that it’s the “swine flu” H1N1.

    They’ve stopped testing, mostly, because it was only useful to determine the initial spread. Now that it’s clear that most cases of influenza are going to be H1N1, testing for it is just cost and effort that ties up laboratories that are put to better use.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Phydeau,

    This was a version of the regular flu. The problem is that it was new to most people and when it first appeared 10 months ago, it seemed to be a killer. It is.

    Yes, it is an epidemic. The people it killed were generally the younger and healthier. Those usually effected by the flu weren’t effected by H1N1.

    The expected flus have not appeared this year. All flu inhibit other flus from attaching themselves to cells. H1N1 either infected enough people and / or enough people got regular vaccinations to immunize them so other flus can not get a foothold.

    Very few people are tested for the specific type of flu. It is an expensive, time delayed procedure. Regardless of the specific type, the treatments remain the same so physicians have no need to test. Any field testing will only confirm it is the flu and which variety (A or B). Fatalities will usually be tested and that is how they arrive at the plus 10,000 number.

  21. qb says:

    Yup this is a pandemic, but thankfully a mild one. Why did it scare people? It infected children and youth. It is likely to mutate in unpredictable ways. The media. Wingnuts on both sides since they yell the loudest.

    A classmate of my son died from it. It was big news locally. It is a small school and shook everyone up. But I’m glad it was big news which means the death was rare.

    What can we learn? We seem to have only two responses to pandemics: none or critical. The response to it were poorly organized. Media and the general public have little medical and scientific so communication should be different. With 6.5 billion people on the planet you can bet that a serious pandemic will happen sooner than later. We should be learn from this one.

  22. Steve S says:

    sungkyu said,
    “People in public health constantly have to do measured risk analyses and responses. Everyone agrees that, yeah, if we had a zombie plague then extreme measures (ie. quarantine) would be sanctioned.”
    Zombie Plague?
    Zombie Plague???
    No one mentioned this before!
    Oh crap! Now I have to worry about a Zombie Plague!!
    I knew this was coming eventually! All of my friends and family thought I was crazy to be concerned about zombies. Now who looks crazy! Good thing I watched all those zombie movies and read all those zombie books.
    Hmmph Call me crazy. We’ll see who is best prepared for this.
    Oh yea.
    Bring it on!
    Stinkin Zombies!

  23. jccalhoun says:

    So the CDC tells people that this is serious and they should get the vaccine, and make sure to wash their hands frequently, and cover their mouths when they cough. People do it and there’s no big flu pandemic. So people accuse them of fear mongering.
    On the other hand they don’t do these things and there is a big problem and the same people accuse them of not doing enough.
    Damned if they do. Damned if they don’t.

  24. Skeptic says:

    Re:#32, Hmmm, I inadvertently deleted the first sentence.

    It should have started something like….”I regard the H1N1 event as an experiment of population control on a worldwide scale.”

  25. Ben_Franklinov says:

    To Spheric #21:

    I nearly died – came within about a half hour if I hadn’t gotten to the ER in time – of dying from some kind of virus they STILL don’t know what it was. I’m glad you survived, but just because you were so sick doesn’t mean that the Swine flu was anything but a giant scam. We all get sick sometimes, and sometimes we die – an individual reaction doesn’t constitute an epidemic, nor is it something we should be vaccinated for.

    And for those who say they’ve noticed themselves or others getting sick right after getting a flu shot, I have observed the same thing among my now deceased mother and her elderly friends. They would all religiously get the flu vaccine every year, and then they’d get really sick right after. My mother was hospitalized once. The flu vaccine is a load of crap.

  26. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: pedro

    per #29

    pedro, your response to #27 was over the top even for you.

    pedro, you are a vile, little critic filled with piss and vinegar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Derek says:

    Question to the believers… Do you honestly believe that enough people in Mexico got vaccinated to stop an epidemic? The simple answer to that is no. This was never a major threat to any population world wide. Maybe to some few target people, but most of the population of the world were never at risk. Whenever the government tells you “Do this to prevent a massive catastrophe!”, it’s completely political and you are being used.

  28. deowll says:

    I’m a denier. I didn’t believe the lame media and checked the numbers out of Mexico when the alarmist first started screaming. Turned out less than one in a thousand reported cases was fatal based on the number they were nice enough to publish and according to the Mexicans most cases weren’t reported.

    I then did some more reading and found out that most old farts already had some degree of immunity especially if they’d been taking regular flu shots for some years. It’s the younger people that seem to be at the most risk.

    I didn’t take the shot and while I work with kids so far so good.

    I’m going to keep right on checking what the lame media and the Marxist politicians say. They edit the news and most of them regard the truth as being completely relative: what ever serves their purpose at the moment.

    As for the holocaust. I talked to some former GIs that were there when the camps were taken and looked at some of their pictures. I believe them but then truth was never relative to them. You could trust those guys with your life.

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    “Them collidge boyz think ther so smart! Ther awl a-lyin to yez… Why, fer awl yew know, we maht not even be speakin English! They maht have secretly bin teachin us Chinese our entire lives! ‘At’d be jist lahk ’em!”



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